And just when Yu Xiaomei sighed, a cell phone rang.

After hearing this voice, Yu Xiaomei picked up her phone from the table, opened WeChat, and her eyes widened when she saw the name of the person who came in the message.

The message was sent by Zhao Liying, and the content of the message was:

"Xiaomei, do you have time? A very important friend of mine made a web drama and wanted you to see if it can be shown on your website."

"And from the start of filming to the completion of this drama, I was on the scene and participated in the whole process."

"This show is really good."

Looking at the long message from Zhao Liying, Yu Xiaomei seemed to see hope.

Before Zhao Liying moved, Yu Xiaomei was her neighbor. The two had a very good relationship. As long as they had time, they would make an appointment for dinner.

Even if Zhao Liying moved later, the two would still find time to go out to meet and go shopping or something.

After reading the news, Yu Xiaomei replied to Zhao Liying.

"I have time now. You can send the promotional video and introduction to my email."

Coincidentally, Yu Xiaomei has not opened for so long, Zhao Liying's news is undoubtedly a help in the snow!

After sending the message, Yu Xiaomei stood guard in front of the computer.


Following the sound of a prompt sound, Yu Xiaomei hurriedly opened her mailbox, looked at the compressed package file sent by Zhao Liying, and then clicked Save As to save it on the desktop.

After saving, unzip the compressed package, and extract two files, one is a two-and-a-half-minute promotional video, and the other is an introduction to the online drama.

Before the opening, Yu Xiaomei was looking forward to it. After all, Zhao Liying just said that this drama was directed by a very important friend of hers.

And from the preparations to the finalization, she was on the scene.

This proves that the quality of this online drama is there. She believes that Zhao Liying will definitely guide her during the production of the film.

With this in mind, she clicked on the introduction document of the show.

After opening it, she, who was a little happy, frowned after seeing the name of the play.

"To Our Simple Little Beauty"?

This is obviously a youth campus drama!

And it's a web drama.

The director has never met?

What's the difference between that and the ones I see on the backstage?

With this in mind, Yu Xiaomei was about to close this document directly.

Because she couldn't accept this kind of youth campus-themed web drama that didn't change much.

It is irresponsible to the audience to sign this kind of web drama casually.

But when her mouse was already on the close button, she was a little confused, after all, this was recommended by Zhao Liying.

"Forget it, let's take a look. If you don't read it, you can't find a reason to reject her."

After talking to herself, Yu Xiaomei finally suppressed her thoughts and started watching the introduction of the show.

After reading the introduction, Yu Xiaomei didn't see those bloody plots of abortion and amnesia, but this drama is a sweet to the end.

This is like a brand new interpretation in front of Xiaomei.

It made her feel very interesting, and she admitted that she just made a speech too early, and now she is a little lucky, but fortunately she didn't skip it directly, otherwise she would not be able to see such an interesting drama.

After reading the introduction, she started watching the promo.

As soon as the promotional video opened, Yu Xiaomei watched it with all her attention.

She is now looking forward to this web drama more and more in her heart.

After watching the promotional video, Yu Xiaomei nodded again and again, she thought the filming of this web drama was very good.

Then he started to contact Zhao Liying, took the phone in his hand, and edited a message.

"There's no problem with this show, it can be shown on Penguin Films, please tell the director..."

"Forget it, why don't you give me the director's cell phone number and I'll tell him personally."

"Okay, I'll send you his phone number right now."

After seeing Yu Xiaomei's words, Zhao Liying sent Ye Fan's mobile phone number.

This book is provided by Feilu Novel Network.

Chapter 5 The Shocked Manager (5/[-] for collection..

After receiving Ye Fan's phone number, Yu Xiaomei didn't call immediately, but walked towards the manager's office with the information about the web drama in her hand.

On the way to the manager's office, Yu Xiaomei believes that as long as the show can be signed and promoted, it will get a high rating.

With this in mind, Yu Xiaomei walked to the door of the manager's office.


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