The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3611 don't need alms

"Of course, if you don't believe me, I can take you to see it now. By the way, Xiaoshan, you can send your subordinates to inform the other clansmen in the valley by the way, and tell them about this. When the time comes to open the gate of the demon world, you need to It’s their help.”

Golden Lynx Road.

"Okay, I'll send my men down now."

Xiao Shan nodded, although he didn't know if the golden lynx's method would work, but at least it was worth trying.

Besides, I can't let my group get tired to death, and let the rest of them enjoy the benefits in the end.

In the demon world, if you want to get something, you have to give something. Even if the golden lynx didn't speak, Xiao Shan would let his subordinates call them.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of the golden lynx, Xiao Shan and his group rushed to the northwest of the valley.

The Wanyao Valley where they are located is located between Suishan Mountain and Mingshan Mountain, and its area is not small. It is precisely because of this that these monster clan teams can divide their own territories without causing conflicts.

Xiao Shan and his group followed the golden lynx into a deserted beach deep in the valley, and then stopped.

"Is it here?"

Xiao Shan looked around and asked.

"That's right, the space crack is here, but it's closed now, and to open it, you need those other people to take action."

The golden lynx transformed into a human form again. Although this state cannot display its full strength, it is more flexible. If you want to open the crack in the space, you must form an formation in the form of a human. Much better and more convenient.

"Here they come."

At this time, Xiao Shan raised his head and looked into the distance, and a large group of figures rushed towards this side.

In this valley, there is an air-forbidden magic circle. Unless it is a monster that can fly, it can only run on the ground.

Soon, the owners of those figures had come to the front, stopped in front of Xiao Shan and the others, and then divided into five groups.

The leaders of these five groups are not inferior to Xiaoshan in strength, and they have all reached the Vientiane Realm. After receiving the information from Xiaoshan's subordinates, they rushed here one after another.

"Xiao Shan, what your subordinates said is true, can an entrance back to the demon world be built here?"

A monster leader with a crocodile head but a slender body like a dragon stepped forward and asked.

This is the crocodile Jiao. According to him, he was born after the crossbreeding of a crocodile and a dragon, and he has the blood of a dragon, but it is not known whether it is true or not, but his strength is indeed not bad. Moreover, he and Xiao Shan also disliked each other, and the reason was a little funny.

Crocodile Jiao believes that he has the blood of Jiaolong, and may even be the descendant of King Yanjiao. Since Xiao Shan was under King Yanjiao back then, he should regard himself as the new king.

To this, Xiao Shan only responded with one sentence: You are a hybrid, where did you get such confidence?

Because of this sentence, Crocodile Jiao and Xiao Shan became mortal enemies. To be precise, Crocodile Jiao threatened to kill Xiao Shan, an unfaithful and unrighteous person.

Also because of this, when Crocodile Jiao heard the news, he immediately thought it was Xiao Shan's conspiracy, and wanted to lie to himself and kill him.

Therefore, he called all his subordinates and rushed over.

But obviously, he guessed wrong, on the way, Crocodile Jiao saw the leaders of the other four groups, obviously Xiao Shan also invited them.

In other words, this guy Xiaoshan might not be joking.

But Crocodile Jiao is a little confused. If this is true, then why would the other party invite him since he and Xiao Shan are almost sworn enemies? Tell Xiaoshan about the good news of getting out of trouble.

"That's right, this matter is true. Jin lynx said that there are remnants of the gate of the demon world back then. Through the space cracks left behind, a one-way simple version of the gate of the demon world can be established."

Xiao Shan replied.

"Even if it is a simple version of the gate of the demon world, the energy consumed is not small, right?"

Next to the crocodile Jiao, a brightly colored snake demon wriggled its body and walked closer, its voice soft but with a hint of murderous intent.

This is the beautiful snake poisonous lady, the most vicious snake demon, not only has a very poisonous body, but also has a very vicious heart. For her, no matter whether it is a human or a demon, as long as she can improve her strength, she will try her best to kill her. dead absorption.

Among her targets, Crocodile Jiao and Kui Snake have firmly occupied the top two for hundreds of years.

Now she looks like she is singing with Crocodile Jiao, but even Crocodile Jiao, who is not very smart, can sense that Poison Lady has something wrong with him.

"That's right, to open this crack, I need to infuse demonic power together, so that it can be opened."

Xiao Shan directly explained the method:

"As long as the door of this space is opened, we can return to the demon world and regain our freedom. I called you here today to discuss this matter. What do you guys think?"

Hearing these words, the eyes of the remaining three leaders lit up.

Freedom is something they have been looking forward to for a long time.

"I'm willing to make a move."

Jiu Mi, the leader of the monkey demon who was carrying a big mallet, was the first to speak out. Monkeys are naturally active and mischievous. They have stayed here for hundreds of years, but they have suffocated him. Now that they have the opportunity to leave, he certainly won't miss it.

"I also agree. I've been tired of this place for a long time, and I can't live without it. Even if I reach the realm of the demon king, it's useless. I'd rather go back to the demon world and continue to live that precarious life."

This time it was the grizzly bear who spoke. He was huge and slapping his chest, looking extremely violent.

"I don't want to stay here and continue. It's not interesting at all."

A centipede more than two meters long stood up and shook its head.

Xiaoshan nodded. It seemed that things were going very smoothly. It should be no problem for him to return to the demon world.

"Wait, I have an opinion."

At this time, a discordant voice broke the scene.

Xiaoshan turned his head and looked, and as he expected, it was his mortal enemy Crocodile Jiao who spoke.

"Crocodile Jiao, is there something wrong with your brain? This is a good opportunity to return to the demon world and regain freedom. Why don't you agree?"

Xiaoshan frowned again and squeezed the word "王" in the middle of his head into Arabic numerals.

"The slave family doesn't agree either."

The beautiful snake next to her also expressed objections, and then transformed into a graceful, charming and enchanting woman in ancient costume, staring at Xiaoshan with gleaming eyes.

"What do you two mean?"

Hearing this, Xiaoshan couldn't help but frown.

"What do you mean? Hey, Xiaoshan, who do you think you are? Why should we listen to you, just because you can get us out of here?"

Crocodile Dragon smiled coldly:

"Bah! It's like you're giving me charity. Let me tell you, I don't need your charity!"

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