The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1026: Yun Qingwan (Part 2)

Seeing Wu Danhong was injured and fell to the ground in embarrassment, Yun Qingwan's face was full of tension, with an apologetic expression.

"Sister Wu, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I just want to block your attack!"

Yun Qingwan ran forward in a panic, took Wu Danhong's hand, and pulled the latter up.

"What kind of tactics did you use just now!"

Wu Danhong hadn't recovered from the situation of his own defeat at this moment, his face was veiled.

She stared at Yun Qingwan, questioning in her tone.

In the stands, many people looked confused.

"What's going on? Wu Danhong was actually defeated!"

"What happened just now? How come Wu Danhong was injured in an instant!"

"The two played against each other, it was obviously Wu Danhong's momentum that had the upper hand! What exactly did Yun Qingwan do!"

Most people in the stands looked puzzled.

Only Situ Han, Ye Qinghou and others in the main stand nodded secretly, surprised.

And Yun Qingwan herself was a little at a loss, she didn't know how terrifying her attack would be.

Wu Danhong, whose cultivation base was two levels higher than her, flew with a single blow.

"Sister Wu, what I use is Huang Ling's palm~"

Yun Qingwan blinked her beautiful eyes innocently, with apologetic expression on her face, and said: "You should get up first... Why don't we draw a tie and advance together!"

Obviously, Yun Qingwan is the kind of little girl with a simple mind and an extremely kind heart.

"Huang Ling Palm?"

Wu Danhong's face was taken aback, but soon revealed a look of sorrow, and said coldly: "Are you treating me as an idiot! You are so strong, you are pretending to be such a strong person! You are also miserable and miserable! Like... Die to me..."

At this moment, Wu Danhong took advantage of Yun Qingwan to lift her up, and hit the latter's ribs with a palm of her hand.

With a crackling sound, Yun Qingwan's Hungarian bone broke directly, and then the whole person slid out on the spot and fell to the edge of the ring.


Unprepared, Yun Qingwan was hit by such a palm and was directly injured.


Yun Qingwan's face was still a little confused, and he looked up at Wu Danhong with a stunned expression.


Wu Danhong didn't stop, rushed forward, slapped Yun Qingwan's face with a slap, and shouted angrily: "When you see people, you still pretend!"

Yun Qingwan was slapped and slapped again.

But for a while, she was injured, and she felt that Wu Danhong should be grateful to her. It shouldn't be the scene in front of her.

Her mind was in chaos, and her whole person was stunned.

Under the ring.

Ye Lan stood up suddenly, with anger on his face, "This Wu Danhong is too shameless! Qingwan kindly treated her, but instead attacked her cruelly!"

But Lin Tian stopped her, shook his head and said, "This is just a small bump. You used to protect her too much! If you can't even bear this, how can you be alone in the future?"

Hearing this, Ye Lan was taken aback, gritted his teeth, and then calmed down.

But Yun Qingwan couldn't calm down at this time. She looked messy and said to Wu Danhong in amazement: "Sister Wu, why are you hitting me? We can advance together!"


With a frantic look on Wu Danhong's face, he said ruthlessly: "Small, wild species, you still pretend! You deserve to be the wild species abandoned by your parents and picked up! What a trick!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Danhong took advantage of Yun Qingwan's fascination, kicked Yun Qingwan out, and fell into the middle of the ring again.

Seeing Yun Qingwan was already injured, Wu Danhong felt that the former had no strength to fight anymore, and a sneer and triumphant sneer appeared on his face immediately: "Seeing people, come down and see how you beg for mercy!"

"Sister Wu, you are not allowed to scold my parents! They didn't abandon me..."

Everyone has a bottom line, and his parents are scolded. Yun Qing stopped doing it in the evening. With anger on his face, he said softly, "You can scold me, but you are not allowed to scold my parents!"

"Why? I scolded it to the point of pain? It seems that it is really a wild species! Maybe it is the one left by your parents' affair and abandoned it in the wild!"

Wu Danhong stepped forward and cursed: "Stand up for me, aren't you good at beating? See people!"

"You are not allowed to scold my parents!"

Yun Qingwan stood up with shame and anger on her face.

However, Wu Danhong grabbed her skirt and slapped her over.

But this time Yun Qingwan was prepared, and his hand subconsciously blocked Wu Danhong's attack.

"You dare to resist!"

Wu Danhong's face was sullen, and he pulled Yun Qing's evening coat to pieces.


With a crisp sound, a piece of jade jade pendant with a red font "cloud" fell on the ground.

"My jade pendant!"

Yun Qing was very anxious at night, and regardless of Wu Danhong, he ran to pick up the jade pendant.

But Wu Danhong was one step faster than her and stepped on Yu Pei.

"Sister Wu, no, it was left to me by my parents!"

Seeing that Wu Danhong was about to smash the jade pendant, Yun Qing was anxious late, begging in her tone, "Sister Wu, please, don't break it, I just abstain!"

