The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1070: Yanjing is the land of dragons and tigers

With a flick of his finger, Qi Mang stormed through the air, abolished the repair base, and finally blasted a large gap in the wall.

Ding Ding was scared to death, with yellow water spilling between his legs, and his whole body was shaking like chaff.

Zhong Xinci, Jingjingxuan, and Mo Zishui all stiffened in an instant.

However, the wall of the box burst open, the movement was not small, and the atmosphere of terror was lingering, they could feel it all at once.

The three suddenly turned their heads, their eyes fell on the wall with a large gap, and their bodies trembled again subconsciously.


The three of them turned their heads back and looked at Chen Dingding who was trembling all over with a look of horror.


Both Zhong Zhaobei and Jiang Shangkun were so scared that their hearts and guts were split.

Zhong Zhaobei screamed and crawled directly on the ground.

" cultivation more..."

Chen Dingding glanced at Lin Tian with fear, his body was shaking, and then he turned his head to look at Zhong Xinci, who stumbled.


Zhong Xinci ignored Chen Dingding's words, she looked at the latter's abdomen, where there was a broken pair with blood flowing out.

It's just that the wound is not that big.

Only the size of a little finger at most.

Zhong Xinci could tell at a glance that Chen Dingding's repair was abolished.

A sharp glow of true energy penetrated through, and abolished the cultivation base.

However, the light of innocence that could blast a large gap in the wall of the box left only such a small wound on Chen Dingding.

This shocked Zhong Xinci secretly.

This was the first time she saw such an infuriating use.

Although he had seen Lin Tian's terrifying strength and methods, he might have used his true energy to such an extent, which was far inconsistent with Lin Tian's age.


Zhong Xinci sighed secretly, and at the same time, the fear in her heart became stronger. Then she raised her head and angrily rebuked Chen Dingding: "Cultivation base? You still want to cultivate base! Now you can save a life, it was your eight lifetime cultivation. Good luck! Don't hurry up and kowtow to Senior Lin, thank him for not killing! If you talk nonsense anymore, Master can only clean you up by himself!"

Zhong Xinci, who was gentle and virtuous on weekdays, seemed to have completely changed at this moment.

The whole body's killing air was completely released at this moment.

Chen Dingding trembled all over, and hurriedly bowed down to Lin Tianchang, shaking and startled, "Thank you...senior for not killing!"

Ding Ding is now in awe of Lin Tian.

The previous contempt, has long been missing.

"Now, let's talk about another thing!"

Lin Tian nodded slightly to Chen Dingding, and immediately ignored him. He glanced over Zhong Zhaobei and Jiang Shangkun, and spoke lightly.

another thing?

Zhong Xinci, Jinganxuan and others, the expressions on their faces changed greatly again, revealing a look of awe.

For an instant.

They felt air-conditioning lingering behind them, permeating their bodies, reaching the Tianling Gai.

"Senior, did my disciple hit you just now?"

Zhong Xinci was also afraid at this time, and the dignified elder Danhuamen was also frightened.

"No! It's them!"

Lin Tian shook his head slightly, pointed to Fang Yongzheng on the crucified wall, then pointed to Zhong Zhaobei, and said coldly: "They caught my friend, Zhu Ting'er! You know, what in this worldly world? It’s normal for young masters and girls to play with female students. Even if they were arrested forcibly, they were all right! When it comes to this, you should understand what I mean! It’s best to beg Zhu Ting'er for no one less. Vellus hair!"


At the moment when Lin Tian's words fell, Zhong Xinci couldn't help but gasped. She was a little messy and her mind was blank. She felt like she was going crazy.

Now Zhong Xinci also understood why Lin Tian would make an angry shot, killing the ordinary Fang Yongzheng to Thunder.

The friend who caught Lin Tian is still a girl, and it would be no shame to die a hundred times if he wants to do something that is intolerable.

"Zhong Zhaobei, you are tired of life!"

Zhong Xinci was frantic to the extreme. Her face was crazy, hideous, and furious. She screamed at Zhong Zhaobei: "Even if my sister is here today, I can't save you! Now, it's better to kill you directly and continue to harm others after saving it. !"

"and many more!"

