Chapter 3 God's Perspective ([-] more for subscription)

Seeing this scene, the audience in the movie hall couldn't help frowning, and the atmosphere seemed a little dull.

"This Evil God actually has a bullet counter on his body. He has fired all [-] rounds. This combat power is amazing. Can anyone beat it?"

"I don't know if the heroine will be able to fight him. The destructive power of this evil god is too great, and it is simply not something that ordinary people can resist."

"This team of elites has been killed. Is there really anyone who can stop it? Is this too strong?"

"This evil god, no one can stop it, this is a big one."

"It's actually more interesting."


After the audience in the movie hall saw this scene, they whispered and said that they were looking forward to the next plot, and wanted to see if anyone could kill the big guy in front of them.

"It's too cruel to kill the group of people in front of you with [-] bullets."

A look of shock appeared on Li Xiaorou's face, and after seeing it, she still couldn't believe it.

Up to this moment, she has never imagined why these high-level executives would give such inhumane orders.

Seeing this scene as well, Li Xiaorou's boyfriend obviously seemed a lot calmer, after all, he was a boy.

Seeing such a scene, I don't feel that there is anything inappropriate, but I think it is very exciting, and I am more yearning for the next plot.

At the same time, the movie on the big screen continues.

As soon as the screen turned, the scientist named the daughter who was found, who chose to stay, sat in a wheelchair, and through his familiarity with the system, called the four protagonists 4.

After informing them of the dangerous situation they faced, they promised to tell them how to get out of the city safely.

But at the same time, they also gave their own conditions, asking them to rescue their daughter.

After deliberation, everyone agreed, and drove towards the school area.

"It seems that they are still saved. This science is from the perspective of God."

"That's right, with the help of this... scientist, they obviously have a direction. They don't want to be the same as before, like headless flies, and they are running around."

"In this way, their hope of escaping is much greater."

"Okay, let's see what happens to them in the school."


And while the audience in the movie hall were discussing, Li Xiaorou's boyfriend was also in the discussion.

"You said that after they got to school, can that little girl really not be bitten?"

"I guess they won't be bitten, otherwise they really won't be able to get out. Only with the help of this... scientist can they get out smoothly."

"That's the case, or your analysis makes sense."

After a simple conversation, Li Xiaorou couldn't help but praise her.

"It's the reason why director Ye Fan's film is of high quality, otherwise I wouldn't be able to watch it at all."

This is the first time he has praised Ye Fan since he walked into the cinema.

This also showed that Li Xiaorou's boyfriend really recognized Ye Fan, otherwise he would not have said such a thing.

"Let's just keep looking down and see if they can get the scientist's daughter out."

"Okay, let's move on."

After finishing speaking, the eyes of the two fell on the big screen in front of them one after another, watching the next development of the plot.

Chapter 4 Rejoice! ([-] more for subscription)

At this time, the content on the big screen switched to the school gate.

Everyone got out of the car and walked straight towards the inside, and the division of labor was clear. From the basement to the classroom on the second floor, the three of them acted separately.

Moments later, the female reporter was besieged by zombies and eaten because of an accident.

The other who came after hearing the news did not find the female reporter, but saw the little girl, the daughter of the scientist.

Then he took her and ran all the way to the outside, but the journey was not smooth, and he encountered a lot of troubles.

After this scene was seen by the audience in the movie hall, everyone said with some worry.

"Fortunately, fortunately, this little girl is still alive. If she dies, they will all be finished."

"That's true, this little girl is the key to their escape."

"It's not easy to remain calm in such an environment."

"Let's see if they can go out. They haven't reached the safe area yet. I can't say anything."

"Let's see what happens next."


The audience in the movie hall can't wait to watch the content of the next movie. They want to see if these people can go out.

"Fortunately, they managed to find and beat this little girl, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see the plot behind."

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