The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3548 Even more scared

The turtle demon king put his hands behind his back and scanned the crowd with a smile on his face:

"I, a monster, can actually touch the treasure of your Buddhism, and I can carry it with you, it makes you unbelievable, doesn't it?"

"What did you do to the Buddha's relic!"

Zen Master Fahai was so angry that even his soul and body fluctuated a lot.

"Old monk, don't get me wrong. With my strength, even if I really wanted to do something with this relic, I would be powerless. To tell you the truth, I have to thank you for being able to touch the Buddha bone relic."

"Nonsense! What on earth are you trying to say?"

Zen Master Fahai became a little furious, this is the treasure of his Buddhism, one of his beliefs, but now it is used by demons, how can he not be angry?

"Don't be so impatient, Fa Hai, thanks to you, you suppressed me under this Leifeng Pagoda and endured the baptism of the Buddha's light of the relic for thousands of years, which gave me a little more breath connected with the relic. This relic container, wherever I am, it will follow me.”

What the turtle demon king said made Fa Hai's face turn paler.

Their Buddhist sacred relics actually became the property of the turtle demon king, which made Zen Master Fahai a little hard to accept.

If the turtle demon king was successfully converted and converted to Buddhism because of this, then it is not impossible for him to control the relics, but now the turtle demon king has not been abandoned for evil and pursued goodness, but has intensified. He Fa Hai is the sinner of the entire Buddhism!

"Jiakui, return the Buddha bone relic!"

Zen Master Fahai let out a roar, and stretched out his hand to take back the stupa floating in front of his eyes, but unexpectedly, as soon as his hand touched the edge of the stupa, it was bounced away by a terrifying force, and Zen Master Fahai's entire soul trembled for a while. , nearly dissipated.

"Zen Master Fahai!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ye Chen hurried forward:

"Are you all right?"

"I'm fine."

Zen Master Fahai showed an extremely bitter smile to Ye Chen.

"My little benefactor, I'm afraid that my plan to suppress this monster has failed today. You can leave as soon as possible while I can trap him for a while."

"Zen Master Fahai, let's go together."

Ye Chen also felt that there was nothing he could do now, the white and green snakes were captured, and Zen Master Fahai was restrained by relic, he might not be able to last even a second by himself.

And my father has no news now, and I don't know if there is something wrong with Huzi and the others. After thinking about it, Ye Chen decided to go first, at least rush to the Leifeng Pagoda, and retrieve his mobile phone Come on, find a way to contact your dad.

"No, little benefactor, this old monk will not leave."

Ye Chen had a good idea, but it was a pity that Zen Master Fahai rejected it decisively.

"The Buddha's bone relic fell into the hands of evil spirits. As a Buddhist, I must not stand by and watch all this happen. Even if I fall here today, I will try to get the relic back, little benefactor, this matter has nothing to do with you , you leave quickly, don’t lose your life in vain.”

After finishing speaking, Zen Master Fahai didn't care what Ye Chen wanted to say, so he patted Ye Chen with his right hand, sending Ye Chen tens of meters away with gentle force.

I rely on!

Tears welled up in Ye Chen's eyes. Of course, he was not moved by the spirit of Zen Master Fahai's martyrdom, but because the palm that Zen Master Fahai just slapped on his dantian accurately.

Of course, if you were a cultivator who was in the normal Void Realm, there would be no problem with this palm, but now Ye Chen forcibly increased his strength after performing "Exorcism and Swinging Demons", and his dantian was forcibly expanded to the point of The size of the dantian of a Void Realm cultivator is very vain, like a balloon inflated to its limit, which may collapse at any time.

And Zen Master Fahai's palm, although soft, also used a trace of true energy, and this trace of true energy permeated into Ye Chen's dantian, as if adding a little more air to a balloon. Although there was only a little bit, Ye Chen's dantian was Unable to bear it, Ye Chen's dantian exploded.

This is the legend of doing bad things with good intentions.

The moment before he fell into a coma, Ye Chen thought helplessly.

The turtle demon king was trapped in the formation made of rosary beads. Looking outside, Fa Hai suddenly gave Ye Chen a palm, which seemed soft, but followed Ye Chen and flew tens of meters away. Then he fell to the ground on his back and hit the street


The Turtle Demon King looked shocked, what is the situation, that kid and Fa Hai seem to be in the same group, right? Why did Fa Hai slap this kid to death?

What the hell kind of plot is this? Could it be that this guy, Fa Hai, has become obsessed because of his own reasons?

No, Fahai himself has checked the power of that palm. It can be said that it is almost useless. How could he kill that kid with one palm?

Or is it said that Hai's current strength has been raised to the point where a light palm is infinitely powerful?

What's the trouble, how about filming? When you get angry, you blow the air every second of every day?

Not only the turtle demon king, but Zen master Fahai, who had planned to die generously, was also in a daze at the moment.

He numbly raised his right hand and looked at it. He didn't use much force in that palm just now. Don't look at being slapped by him for tens of meters, but all he used was soft strength. The other party is not to mention a cultivator who is still in the Void Realm. , even if it is an ordinary person, he should be safe and sound after receiving his palm!

Maybe the little benefactor is playing dead?

With such a trace of luck, Zen Master Fahai used his spiritual sense to search Ye Chen around, and the luck in his heart was completely gone.

He could feel that the vitality in Ye Chen's body was dissipating, and the position of his dantian was in a mess. It was so broken that it couldn't be broken any more. It seemed that his dantian was blown away by his palm.

It's really my own reason!

Zen Master Fahai sighed. Although he didn't know why the dantian exploded when the cultivator in the Void Realm received a light palm from him, he was sure that he had another life debt on his body.

Thinking of this, Zen Master Fahai couldn't help but silently recited a Buddha's name in his heart.

"I'm sorry, little benefactor. After the old man settles this matter, the remaining time will be spent by the ancient Qingdeng Buddha, who will save you and the dead souls and help you to be reborn in bliss."

Speaking of this, Zen Master Fahai could not help but pause, and said in a voice that only he could hear:

"If there is still a chance."

After finishing speaking, Zen Master Fahai turned around and looked at the turtle demon king who was trapped in the formation behind him with a murderous look on his face.

"Old monk, what are you doing?"

The Turtle Demon King was taken aback by the murderous intent emanating from Fa Hai, and he also felt the gradually dissipating vitality from Ye Chen. He was sure that the old monk Fa Hai was not acting with Ye Chen to scare him. The turtle demon king became even more frightened.

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