"Small, I beg for mercy now, it's too late!"

Wu Danhong sneered and clicked, crushing the jade pendant with one foot.

Yun Qingwan, who was about to trot over, looked at the jade pendant on the ground turned into powder, and his whole body was covered, and he couldn't believe it.


After a long while, Yun Qingyan raised his head and looked at Wu Danhong in amazement.

"Why? See people! Because you should be a trash, you dare to climb on top of us! What are you!"

Wu Danhong's face was grimace, and he shouted: "In our eyes, you are almost the same as the dog food on the roadside! Do you think in our eyes, you are very similar to us? See people! Wild species! My parents don’t want you anymore, do you still have the face to sit on an equal footing with us? Ridiculous!"

at this time.

The unhappiness and imbalance in Wu Danhong's heart broke out completely, and the words were hard to hear.

And under the stands.

Everyone screamed.

"Trash wild species, get out!"

Many people shouted.

How could they bear the existence that they had trampled under their feet in the past and ridiculed them suddenly and climbed onto them.

"Waste? Dog? Wild?..."

Yun Qingwan was completely stunned. She never thought that Wu Danhong would treat her this way, nor did she think that these peers hated her so much. She thought that others just saw her being too stupid and made mockery.

In the past, she had never been able to raise her cultivation base, and she was very stupid. She felt that she was ridiculed by others because she was not good enough!

But now she understands that these people mocking her and insulting her are nothing more than an insult to the weak to satisfy her own psychology.

"The second master is right. Comprehension is a law of the jungle! If this is not an arena competition, Wu Danhong may not only abuse me, not only trample my parents' jade pendant, but also kill me...!"

Yun Qingwan whispered in secret, she suddenly raised her head for a long while, her face with confusion and grievance suddenly became cold, she stared at Wu Danhong fiercely, "Wu Danhong, I gave you a chance! There are others, me. I don't want to fight with them...but, my second master is right, this is a life-and-death path!"

"Small, you are still stiff!"

Wu Danhong stepped forward and slapped it again.

However, Yun Qingwan became completely calm at this moment. She took a leap, with a violent anger in her palm, and slammed Wu Danhong out of the ring, volleying out of the ring.


There was a muffled sound, a big hole exploded on the ground, Wu Danhong was dripping with scars and coughing with blood in his mouth.

In the stands below, everyone was stunned.

"Yunqing night, win!"

Huang Jiansheng on the edge of the ring, but after a pause, shouted loudly.

"It's defeated, Wu Danhong was defeated!"

"Yun Qingwan did a sneak attack just now!"

"I'm going too fast, what's the matter?"

"Wu Danhong is careless! There are so many nonsense, but he was calculated! He should have been beaten out of the ring long ago..."


Many people didn't see Yun Qingwan's shot at all, because almost all of them focused on Wu Danhong.

Therefore, they all felt that Yun Qingwan made a sneak attack to win.

But no matter what, Yun Qingwan was promoted in the first round of the first round of the arena.

It's just that Yun Qingwan's face is cold, without a word, she silently grabbed the shattered jade pendant on the ground, put it back in her pocket, and walked back to Lin Tian in silence.

"Green evening..."

Ye Lan looked distressed and wanted to comfort Yun Qingwan, but the latter shook his head.

But Lin Tian nodded with satisfaction, and said, "It's a good job! You have to understand when to be merciful, and when to kill Guojue!"

"Second Master, I know!"

Yun Qing nodded later and replied in a low voice.

At this moment, she seemed to have matured a lot.

Down, the ring draw continued.

After a full half an hour, the first round is over. The two hundred people are in the ring. After the decision, there are one hundred people left. The drawing continues to determine the top 50, the top 25, and the top 15 ,top ten.

In the second round, Yun Qingwan met Jia Fucheng by chance.

"Your sneak attack just now is very clever! First pretend to be pitiful and show the enemy's weakness..."

On the ring, Jia Fucheng didn't have as much nonsense as Wu Danhong. After sneering at Yun Qingwan, he burst out and blasted his palm.

But Yun Qingwan was more direct, Huang Ling's palm was like a rainbow in the sky, and he swept Jia Fucheng out of the ring at once.

In this way, the top fifty of the Dongzhou Wuhui came into being, and they could all successfully step into the Sword Saint Mountain.

But there is still a battle for rankings, whether it is reputation or reward, it is extremely attractive.

In the third round, Yun Qingwan once again smashed his opponent fiercely and beat that person to an arm.

At this moment, everyone understood that Yun Qing's attack on Wu Danhong was not a sneak attack, but to crush and defeat the opponent with real strength.

With the end of the third round, only the top fifteen are left at this time.

Including Yun Qingwan.

Those younger disciples who had been ridiculing Yun Qingwan before, looked at her from disdain and discomfort, and turned into deep awe.

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