The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1057: Legend Zhong Jie

Leba is an ancient-style building with tower-style cornices and hollow fences on the outside, with carved beams and paintings on the top, luxurious and restrained.

This is a comprehensive entertainment venue.

There are bars, KTVs, hotels, etc.

It is the best place for a gathering.


This music bar is still the most mysterious and high-end place in Jinling Old Town.

Even if ordinary people are rich, they may not be able to come here to play.

At least a special membership card is needed here, and if you want to become a member, you need to invite old members to be eligible to buy a membership card.

Under the Leba Building, there is a large parking lot, all luxury cars lined up in the past, the scene is comparable to a large auto show.

"It seems that the specifications of this music bar are not bad!"

Lin Tian followed Ling Xiaowu and the others, glanced around, and said casually.


Ling Xiaowu looked excited and was about to respond.

But at the side, a surprised voice suddenly came.

"Who is he? Not a classmate of our class, right?"

Ling Xiaowu and his party walked to the entrance of the bar, and the dozens of people who had come out of the car with Ling Xiaowu and others also followed and gathered together.

More than a dozen people all cast surprised eyes on Lin Tian.

Someone asked.

"My name is Lin Bei, Ling Xiaowu and their friend!"

Before Lin Tian waited for Ling Xiaowu and others to speak, he calmly replied to the people who came: "We met by coincidence before, and we met because of something!"

"Listen to your accent, you shouldn't be a native of Jinling City! My name is Ye Jun, and I am a classmate with Xiao Wu."

At this moment, among a dozen people, a young man dressed with a greasy face looked at Lin Tian and said with a light smile: "But do you know what level this fun bar belongs to in our Jinling City?"

"do not know!"

Lin Tian shook his head slightly, and replied in surprise: "Is this fun, it is famous in Jinling?"

"I don't know? Then you have to thank Qiandi for inviting you over! I want to come, depending on your age, you just graduated from our third year of high school as well?"

Before Ye Jun could continue to speak, a girl who was dressed up in a white dress and dressed up to the side was extremely mature. She glanced at Luo Qiandi with a little jealousy, and said with a disdain: "Let's go, better than Jinling. Hotels are still up-to-date! In Jinling City, many people are proud to be able to enter the Le Bar once to play!"

"Happy so great!"

Lin Tian was a little surprised this time. It can be higher than the five-star hotels, but not many, so he nodded and said with a smile: "I am indeed like you, just graduated from high school! This time I can come here. Play, then I would like to thank some Xiao Wu and others for their invitations, and also thank Lu Lu Shao for the treat!"


But suddenly, the girl who spoke just now sneered, shook her head, and looked at Lu Wang and said, "Master Lu, did you not tell him clearly?"

"Chen Yiqing, it's not wrong to say that Lu Forgetting treats you!"

On the side, Ling Xiaowu showed an upset expression, and said angrily: "This time everyone has a party for the last time, there is no need to make the distinction so clearly! It's hard to say when we will see you again!"

"It's just a meal. It's the same for everyone!"

Lin Tian looked at a few people, and they were all confused.

"Shit, hillbilly!"

Chen Yiqing glanced at Lin Tian with disdain, then shook his head and said, "It's him who Lu forgets to entertain the guests. Isn't that why he asked for more and more to curry favor with Zuo Shao! Otherwise do you think Zuo Shao cares about the amount of money? You don't treat him. , Isn't there still Ye Shao!"

"Um... this time everyone can come here to meet up. I really want to thank classmate Yiqing for his help!"

Lu Wang glanced at Lin Tian and said a little embarrassingly.

Seeing this, Lin Tian was even more daunted.

"Okay, everyone, go in! The membership card of Young Master Zuo is with me, we can go in and wait!"

At this moment, Chen Yiqing continued to speak, and said, "Go directly to Box No. 8 on the fifth floor! As for the other students, I will come down to pick them up in a while!"

The dozens of classmates present, all with bright eyes, followed Chen Yiqing into Le Bar.

There are special welcoming guests at the Leba gate, each of which is beautiful and welcomes the grandeur.

However, there was someone who verified the membership card in Chen Yiqing's hand before releasing it.

"what happened?"

Lin Tian walked beside Ling Xiaowu and the others, asking with some doubts.

"If you want to enter Le Bar, you need a membership card, and it is difficult for ordinary people to apply for membership! This time we were able to come here for a farewell party because Chen Yiqing in our class knew Zuo Xianglong in Gucheng District. He has Premium membership card here!"

Ling Xiaowu explained to Lin Tian in a low voice, "Holding a premium membership card, you can open a box with a sky-size box here, and you can invite up to fifty people to come in! Therefore, it is thanks to Chen Yiqing who knows Zuo. Xiang Long. As for the treat... the money for the box and the fun is all Lu Wangbao!"

Lu Wang, who was walking on the side, naturally heard Ling Xiaowu's words, his face somewhat embarrassed.

This time he was in a treat. To put it bluntly, he just wanted to rub the thigh of Zuo Xianglong in Gucheng District.

Listening to Ling Xiaowu’s explanation, Lin Tian understood the joy in front of him, but it was not ordinary. He immediately asked, "Who started Leba?"

"Sister Zhong!"

Ling Xiaowu's face was straight, and he solemnly said: "It's just that everyone has never seen this character. I only heard that she was once one of the female overlords in the underground world of Jinling City. She definitely belongs to the most legendary woman in Jinling City! What a pity! Let’s have fun. I’ve never seen Sister Zhong. There is someone else who is really in power now. But everyone guessed that Sister Zhong must be related to the Zhong family of Jinling family, because the Zhong Zhao Cup of the Zhong family has become a stake in Le! "

Sister Zhong?

Lin Tian stroked his chin, nodding slightly while listening.

"Zhong Zhaobei is a young and old of the Zhong family. In our Jinling City, it belongs to one of the top young and young! Even if it is Jiang Shangkun and Zuo Xianglong?, in front of him, that would have to converge a bit!"

Lu Wang, who was on the side, interrupted at the right time as he walked, but when he mentioned Jiang Shangkun, he couldn't help but glance at Luo Qiandie, and finally stopped talking.

Especially Lin Tian had beaten Jiang Shangkun and others violently before, and now there is nothing wrong with him. How can his strength and background compare with Zhong Zhaobei?

"So, everyone is guessing that Sister Zhong is probably from the Zhong family!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was somewhat silent, Li Du took the conversation and said to Lin Tian: "Lin Shao, did they trouble you?"


Lin Tian smiled and replied casually: "However, in the end, I chatted with Jiang Shuwang and others, and finally it was resolved peacefully!"

Peaceful settlement?

Several people were taken aback, staring at each other.

However, they didn't believe it secretly. It was a **** if it was a peaceful solution.

The group of people chatted like this, and soon arrived at Box No. 8 of Tianzi on the fifth floor of Leba.

The box facilities are full of ancient and elegant.

A group of classmates sat down and started talking and laughing, talking about the distress and laughter of the past three years in high school, talking about the college entrance examination and the university, talking about their future and life, many people have a young face , With a touch of sadness and longing for beauty.

"Everyone sit down first, and I will go down to get the classmates from behind. Young Master Zuo will be here soon too!"

At this moment, Chen Yiqing stood up, smiled and said to everyone, and stepped out of the box.

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