After saying this, Meng Tianlin shook his head, and the smile on the corner of his mouth lifted again.

If I wasn't sure, I definitely wouldn't invite you tomorrow's ratings on Weibo.

Who doesn't know that you, Ye Fan, are a schedule overlord.

But when your variety show is online, there are few other variety shows online, after all, the audience's eyes are already on your variety show.

And I chose to show my variety show on Monday, just to compete with you, Ye Fan, on Sunday's ratings.

And after the 3rd episode of your show was over, it was my best time. How could I not grasp it? The more I thought about it, the more Meng Tianlin felt that he was very smart.

After briefly watching the audience's comments, Meng Tianlin closed Weibo and opened the mobile webpage to watch the news headlines.

While he was watching the news headlines, his wife came out of the room, walked quietly behind him, and suddenly screamed.


Originally, he wanted to scare Meng Tianlin.

But after the shouting, Meng Tianlin was not frightened, but looked at the mobile phone in front of him with a livid face.

Because he saw a lot of content on the news headlines at this time, all of which were about the ratings duel between him and Ye Fan tomorrow. It was his self-awareness, and the victory that he only achieved by using tactics.

Obviously, the news headlines are not surprised that he can win the duel in the ratings tomorrow, but make a clear comment on the method he used.

"These news media are idle and have nothing to do every day, and they are full to support themselves. Regarding the ratings of tomorrow, wouldn't it be fine if I just win? Is it necessary to pay attention to the process?"

As he spoke, Meng Tianlin's face was particularly ugly.

He didn't want viewers and the news media to say it online because even he knew the method he was using was disgraceful.

"Lao Meng, I don't think you need to care about what these people say, you just need to be yourself."

Seeing Lao Meng's face ashen, his wife couldn't help but said comfortingly.

Although he likes Ye Fan's variety shows very much, relatively speaking, Meng Tianlin is her husband, so at critical moments, she still prefers Meng Tianlin, no matter what.

Meng Tianlin's ranking on the ratings list this Sunday, results.

When he heard his wife's words, Meng Tianlin's complexion improved a lot, he pondered, nodded slowly, and said.

"Okay dear, I know what I'm going to do, don't worry, I won't have this situation again in the future."

Seeing this, the wife nodded in relief

Chapter 4 You Really Hate (5/[-] For Subscription)

On the other side, Ye Fan woke up from his sleep at this time.

Looking at the gentle sunlight shining in from the window and beside the bed, I couldn't help but yawn.

There is a feeling of laziness all over the body.

He doesn't care about the ratings results that will be produced today.

Because he knows that the ratings of this show will only increase from one episode to the next, and there will be no decline unless the director changes, people.

And this kind of thing, Ye Fan does not allow them to appear.

"Why do you wake up so early every time? Every time I open my eyes, I can see that you have already sat up. Is the alarm clock set?"

Just when Ye Fan was thinking, he heard Di Ali Gerba's words ringing beside him.

"Do you know why I wake up so early every day?"

Ye Fan asked whether the corners of his mouth would be upturned, and with a gentle smile on his face.

And hearing Ye Fan's words, Di Lieba couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Why did I wake up so early? Isn't that the question I asked just now? Thinking like this, Di Lieba subconsciously shook her head, indicating that she didn't know the reason for what Ye Fan said.

When Ye Fan saw this, the gentle smile on his face did not diminish, instead he spoke patiently.

"Because I want you to see me when you wake up every day."

"You're so naughty."

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Di Lieba subconsciously responded.

This sentence is very pleasant to Di Ali Gerba.

Because before Ye Fan, she was used to going to bed and waking up late every night, which led to a period of time when her skin was very poor.

But at that time, she didn't care about these Di Ali Gerba, she thought she didn't have a boyfriend, so she didn't need to pay attention to these things, and called her a confidant.

Now that Ye Fan suddenly said this sentence, he felt that a huge warm current passed through his heart, and flowed along his limbs to every corner of his body.

Let Di Ali Gerba feel a warm feeling at this time.

"Do you know why I wake up so earlier than you every day?"

Just when Di Lieba was intoxicated with Ye Fan's last sentence, she heard another question from Ye Fan.

And after hearing this questioning voice, the expression on Di Lieba's face did not change, but froze in place.

Didn't this question have been asked just now? Could it be that Ye Fan forgot his memory as soon as he finished speaking?

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