The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1007: Huang Jiansheng

The applause was crisp and loud.

Lie Tianyang and the cultivators of the Big Dou Sect were all blinded for an instant.

Ye Lan, Yun Qingwan and others who stood beside Lin Tian were also shocked on the spot.

Even the cultivators of other sects passing by could hear the movement, and many people couldn't help but stop, looking surprised.

As a person at the time, Gao Chengpeng was even more daunting.

Lin Tian's slap didn't have True Qi blessing, it was just real physical strength, but Gao Chengpeng still drew a circle.

Gao Chengpeng staggered for a while, and then stabilized after turning a circle.

at this time.

The corners of his mouth were torn, several teeth flew out, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

However, at this moment, he forgot the pain caused by this slap, but looked at Lin Tian in a daze, with an incredible expression on his face.

"You hit me?"

For a while, Gao Chengpeng stared at Lin Tian in a daze, and said in amazement.

At this moment, he still couldn't believe that he was slapped.

Moreover, in front of so many people!

The most important thing is that the one who slapped him was the guy who followed the monk of the Tianlanzong!

If, standing in front of them are the proud sons of Sword Saint Mountain, those peerless geniuses who overwhelm the same generation, let alone slap Gao Chengpeng to kneel and kowtow, he would not dare to fart, and also, Be convinced!

But it's different now!

What kind of existence is Tianlanzong?

Among the many cultivation realms in Dongzhou, it is one of the weakest and weakest sects!

The existence that most sects can oppress!

Even if Yelan, as the master of Tianlanzong's first sect, had a cultivation base in the early stage of foundation construction, and many other sects did not exist during the foundation construction period, it did not prevent those sects from being able to hold the Tianlanzong side!

Just because the talents of the Tianlan Sect were withered, there were only seven people in the entire sect, and it was the only one in the realm of Dongzhou cultivation!

The most important thing is that because of the events of Yunqingwan in the past few years, all sects began to avoid Tianlanzong, fearing that they would offend Sword Saint Mountain.

In the past few years, the Tian Lan Zong Sect has had the time to betray it, which has made the strength of the Tian Lan Zong increasingly weak.

Had it not been for Yelan, the foundation-building cultivator, the Tianlanzong might have existed in name only.

One can imagine how weak the Tianlan Sect is today, any sect force can step on it.

just now.

Gao Chengpeng was slapped in the face by an unseen guy who followed Tian Lanzong and others!

"Grass... you hit me?"

After a long while, Gao Chengpeng asked again.

"Did you have water in your head? You slapped you, and you asked if you hit you! Would you like me to slap you a few more times?"

Lin Tian said with a cold face, shook his head, with a look as if looking at Shabi, a little speechless.

For people like Gao Chengpeng, he can be regarded as not seeing him, but if he is too much for his own people, he can't wait to see him once!

If it were changed to other occasions, Lin Tian wanted to slap to death in a clean manner.

"you wanna die!"

Gao Chengpeng, who was still in a daze, heard Lin Tian's words, suddenly became angry, and he was about to rush over.

"Cheng Peng, stop!"

However, Lie Tianyang on the side yelled and reminded: "Here is the ancient land of heaven, under Tianxiang Island, are you going to be as stupid as him?"

Hearing this, Gao Chengpeng's face stiffened, and his whole body was shocked, with a look of fear on his face.

Tianxiang Island, Sword Saint Mountain has a ban, here is forbidden military, serious offenders will be killed on the spot!

After being reminded by his master Lie Tianyang, Gao Chengpeng reacted.

"Out of Tianxiang Island, you are absolutely dead!"

Gao Chengpeng gritted his teeth and said harshly to Lin Tian.

Aside, Lie Tianyang looked up and down Lin Tian for a while, with a gloomy face, and said cruelly: "You are not from the Tianlanzong, and from the blood in your body, you don't seem to be a cultivator? Just a natural body. Powerful and amazing!"

Lie Tianyang couldn't see Lin Tian's cultivation base, he was puzzled, so he could only speculate like this.

But this made the opposite Ye Lan and the others even more confused, looking at each other.

Lin Tian is a dignified foundation-building monk. Before Yun Qinghe saw Lin Tian personally make a move, he was full of samādhi fire surging, and killed the monk in the Snake and Scorpion Valley. How could he not be a cultivator!

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is, if you have nothing, you can get out of here!"

Lin Tian glanced at Lie Tianyang coldly, and replied indifferently.

Hearing Lin Tian's tone, Lie Tianyang's expression changed, and he couldn't help shouting angrily: "Ignorant child, so rampant, there is a price to pay!"

"Only you?"

Lin Tian shook his head slightly with a look of disdain, and at the same time reminded: "I advise you to retreat now and don't come to mess with me!"

"So daring~!"

Lie Tianyang shouted loudly, his expression gloomy as water, and he resisted the urge to shoot.

"what happened!"

Suddenly, an old loud shout came from the side.

Everyone turned around and followed the prestige.

When he saw an elderly man with a crane hair in a moon-white robe approaching, everyone's complexion changed drastically.

"Elder Huang!"

When the old man stepped forward, many of the people present worshipped respectfully, with awe on their faces.

Only, Lin Tian stood there calmly.

"Second Master, his name is Huang Jiansheng, he is the elder of Wenxin Valley, Jiansheng Mountain, don't be impulsive!"

Yun Qingwan pulled Lin Tian's sleeve at this moment and reminded in a low voice.

Before Lin Tian made an angry shot for her, she was quite moved, and secretly determined to work harder in the future.

"What happened just now?"

Huang Jiansheng frowned and glanced at the people around him, and finally asked Lie Tianyang.

"Elder Huang, there is an arrogant kid here..."

Lie Tianyang pointed at Lin Tian angrily, and said to Huang Jiansheng what had happened before.

After a long while, after listening to Lie Tianyang's words, Huang Jiansheng furrowed his brows, his face was calm, and he glanced at Ye Lan and others.

This caused De Ye Lan and Yun Qinghe to feel cold all over, and they quickly lowered their heads.

"Sect Master Ye, who is he?"

Huang Jiansheng asked the poison doctor Ye Lan directly at this time.

Ye Lan had just been busy in paying respects, and said respectfully, with a hint of plea in his tone: "Back to Elder Huang, he is a good friend of mine, so he came with us. I was impulsive just now, and I hope Elder Huang will do it! "

"Hey, Sect Master Ye, do you think the old man I am old, my eyes are dim, and I want to fool him?"

Huang Jiansheng suddenly chuckled and shouted coldly to Ye Lan.

Hearing this, Ye Lan's face was blurred, and the others in Tian Lanzong were also stunned.

"Elder Huang, where do you start?"

Ye Lan was frightened and said anxiously.

Huang Jiansheng is the elder of Wenxin Valley, Jiansheng Mountain, and his status and status are extremely noble relatives to them.

Suddenly put on a foolish hat, Ye Lan couldn't bear it!

"Huh, are you still pretending to be confused with the old man?"

Huang Jiansheng yelled coldly and said: "This kid, obviously he has no cultivation base, but he is just a mundane person. You brought it privately. This matter doesn't matter. But so I don't know what to do or what to say in this beating. ?"

After finishing talking, Huang Jiansheng did not wait and fell into a bewildered Ye Lan explanation. He turned to look at Lin Tian and said: "Look at your strength, born from nature, and your physique should be good! Make a note of this in advance. If you wait until the top, if Your qualifications are good, my old man will open up! Otherwise, you will have to suffer, otherwise it will be difficult to convince the public!"

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