"If you really get this record, it means that Ye Fan has created a double flow, and more directors will try it in the future."


At this time, the group chats of industry insiders were very lively, and everyone was discussing whether the research and development could be won, and the box office champion on New Year's Day.

If it can be obtained, then it proves that Ye Fan will break an unprecedented record.

Chapter 4 Hot Search! ([-] more for subscription)

And the honor of this record is higher than the total honor of all Ye Fan's previous records combined.

That's not what industry insiders want to see.

On the contrary, what they want to see is the appearance of Ye Fan's film being stepped on by others and unable to turn over.

But that's not what it's showing now.

The outside audiences do not know what the insiders think.

At this time, many people, like people in the industry, are waiting for the results of the box office at [-]:[-] noon to announce the results, and there are many audiences.

I just wanted to see if Ye Fan's film with such a high quality can win the box office king on the New Year's Day schedule.

And if even such a high-quality film has not won the box office king on New Year's Day, the audience still wants to see which film will win the box office champion.

At the same time, pay attention to this matter, as well as the news media.

After a night of fermentation, they have collected a lot of audience evaluation data and data.

At this moment, many news media have successively replaced and resent their headlines.

"Shocked! Director Ye Fan may become the first director in the history of film directors to have a successful double opening. If successful, this will be a historic breakthrough, which will bring great benefits to future film shooting and variety show shooting. effect."

"After a night of screening, it can be clearly seen that all the comments from the audience on the Internet the next day revolved around the film Resident Evil, which shows the high quality of this film."

"Such a high-quality film, if it can't win the box office king on New Year's Day, let us see the difference in two hours."

"If even this high-quality film can't win the king of New Year's Day, then we really can't think of any other film that can win this box office."

"As for Ye Fan, who has been rumored before, will compete with the second-ranked director on the list, there is still no accurate news, and the director has not responded."

"Let's wait and see, the box office data will be released soon"


After seeing the news media changing the headlines one after another, the audience immediately became interested again.

After watching these headlines, make your own comments below.

In an instant, the headlines of these news media slowly appeared on Weibo's hot search list.

Although they couldn't rank in the top ten on the hot search list, but relying on the news headlines with the words Ye Fan in the topic, it was easy to enter the hot search list on Weibo.

However, Ye Fan was unaware of all this, at this time he was sitting at the desk, preparing to turn on the computer.

Knock! Knock! I heard a knock on the door, and said randomly.

"Come in!"

After he finished speaking, he saw Wang Huahua walking in from the door.

"Is there anything you want to find me?"

Seeing Wang Huahua walking to his desk, Ye Fan listened to the movements in his hands and asked.

"Director Ye, the comments of online audiences are all commenting on the film Resident Evil."

After coming to work in the morning and seeing the news, Wang Huahua decided to come over and tell Ye Fan as soon as possible.


Chapter 1 Strike and Disperse in one fell swoop! ([-] more for subscription)

After hearing Wang Huahua's words, Ye Fan nodded, he felt it was normal for the audience to have such a reaction.

Because after all, the quality of the Resident Evil film is there, if the audience does not respond after watching it, it means that it is not normal.

"It's normal, after all, where is the quality of the Resident Evil movie."

Saying this, Ye Fan turned on the computer in front of him.

"Not only on the Internet, the audience has rated our film very highly, and even some news media have begun to report about you."

Seeing that Ye Fan didn't have much reaction, Wang Huahua said again, he hoped that Ye Fan could react a little after hearing this.

But after listening to this sentence, Ye Fan just nodded lightly and did not respond verbally.

Because he knew very well in his heart that once the box office of Resident Evil became the king of the box office on New Year's Day, it would prove that he was successful in double opening this time.

The success of the double-opening is a great progress for the film industry.

At the same time, it is also a great progress for the variety show industry.

After seeing Ye Fan's reaction, Wang Huahua shrugged helplessly, nodded, and said.

"Since it's all right, I'll go down first."

"Okay, when the box office results come out, you can tell me the specific data."

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