Luo Xiaozhu himself is very good at being funny and has a strong sense of variety. This is one of the reasons why Ye Fan chose him, and also to strive to create the original cast.

And Zhang Yixing next to him has similarities with Di Lieba. Both of them, as artists of media companies, naturally have to obey the company's arrangements.

I found Ye Fan's variety show because he likes Ye Fan's movies very much, and hopes that by participating in this variety show, he can also participate in Ye Fan's movies one day.

With such a mood, he got his wish and was selected by Ye Fan.

The two walked along the red carpet to the camera and greeted Ye Fan at the same time.

"Good guide Ye."

"Director Ye, I like your movies very much."

After finishing speaking, he nodded and smiled at Di Ali Gerba as a greeting.

Hearing the words of the two, Ye Fan nodded, stepped forward to shake hands with the two, and said.

"We can start today's shooting when the remaining three arrive, and when they arrive, I will also explain in detail what we need to do today."

Hearing Ye Fan's words, the three of them nodded in response at the same time, then while waiting for the others to arrive, they chatted and got acquainted with each other.

At this time, Ye Fan took out his mobile phone and pulled the resident guests of this variety show to a WeChat group.

Since on the day when the permanent guests were confirmed, several actors had added WeChat to each other to know each other, so after a few small chats, they were already familiar with each other.

After waiting for three or two minutes, the other three arrived one after another.

The three of them are Lei Jiayin, Yue Yunpeng, and Wang Xun. After the three of them arrived, they briefly introduced themselves to the camera and started recording today's variety show.

"Our variety show is called "Challenge the Limit", and its meaning is very simple, it is to spread positive energy and start from small things."

Ye Fan briefly narrated the name and meaning of the variety show.

Hearing this name, the remaining six resident guests couldn't help but nodded and praised.

"Ye Dao's idea is very good, we really need to pass some positive energy through the show."

Luo Xiaozhu said with a smile on his face and praised it.

"Indeed, Ye Dao's idea is very good."

Zhang Yixing clapped his hands and said.

Hearing the praise of the two, Ye Fan was speechless, but continued to speak.

"The theme of our first program today is environmental protection. Since we have to talk about garbage, our first game session today is related to garbage."

"What kind of game will this have to do with garbage?"

Di Lieba frowned slightly, and asked forbearance.

And Ye Fan's next words responded to Di Lieba's question.

"I believe that everyone came here today. After a long journey, they are also a little tired. Today we will take a boat and go to the other side of the river. The three boats are corresponding to three kinds of food. Let's mix them into three groups and choose the food one by one."

"This variety show is good, there is something to eat as soon as I come here."

"I feel like it's not that simple and it's possible that after getting on board, there are other things going to happen.


"in spite of

That's all, let's go in groups of three."

"Okay, let's go together as a group."


After hearing Ye Fan's words, the people present were divided into three groups according to the order of entry, and the remaining group was Di Lieba and Ye Fan.

Seeing this group, Di Ali Gerba was very satisfied. When she heard the group, she wanted to directly choose Ye Fan and join him, but because there were too many people, she couldn't say it directly, it seemed too reserved.

With this in mind, she moved to Ye Fan's side.

Then the three groups began to choose food pictures.

Because of this group, the Lei family chose the food called Seafood Party without thinking about it.

Among the three 3 foods, this food is the most luxurious, followed by the claypot rice chosen by Luo Xiaozhu.

He always felt that this matter was not so simple, so he did not choose the best or the worst, but chose between the two.

After the two teams have been selected, there is only one left, Hamburg.

For a senior foodie, getting a hamburger from these three ingredients made Di Ali Gerba a little broken.

But when she thought of eating with Ye Fan, the negative energy in her heart dissipated instantly.

After the selection is complete, the three groups of people board the ship in turn.

The three boats correspond to different sizes because of the price of food.

The seafood party corresponds to a luxury ship, the claypot rice corresponds to a medium-sized passenger ship, and because Ye Fan and Di Lieba got the cheapest burgers, they could only take a small fishing boat.

After getting on the boat one after another, the Lei family couldn't help laughing when they saw Ye Fan and Di Lieba's boat.

"Wow, you are so pitiful, not only can't you eat, but even the boat is the same and the smallest."

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