At this moment, Ye Fan logged into the company's official WeChat account on the computer and posted a message on it.

"Tomorrow, the second phase of "Challenge the Limit" officially starts, please see you on Mango TV on Saturday night."

After the sending was completed, Ye Fan turned off the computer, got up and walked towards the house. Since the shooting location for tomorrow is not in the Shanghai market, Ye Fan needs to go home to pack some things and leave tonight.

After walking out of the Pearl Tower and coming to the parking lot, Ye Fan drove his car towards his home.

At the same time, the official Weibo sent by Ye Fan was also on the Internet, detonating the audience.

"It will be officially launched tomorrow, and I'm really looking forward to hearing it. There are still four days left, so I can't wait."

"Finally, the launch news is released, otherwise I think I won't be able to see director Ye Fan's variety show this week."

"Then our guesses today are all true. The back goddess is also a female guest invited by Ye Fan to participate in "Challenge the Limit"."

"Definitely yes, otherwise why would you appear in the Pearl Tower today and even enter the Yufan Company, I just don't know who this young lady is."

"I think it is very likely to be a popular domestic star"

"Upstairs, can you tell me something you don't know?"


The audience was very excited about the news of Ye Fan's announcement on the Internet, because after four days, they can see Ye Fan's second variety show again, which is something worth looking forward to for the audience.

And at this moment, a bar owner conducted a poll in a post bar.

The title of the poll is.

"Ye Fan, who you prefer to make movies, faced this vote, and the audience of Tieba had a strong interest, and they were all actively voting, and they commented and left a message below.

"Comparatively speaking, I like the current director very much, and the variety shows I shoot are really good, maybe because I haven't seen Director Ye's movies."

"Director Ye's movies are still good after all, although the variety shows are not bad, because I can only vote for one, so I have to choose the movie."

"Of course, the variety shows are good-looking. I believe everyone can see the quality of Director Ye's variety shows, and the variety shows are updated once a week, and the duration is also two hours. Is there any difference with the movie? So I put this vote on On variety shows."

"Upstairs, I think there is something wrong with what you said. Variety shows are variety shows, and movies are movies. The two should not be confused. Because I am a movie lover, I will vote for the movie."

"To be reasonable, there is actually a problem with this voting option. It is obviously missing an option that both likes. Do you have to make a choice?"

"The one above makes sense. I do like Director Ye's movies, and I also like the variety shows filmed by Director Ye. They are very interesting, so there is no need to choose this way."


Faced with the choice of this vote, the audience showed some entanglement, and some people even wanted to choose both, but there was no such option, so many audiences did not vote.

After seeing the comments from the audience, the bar owner who held the vote changed the voting options slightly and republished this post.

"It's a lot better now. If I like both, I won't be so entangled."

"Indeed, after the master changed, this post looked like that."

"I have to say that director Ye Fan's ability is really strong, and he can handle movies and variety shows."

"Director Ye's films are of really high quality, but the variety shows are not bad. I like them very much. Lord, this option is very humane. The last option is a bit anti-human!"

"Well, the Lord knows that mistakes can be corrected, good things are great, good things."


In just half an hour after this post was republished, [-] people participated in the voting.

And the result of the vote, people couldn't help but be amazed, because after the new option was given, it was obvious that the audience voted for both.

All the viewers who voted chose this option.

This is the image of Ye Fan in the eyes of the audience, and the audience also recognized Ye Fan's entry into the variety show circle, because the quality of the variety show directed by Ye Fan really has nothing to say.

Not only in the first issue, but also in defeating well-known directors in the circle, the key is to let more people pay attention to variety shows.

Therefore, domestic variety shows are showing a slow improvement.

This shows that Ye Fan has made a great contribution to the variety show circle.

Although industry insiders in the variety show circle can see it, they don't want to admit this fact. After all, when this kind of situation occurs in variety shows, they didn't make changes when they were there. Make them very embarrassed.

Therefore, the attitude towards Ye Fan is the same, and we all hope that Ye Fan will collapse in the second episode of the show.

At the same time, some directors have begun to imitate Ye Fan's variety show, opening a new variety show, and abandoning the previous variety show form.

The domestic variety show circle, because of Ye Fan's entry, is undergoing a quiet change, and directors who accept this change not far away will eventually be eliminated from the variety show circle.

because they cannot adapt to changes in the environment

Chapter 1 Reba's Expectation (5/[-] for subscription)

Ye Fan didn't know anything about voting in the post bar.

At this time, Ye Fan had just returned home and was about to pack his things when he heard a rapid ringing of his mobile phone.

Taking out the mobile phone from his pocket, Ye Fan saw the caller ID on the mobile phone, it was Di Lieba calling, then pressed the answer button and said.

"Hey, Reba, what's the matter?"

Hearing Ye Fan's voice, Reba on the other side of the phone spoke quickly.

"Isn't it about to start filming the second phase of "Challenge the Limit" tomorrow? Huahua told me the shooting location. I think I have to leave tonight. Do you want to go with me?"

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