The strongest special bodyguard

Chapter 3683 Maybe you got it?

Although what Lao Xing said is not very clear, at least one thing is certain. The owner of this custom shop is from Huaxia, so it may have something to do with the Qimen group.

The congressman should have been dismissed after this kind of style problem occurred, but now not only nothing happened, but more manpower was mobilized to search and arrest. If there is no one behind this guy, he would kill Ye Chen Neither will believe it.

And the one who can support a congressman and suppress the dissatisfaction of the entire high-level with this guy, I am afraid that only the top of country R exists.

Before leaving, I once told Ye Chen that the enemies of the Qimen Group this time have military backgrounds. Based on the current situation, there is a 70% possibility that the owner of the custom shop has a relationship with the Qimen Group. Relationship!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen pinched the bridge of his nose in distress. If this is the case, then this matter will be troublesome. Faced with such a high-intensity search and arrest, the Qimen team will definitely find a place to hide. It also means that, like the guys who hunted them down, I have completely lost the trace of the Qimen group.

In such an unfamiliar place, it is almost impossible to find the Qimen group with the information in front of you, unless Ye Chen can summon Holmes, or he can spread his spiritual knowledge to the entire Hengdao.

Although the area of ​​Hengdao is not large, it has more than 200,000 square kilometers. There are not only cities, but also vast forests and deserted wilderness. can't do it.

"Are you OK?"

Lao Xing saw that Ye Chen's state seemed to be a little bit wrong. He had been in country R for more than 20 years, facing various people every day, so things like observing words and demeanors naturally couldn't trouble him.

When I first mentioned that custom shop, the young man showed only pure curiosity, but at the end of his speech, the other party's expression became serious, or nervous and worried.

This doesn't seem to be an expression that only comes out of pure concern for fellow citizens.

Could it be that the purpose of these two young people in country R is to find the owner of the custom shop?

Are they really sent by the Chinese government to collect intelligence?

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through Lao Xing's mind.

He has also watched a lot of similar film and television works, such as spy war dramas such as "Latent" and "The Cliff". Every time he returns to China, he has to remake a few of them, and then bring them back to enjoy them over and over again.

Many of the people who meet in the meeting actually only get a password or a place to meet at the beginning. Before meeting, they don't even know the gender and job of the potential person. This is also for safety reasons.

The two young people in front of them may have come to meet the owner of the custom shop, or maybe their meeting place was in their own shop, but the person who joined them has not appeared so far, and they deduced the custom from their own words The identity of the shop owner is why he is so nervous.

Lao Xing's speculation is indeed good, except for the identities of Ye Chen and others, other aspects are quite in line with the current situation.

When Lao Xing deduced this, he tentatively chatted with Ye Chen and the two of them.

"You come to Country R, ​​do you have something important to do?"

"'s not a very important thing."

Ye Chen was thinking about something, so he answered a little absent-mindedly. Hao Mingbai saw that something was wrong with Ye Chen's state, and he also sensed something was wrong, but he didn't ask any questions, but just ate in silence.

"What is the name of the person you are looking for? If he is from Huaxia, maybe I can help you. After all, I have lived here for more than 20 years, and I am familiar with it."

Lao Xing continued to probe.

"'s okay, I'll just call him."

Ye Chen gave a dry laugh.

Seeing what Ye Chen said, Lao Xing became more and more sure of his guess, and couldn't help but get excited.

I didn't expect that I had been ordinary for half my life, and I would still encounter such exciting things in the end. If I could participate in it and make a little contribution to the motherland, it would be worthwhile in this life.

In fact, there are not a few people who think like Lao Xing, and many people have fantasized about fighting side by side with certain national forces, like some taxi drivers, they must have similar thoughts in their spare time.

For example, one day I was repeating my day after day reception. . . Uh, it's the job of carrying passengers, but when I parked the car on the side of the road, suddenly a man rushed into the co-pilot, took out the JC ID, and told myself that he was chasing a group of fierce robbers who robbed the bank .

And I immediately performed my responsibilities as a good citizen, kicked the accelerator to start my exciting journey of life and death, and finally, with my skillful driving skills, successfully helped the co-pilot, the police officer, catch up with the robbers. Then assist the police officer in arresting this group of murderous demons.

As for why he, a taxi driver, was able to survive the shooting of gun-wielding gangsters and defeat several people, that's not clear. . . . . .

Closer to home, at this moment, Lao Xing is like the brave driver, imagining that he can help the two state secret agents in front of him, and successfully lead them to find the owner of the custom shop under the severe search and arrest of the evil forces in country R. Allow them to exchange information.

Then, under the siege of JC, he successfully took them away from here, so that these two young people could bring the information back to China, and at the end, he would stop a large number of pursuers alone at the end. He died bravely.

Um. . . . . . The plot is good, but the ending is debatable. After all, in this script, he is the protagonist. Although the death of the protagonist can instantly sublimate the meaning of the script, it is not a last resort. Lao Xing still hopes to be able to live.

"Okay, two little brothers, how can you tell people without telling secrets? In fact, I can guess a little bit about your identities."

Lao Xing withdrew his smile and looked at Ye Chen and the two solemnly. What he said made the two of them feel tense, and their expressions changed a little when they saw Lao Xing.

Ye Chen stared at Lao Xing closely, and carefully sized him up.

Could it be that the owner of this Chinese restaurant is also a member of the Qimen group?

"The purpose of your trip is to find the owner of the custom shop and bring back what you need, right?"

Lao Xing borrowed and said.

Ye Chen's heart moved. He actually knew the purpose of his trip. Could it be that he is really a member of the Qimen group?

Li also told himself before that there is a lifeblood weapon in country R, ​​maybe they have already got it?

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