"It's so obvious, this person is so low, and my sister-in-law is so tall."

"Why do I always feel that this figure has been seen before? It's so familiar."

"I think you're tired. You've seen everyone. Hurry up and work. The boss will be scolded again when he sees us chatting here."


After a brief exchange, the waiters in the restaurant scattered and started to go their separate ways.

At this time, Chen Qiaoan had already walked into the small private room, walked towards the opposite side of Ye Fan, and sat down:.

"Hello, sorry for being late."

After sitting down, Chen Qiaoan said while taking off his sunglasses, mask and hat.

Because she had already seen four dishes on the table, and she hadn't moved.

"It's okay, this dish has just been served, I can only say that you came at the right time."

Hearing Chen Qiaoan's words, Ye Fan waved his hand and said.

"Come on, try the food here, how does it taste."

"it is good."

In response to Ye Fan's cry, the two picked up the bowls and chopsticks in front of them at the same time and ate.

"Yes, the food here is delicious. It's a real treat to have such a restaurant near your company."

After tasting a bite of the dish, Chen Qiaoan's eyes lit up, he nodded and said, complimenting the dishes of this restaurant without hesitation.

"Indeed, the business of this restaurant is very hot. I haven't been here for half an hour before this dish is ready."

Hearing Chen Qiaoan's praise, Ye Fan responded.

"By the way, you are not in a hurry to find me. I thought you had already left the Shanghai market."

"No, I'll stay here for a few more days."

After hearing Ye Fan's questioning, Chen Qiaoan swallowed the food in his mouth and responded.

"I heard that you're going to do something innovative for the third episode of "Challenge the Limit","

"Well, yes, I plan to use the live broadcast format to film variety shows."

While eating, Ye Fan responded to her question without thinking too much.

"Then have you heard about live broadcasting? It has just emerged in the past two years. Very few people set foot on this thing, let alone put it on the shooting of variety shows."

Chapter 1: Extreme Challenge Phase 5 ([-]/[-] for subscription)

While speaking, Chen Qiaoan stopped what he was doing and waited for Ye Fan to respond.

"Understanding Live"

Ye Fan said subconsciously.

Ye Fan is no stranger to live broadcast. In his previous life, there were many live broadcast platforms, and the live broadcast industry was also very developed. He became an anchor and became the idea of ​​young people today.

But the world's live broadcast is far less popular, and many people don't even know about live broadcast.

Seeing Ye Fan's appearance, Chen Qiaoan knew that he didn't know much about live broadcasting.

"Actually, the live recording of variety shows will cause a great burden to the guests, because during the live broadcast, you must not be in the cold, and you can't be as relaxed and comfortable as when there is no live broadcast."

Hearing Chen Qiaoan's words, Ye Fan nodded.

This is indeed the case, is there... In the live broadcast, the requirements and tests for the guests are definitely different.

But the form of live broadcast can be well combined with shooting variety shows.

With this thought in mind, Ye Fan did not open his mouth to express his opinion, but motioned Chen Qiaoan to continue.

Seeing this, Chen Qiaoan pursed his lips and continued.

"In this case, there may be no special guests, only your few permanent guests."

"Over time, 'Challenge the Limit' will be tired of watching by the audience. After all, a large part of the highlights of variety shows are on special guests."

Chen Qiaoan expressed his inner thoughts and looked at Ye Fan with anticipation.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan's corners were slightly upturned.

It turned out that I was in a hurry, just to persuade me to give up the live broadcast of variety shows.

Luckily, it was just that, nothing major happened.

With this thought in his heart, Ye Fan felt fortunate and said.

"I have thought of all these, so the third episode will not invite guests, just a few of us, to experiment with this recording method."

"If it fails, we can drop this approach."

Although he said so, Ye Fan knew that he would not fail.

"Why do you have to wait until you fail to pay attention? By then, it may be too late to remedy the situation."

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