"Okay, then I'll recommend a variety show to you now. This episode is looking for female guests. I think you are very suitable, and the shooting time of this variety show will arrive soon."

She was listening to Chen Qiaoan's words, when she heard this, Tang Yan's eyes lit up.

I really want what to come, just in time for the rain.

Thinking like this in her heart, Tang Yan said in response.

"Then tell me quickly, what is the name of this variety show."

""Challenge the Limit", it's the fourth issue that should start to be filmed."

Hearing Tang Yan's inquiry, Chen Qiaoan responded.

I knew that you would definitely ask me, and it seems that it is safe to recommend you to Director Ye Fan.

In this way, I have a reason to contact Ye Fan again.

With this thought in mind, the smile on Chen Qiaoan's face grew stronger.

""Challenge the Limit" Ye Fan..."

After hearing Chen Qiaoan's words, Tang Yan didn't have a very surprised expression, but couldn't help but frowned and asked.

When Chen Qiaoan saw this, the smile on his small face gradually dissipated, and he responded subconsciously.

"Yes, it's Ye Fan's..., the one I participated in before..."

"His variety show is now standing on the cusp of fishing reels. If you go to participate now, the audience will lead the rhythm."

As she spoke, Tang Yan shook her head. She paid attention to what happened on the Internet in "Challenge the Limit" in the past two days. She knew that online audiences were now having great opinions on this variety show.

"How is it possible that I don't know"

"That's probably because you didn't pay attention to what was happening online when you were at home."

Hearing Chen Qiaoan's words, Tang Yan waved her hand and responded.

I thought it was a good way to do it. It seems that I still have to honestly shoot an advertising endorsement.

Thinking like this, Tang Yan picked up the bowl and chopsticks in front of her, sighed, and started eating.

After hearing Tang Yan's words at this time, Chen Qiaoan sat opposite her with a stunned expression.

It's all my fault for this kind of thing to happen at home, but even if the show "Challenge the Limit" is criticized by the audience, its quality is online.

With this thought in mind, Chen Qiaoan reacted with a positive expression, and continued to speak.

"What does it matter? The variety show "Challenge the Limit" is really interesting, and the quality is online. Anyway, you don't like to shoot commercial endorsements. Isn't this a good opportunity now?"

While talking, she looked at Tang Yan who was eating.

But when she heard Chen Qiaoan's words, Tang Yan didn't respond immediately, she hesitated.

Just as Chen Qiaoan said, she really doesn't like to shoot these two commercial endorsements.

For her, "Challenge the Limit" does not contradict her, and she is even a little curious, but now online audiences are not very friendly to this show.

Thinking like this in her heart, Tang Yan was a little tangled and didn't know how to choose.

When Chen Qiaoan saw this, she could clearly see her hesitation, and hurriedly spoke again.

"The variety show "Challenge the Limit" is really good. I only recommend it to you because I have participated in it."

"If you participate, then this variety show will be your first show. Think about it, there will be many favorite audiences watching because they are very curious, and this show will also increase your exposure!"


Chapter 2 Reba's Inquiry (5/[-] for subscription)

Hearing Chen Qiaoan say this, Tang Yan's eyes rolled.

Indeed, as she said, if I participate, it will be my first variety show debut, and the platform "Challenge the Limit" is not bad.

After all, many basic audiences are thinking about it, and Tang Yan no longer has those prejudices about "Challenge the Limit" at this time.

At the same time, Chen Qiaoan was still talking.

"Isn't it more fun to take part in "Challenge the Limit" than to shoot a commercial endorsement that you don't like, don't you think?"

"Then I'll try it out, but they're all recorded live. I'm afraid it won't work out."

"I don't think you need to worry about this at all."

Knowing that Tang Yan would raise this question, Chen Qiaoan had long thought of it and responded.

"Actually, the live broadcast is the same as no live broadcast, and it won't let you rush to the game venue alone. During the filming process, everyone is together, and the resident guests will naturally not be in the cold."

After hearing Chen Qiaoan's explanation this time, Tang Yan's worries have all disappeared, and a smile finally appeared on her little face.

"Well, you can reply to Director Ye Fan and give him my mobile phone number. When the recording starts, just contact me."

Since there are no worries, Tang Yan naturally has no reason not to agree.

"Okay, I'll tell Director Ye Fan now, and you should also contact your agent."

After speaking, Chen Qiaoan took out the phone, unlocked it, found Ye Fan's WeChat, and sent him a message.

"Director Ye, I have already found someone here for you, and I have already agreed that the day before you shoot, just send her the address."

After the sending, Chen Qiaoan put the phone aside and saw that Tang Yan was contacting her agent.

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