The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 2238 Getting Better

Immediately, Ye Long nodded, turned around and left the room!

When Ye Long walked to the door, he turned around and looked at Bai Furong and said, "Mom, Sister Mei is very important to me. I hope you won't hurt her on your own initiative!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Long turned around and left the room!

Ye Long, who left the room, returned to his room!

Now, Ye Long himself needs to calm down!

Because there are too many things happening all of a sudden!

It was so much that Ye Long couldn't bear it for a while!

First, he got married and suddenly there was an awesome mother for no reason!

Then her awesome mother told herself that the person who killed her father turned out to be the old master who raised her!

These news are undoubtedly a shock to Ye Long!

Would Ye Long hate it if someone killed his biological father?

Needless to say, it is natural to hate to die!

But the problem is that the person who killed his father is the old master!

Although Ye Long annoys the old master all day long, his feelings for the old master cannot be expressed in words!

Qin Long is his master, but in Ye Long's eyes, his status is no different from his father!

So, a master with the same status as his father killed his biological father. How should Ye Long choose?

In the eyes of others, the choice may be said to be very simple. It must be to avenge one's father and kill the old master!

But it is different for Ye Long, because Ye Long knows how important his master, the old man, is in his heart!

Now Ye Long is in a dilemma!

The old man who killed the master is disrespectful!

And knowing that he killed his father's enemy and not avenging his own father is also disrespectful!

If Ye Long was asked to make a choice, he couldn't make it now!

Ye Long held himself in the room, smoking one cigarette after another!

Whenever Ye Long encounters troubles, he likes to smoke in the house!

Alcohol can numb people's nerves, but Ye Long believes that cigarettes can numb people's nerves even better if they are kept inside the house!

Now, Ye Long really wants to take a deep sleep and regard everything now as a dream. When he wakes up, it is all gone!

Because Ye Long is under too much pressure!

Ye Long would rather not have this mother, than regard the old master as his enemy!

At this time, the rooms are open!

Sister Mei and Leng Feifei walked in from the outside!


As soon as Sister Mei and Leng Feifei entered the door, they were choked by the smoke in the room and coughed several times in a row!

Immediately, Sister Mei and Leng Feifei hurriedly opened the window of the room to disperse the smoke!

"Saobao, you don't even know how to open the window when you smoke, you want to choke yourself to death!" Leng Feifei glanced at Ye Long who was sitting on the sofa and said.

"It's okay, I won't die from choking!" Ye Long replied with a smile.

"Little villain, why do you smoke so much?" Sister Mei asked, looking at the cigarette butts in the ashtray.

"Take a puff, you will be refreshed, and your worries will disappear with the smoke!" Ye Long preached, still smoking a cigarette.

"Stop smoking!" Sister Mei took the cigarette from Ye Long's hand, and stamped it out.

Ye Long looked at Sister Mei in front of him, thinking about what his mother said to him, now he has mixed feelings in his heart!

Sister Mei is such a good woman, how could I be willing to hurt her?

Ye Long would rather die than hurt sister Mei!

Because Sister Mei has reached a level in my heart that no one can replace!

But Ye Long knew that if he killed her father, sister Mei would be very sad!

"Little villain, are you alright?" Sister Mei asked, looking at Ye Long who had been staring at her.

"'s okay!" Ye Long said with a relaxed expression.

"Little villain, you must have something on your mind!" Sister Mei replied.

"It's okay!" Ye Long spread his hands and replied.

"Huh, others don't understand you, but I've been with you for so long. How can they not understand? Your mouth can deceive me, but your eyes can't deceive me. There must be something on your mind!" Sister Mei stared at Ye Long and said. .

"Actually, it's nothing!" Ye Long replied with a smile.

Of course, my master, the old man, killed his father and enemy by himself, so I definitely can't tell Sister Mei about this!

Otherwise, this will also be an invisible harm to Sister Mei!

What would Sister Mei think if she knew about this?

I'm afraid Sister Mei's choice will leave her, because she definitely doesn't want to embarrass herself!

"Little rascal, how was your chat with your mother?" Sister Mei looked at Ye Long and asked again.

"Very good!" Ye Long nodded in response.

"Does your mother dislike me?" Sister Mei asked again.

Obviously, as Sister Mei is now Ye Long's wife, she must care about her mother-in-law's opinion of her!

Especially since Sister Mei is a newly married daughter-in-law, she must be more concerned about her mother-in-law's opinion!

Ye Long looked at Sister Mei and smiled, and replied, "Sister Mei, don't think too much. How could my mother not like you?"

"Little rascal, don't worry, if your mother doesn't like me, I won't be unhappy, and I want to know what I did wrong, so I can correct it and make your mother like me!" Sister Mei replied with a smile.

"Sister Mei, you are very good. You don't need to make any changes. You will always be yourself and don't change for anyone!" Ye Long looked at Sister Mei and said.

"But I want to change to make your mother like it!" Sister Mei said to Ye Long.

And Ye Long also understands sister Mei's feelings as a daughter-in-law!

I definitely hope to get the affirmation of my mother-in-law!

This is what every daughter-in-law wants to do when facing her mother-in-law!

"You're fine, my mother's temper is like this, whether she treats you or me, just don't think too much about it!" Ye Long said to Sister Mei.

"Okay!" Sister Mei nodded with a smile.

"Let's go, the weather outside is nice, let's go for a walk together!" Ye Long got up and said to Sister Mei and Leng Feifei.

Now that the matter has come, Ye Long can only face it!

In the face of difficulties, blindly avoiding is not enough, what should come will always come, the most important thing is to live well in the present moment!

"Let's go, the environment of Neverland is pretty good, we haven't had a good time to visit yet!" Sister Mei nodded her head.

Immediately, Ye Long took Sister Mei and Leng Feifei out of the villa together!

There is nothing to say about the good environment of Neverland, especially after some renovations, the greening rate is larger, the air is fresh, it is definitely a good place for health preservation!

Ye Long took Sister Mei and Leng Feifei to the beach for a stroll!

"Sister Mei, sister Jinghua, you will give us a group of children in the future, at least ten or eight, and we will live together on the island. How comfortable these little days will be!" Ye Long said with a smile.

Sister Mei and Leng Feifei rolled their eyes at Ye Long after hearing this, and said, "You treat us like pigs, and have so many children!"

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