The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1017: excuse me

In the surrounding stands closer to Lin Tian and the others, everyone's eyes followed the sound, with a look of stunned expression on their faces.

Their expressions were filled with shock and difference.

"What did this kid say?"

Someone stared at Lin Tian and said aloud.

this will.

Many people came back to their senses, and a large sound of deep air-conditioning was heard all around.

"Just now he said that Huang Lingzhang, with Yun Qingwan's talent, can cultivate to perfection in a quarter of an hour!"

"I heard you right? Half a quarter of an hour? Still consummated? Even if it's our senior Ye Qianli, it will take half an hour to cultivate this Huang Ling palm to Dacheng! It's too arrogant!"

"Grass, where did this kid come out of an idiot? Doesn't he speak his mind! I also said that the young generation present has no talents comparable to that of Yun Qingwan! It's absolutely amazing!"

"This person is not a member of the Tianlan sect? Is it Yun Qingwan's admirer? He may not know that Yun Qingwan's talent is a fraud! Crazy, wait and see how to lose face!"

"Come on, there are jokes and good shows to watch this time!"


In the stands, many people talked and ridiculed, while many people waited to see jokes.

However, some young children who are talented and arrogant consciously have some talents, but their faces are extremely difficult to look.

"Boy, you haven't figured out the situation in front of you yet?"

At this moment, a young man who was closer to Lin Tian looked over with a sullen face and said coldly: "We are not qualified to be compared with this female trash? Are you an idiot? You need to slap you a few times before you wake up. !"

The other disciples of the younger generation also looked over with a cold face, their eyes icy cold.

"you guys……"

Seeing the young man talking directly to Lin Tian like this, Yun Qing's eyes widened with a look of anger.

But Lin Tian grabbed Yun Qingwan, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "This kind of clown, don't pay attention to it, Master will handle it! What you need to do now is to quickly understand what Huang Ling palm is. Master gives you five minutes!"

After that, when Yun Qingwan sat down again with a small mouth bulging, Lin Tiancai raised his head, looked at the boy, squinted his eyes and said, "How many slaps? Then you have to write it down! After that, you have to work harder. Otherwise I have to do it myself!"

"What do you mean?"

The young man's face was stunned, and he quickly heard that Lin Tian's words had other meanings in it.

"Aren't you going to slap a few times?"

Lin Tian's voice was even colder, and said, "It's the test stage now, don't bother! When it's over, remember to kneel down and slap yourself hard! If you hit too lightly, don't blame me for doing it yourself! Understand?"

As soon as this word came out, everyone was shocked again.


The young man waited for a few people, all in a daze.

After a while, the young man's face showed a sullen expression, and he shouted: "Grass, boy, do you really want to die? Do you think that after Tian Lanzong is behind, you think you can be unscrupulous? I'm afraid you are doing tricks. Die!"

"what happened!"

Suddenly, a loud shout came from the ring, Huang Jiansheng walked over with a calm face, his expression revealing dissatisfaction.

However, when he got closer, Huang Jiansheng noticed Lin Tian in the crowd, and his face became more gloomy, "It's you! Are you tossing again? Very good. You don't want to give the old man an explanation afterwards, don't want to leave this Tianxiang island!"

"As for you..."

Huang Jiansheng looked at the young men and said coldly: "Go back to the old man to study Huang Lingzhang, you only have half an hour! The things in front of you, wait for the martial arts club to talk about it!"

When Huang Jiansheng appeared and walked, the young man and the others were already terrified and their complexion changed drastically.

Hearing what Huang Jiansheng said, they respectfully saluted, gave Lin Tian a fierce look, and then turned and walked away.

When things subsided, Huang Jiansheng frowned, looked around, and snorted coldly: "I don't have much time for you, so don't waste it!"

Hearing that, all the younger generations present couldn't help but slapped their heads, quickly lowered their heads, and began to comprehend the yellow spirit palms in their hands.

Others naturally started in a hurry, and the Wuhui in front of them was the most important.

However, after Huang Jiansheng left, a group of people looked at him with respect and fear.

Among them, the people from the South Continent Cultivation Realm, as well as the monks from Qianshanyuan, and some people in the Cold Valley who had seen Lin Tian before, all stared with amazement.

But some people look different.

Xiao Changkong in the crowd, after seeing Lin Tian, ​​his face completely changed and his body was trembling.

He glanced at his master Pang Jinglong who was sitting in front, his expression still full of helplessness.

If he offends Lin Tian again this time, or because Sword Saint Mountain is an enemy of Lin Tian, ​​then he has even the heart to die.

His master Pang Jinglong is also a Golden Core monk, but his strength is equal to that of Hong Qi of Saint Gu Sect.

Lin Tianlian Hong Qi could kill, let alone his master.

Here, even if Ye Qinghou, the Patriarch of the Ye Family, is here, maybe it can't be stopped!

On the contrary, Ye Qianli, who was sitting in front of him, was a little confused after seeing Lin Tian clearly.

But soon, his face suddenly became gloomy as water, and his expression was filled with sorrow.

"It's him! I actually met here! Today, don't want to leave Tianxiang Island!"

Ye Qianli gritted his teeth, secretly cruel.

Only, I have never seen Qin Feng and other ten people on Lin Tian's rookie list. They all frowned, and immediately dismissed them, too lazy to take a look.

In their eyes, it was only geniuses like Ye Qianli and Xiao Changkong who could become the target they were chasing after and could make them be cautious and take a look.

As for the ten or so rising stars, they all just raised their heads and took a look, then looked back at the Huang Ling palm in their hands.


Sect Master He Xuan, his wife Xiao Zihan, and his daughter He Lingxuan, who were sitting in a more conspicuous position beside the main stand, looked at Lin Tian, ​​and their eyes were about to come out.

"Father, mother, it's...that... Senior Lin!"

He Lingxuan's beautiful eyes widened and she trembled.


Lin Tian didn't even bother to pay attention to everyone's reaction.

Five minutes passed quickly.

"Are you familiar with it? Do you understand?"

Lin Tian turned his head and asked Yun Qingwan repeatedly.

Ye Lan and others on the side could not help but look.

The surrounding areas are relatively close, and I have been paying attention to the situation here. At this time, he heard Lin Tian's words, and he also looked up.

"Second Master, I have learned everything by heart and understood it! But...but I feel that I still can't cultivate..."

Yun Qingwan was holding the pamphlet in her hand, her face was sad, her eyes flushed towards Lin Tiandao.

"You can understand it! Show the pamphlet to Master. In a quarter of an hour, Huang Ling can step into the realm of perfection!"

Lin Tian took Huang Ling's palm from Yun Qingwan's hand and smiled slightly.

Ye Lan and the others on one side were stunned.

"Cut, step into the realm of perfection in a quarter of an hour? Who can't brag!"

Suddenly, someone sneered and said, "Even the predecessor who created this secret book, dare not say such big words!"

Lin Tian glanced at the pamphlet without raising his head, and said to the man: "If you are asked to improve this tactic, can you do it? Or if you ask the senior to revise this tactic, Can he make this tactical reincarnation and stock exchange become an advanced tactic?"

"Perfection? Modification? Entrance? This is tantamount to recreating a set of tactics! Are you kidding me!"

Someone next to him said with a dazed expression.

"Can't do it? Excuse me!"

Lin Tian looked up and shook his head in disdain. Then he read the booklet roughly, and after a little hesitation, he turned to look at Yun Qingwan and said: "I will read it to you in silence now, and you can write it down! Then follow the instructions I gave. You can just practice the method!"

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