It's all the audience's own guesses. Although the news media want to get involved, the authority of their speeches does not allow them to post on the headlines about the direction of social fishing reels.

"Shocked, Yufan Company personally admitted that there is still a sequel to "Resident Evil", and in the next year, they will focus their work on variety shows."

"Resident Evil is exactly what the audience thinks.

The sequel, and director Ye Fan also confirmed this statement on the official Weibo of Yufan Company, which means that the second part of "Resident Evil" will meet the audience sooner or later."

"Is this a kind of attraction for the audience? Director Ye Fan first affirmed the existence of the second "Resident Evil", and explained that he would meet everyone, and then said that the focus of his work in the second half of the year will be on variety shows."

"This Weibo message released by Director Ye Fan not only affirms the existence of the sequel to Resident Evil, but also shows his determination to enter the variety show market."


After the news media released Weibo, many viewers paid attention to it and made comments on the Internet one after another.

Similarly, on the official Weibo of Yufan Company, there are a lot of comments below this Weibo.

"Sure enough, "Resident Evil" has a second part."

"It's going to take a long time for the second film, Resident Evil, to come out."

"This is very uncomfortable, I know that there is a second part of Resident Evil and it will be filmed, but I don't know when it will be released, and Director Ye has to focus on variety shows at this time. "

"Wouldn't it be better to just shoot the second part of Resident Evil, if you have to do a variety show, I really don't understand you, Director Ye."

"It's better not to post this Weibo post, Director Ye, it's obviously hanging us, and telling us, and not letting us see it, is very uncomfortable."


After the audience saw this Weibo, not only did not ease the previous protest, but intensified the audience's protest.

Now there are people in the audience who think that Ye Fan is trying to whet their appetite. First, he confirmed on Weibo that there is a second part of "Resident Evil" and it will be filmed, and then he said that he should concentrate on shooting variety shows.

For this, industry insiders expressed their sympathy for the audience, because they saw Ye Fan's Weibo and could feel Ye Fan's intentions.

"Director Ye is playing very well. First, he explained that the second part of "Resident Evil" will be released to attract the attention of the audience, and then he will explain that he will specialize in shooting variety shows."

"This will hang the audience and make them have to watch variety shows, and while watching variety shows, wait for the release time of "Resident Evil"."

"However, this method may not be effective for all audiences. It may have some effect in the early stage, but once there are two more variety shows, the audience will definitely not be able to persist and will give up their attention to Ye Fan."

"In the end, the result is the same, but the process is different. There is no difference. As long as Ye Fan wades into this muddy water, it will be difficult to get the attention of the audience."


People in the industry made their own evaluations and opinions on Ye Fan's Weibo. After thinking about it, they did not think that Ye Fan could use this method to change the final outcome.

As for the comments on the Internet and the opinions of people in the industry, Ye Fan did not know, and at this time he was immersed in the creation of the script.

And while Ye Fan was writing the script, time passed very quickly.

Five days passed quickly, and Ye Fan's variety show script was completed.

"Notify all the actors that the show will start the day after tomorrow. This Saturday, the first variety show will be shown, and the related publicity work can be implemented after the show starts!"

After editing, Ye Fan sent this message to Wang Huahua

Chapter 1 Are you watching jokes? (5/[-] for subscription)

Yufan's Weibo, which was fermented on the Internet for five days, was also discussed by the directors of the variety show circle.

"This Ye Fan, last time he said he came to shoot a variety show, he was sprayed like that... This time he dared to come, tell me what he thinks"

"He probably really thought he could turn around the variety show, the current situation"

"Don't make trouble, if you want me to say, there is only one person who can reverse the situation of variety shows, Zhang Tong, I don't believe anyone except him."

"Zhang Tong is really amazing. If it wasn't for him to navigate the variety show circle in the past two years, it might be really bad."

"But Zhang Tong has a bad temper. I don't know what kind of reaction he will have when he sees Ye Fan's Weibo this time."


The directors in the variety show circle commented on Ye Fan's Weibo and said a person's name.

Zhang Tong became a variety show director two years ago. From his debut to the present, the variety show he created has attracted the attention of many people in the entire variety show circle.

Because his variety shows are unique and peculiar, and some people like his style very much, and after nearly two years of development, they are getting better and better in the variety show circle, and the audience is gradually increasing.

Because of this, people in the industry think that only he can lead the variety show and stand in front of the audience again. After all, he has been tested by the market and the audience for two years and has not fallen.

And Ye Fan, a director in the film industry, can't help the variety show industry at all, he will only destroy it when he comes.

Zhang Tong also had the same idea at this time. He thought that if Ye Fan wanted to enter the variety show circle, it would obviously ruin his efforts in the past two years.

Zhang Tong didn't want to see this kind of thing.

At this time, at home, he repeatedly watched the content of Ye Fan's Weibo, and after reading it three times, he was sure that Ye Fan was determined to come to the variety show circle.

"Since this is the case, then I can only click on you on Weibo, I hope you can retreat."

Muttering in his mouth, Zhang Tong switched the Weibo page to the location for sending Weibo, clicked on the blank area, and entered a paragraph of text.

"Although the variety show industry is in a downturn, it has not fallen to the point where it needs a movie director to save it. I hope that this director of the movie industry will not come to destroy our variety show circle."

After editing, click the send button to send this Weibo.

And because Ye Fan is going to enter the variety show circle, the news media is also very concerned about the directors in the variety show circle, hoping to see how the directors react.

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