Seeing that Zhong Xinci was about to do it, Lin Tian coldly stopped him, and said coldly, "He wants to die so easily before he brings him? Don't offend me anymore, otherwise it's not just his death!"

"Senior, you are kind and reckless!"

Zhong Xinci hurriedly stopped and apologized to Lin Tian again and again. At the same time, he seemed to see a glimmer of hope, and said angrily to Zhong Zhaobei: "Where is the person, bring it to me!"

"Sister, she's fine, she's really fine! I asked my Aunt Yun to accompany her, so I didn't feel embarrassed at all! Because I didn't know her identity, I was treated as a distinguished guest!"

Zhong Zhaobei hurriedly climbed over and said to Zhong Xinci again and again, and then kept kowtow to Lin Tian, ​​repeatedly shouting: "I...I will ask someone to bring her here! Soon! Soon..."

With that said, Zhong Zhaobei endured the pain of his cruel arm and took out the phone and made a call.

At this point Zhong Xinci secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If the girl is okay, then Lin Tian will not continue to kill people.

"Jiang Shangkun!"

When Zhong Zhaobei called on the phone, Lin Tian's eyes fell on Jiang Shangkun and asked in a cold voice, "Did you participate in this matter?"

"Ah...Lin Shao, no, I don't have one!"

Jiang Shangkun's complexion changed suddenly, and he was so scared that he knelt down and shouted loudly, "I just know that Zhong Zhaobei's cousin brought a girl, but I don't know the specific identity and origins! Lin Shao , You spare my life, I am here tonight because I heard that Sister Zhong came back and wanted to come and please peace..."

Lin Tian took a deep look at Jiang Shangkun, then nodded and stopped talking.

ten minutes later.

A girl was led into the box by a woman.

It was Zhu Ting'er who came naturally. She looked as usual and couldn't see what had happened to her.

After she walked in, she was still a little dazed, looking at the box in surprise.

But when she saw the corpse on the wall, her pretty face changed so much that she almost screamed.

It's just that Lin Tian spoke up and quickly said, "Zhu Ting'er, don't look over there! Come to me. I didn't expect that we would meet again in this situation! Are you okay?"

Lin Tian spoke with a face and turned Zhu Ting'er's attention.

Sure enough, after seeing Lin Tian, ​​Zhu Ting'er opened her mouth slightly, a little shocked.

But then she quickly walked to Lin Tian's side and hid behind.

"What's going on here? Isn't that Fang Yongzheng from the Fang family... He brought me to Jinling City before..."

Zhu Ting'er pointed at the corpse on the wall, and said in shock and fear.

"It looks like you are all right!"

Looking at Zhu Ting'er's reaction, Lin Tian knew that Zhong Zhaobei and others hadn't touched her, and the expression on his face eased somewhat.

Just as Lin Tian talked about it, he flicked his fingers, and the two qi glows slashed towards the legs of Zhong Zhaobei, and then there were two clicks, and the legs of the latter broke directly.

Zhong Zhaobei screamed and squatted directly on the ground in pain.

"Zhu Ting'er, let's go!"

Abolished both of Zhong Zhaobei's legs, Lin Tian stood up and prepared to leave with Zhu Ting'er.

However, Zhong Xinci hurriedly knelt before Lin Tian and said anxiously: "Senior, please stay! I have something to ask, I wonder if I can?"

"Hmph, your nephew captured my friend and didn't kill him. It's up to your face!"

Lin Tian's face sank and sneered at Zhong Xinci: "Now, do you still have the courage to beg me?"

"Senior! This is what happened. Our Zhong family found a different place in Mount Tai, the land of Huaibei Dongshan, which seems to be an ancient place! We got two low-grade spirit stones at the entrance!"

Zhong Xinci hurriedly explained: "Before I had ordered Chen Dingding and Mo Zishui two disciples to explore, ready to try to open the entrance. As a result, a Cheng Yaojin was killed halfway-Beizhou Tuoba family and Zhutianhui! I am here! Once I came back, I was preparing to negotiate with the elders of Tuoba’s family and the presidents day by day! I hereby implore the seniors to help! After the event is completed, the ancient treasures can be used by seniors first!"

"Well, Gudi?"

Hearing the ancient land, Lin Tian couldn't help but pause, but he was a little surprised: "Then what Tuoba family and Zhutianhui, it seems they are just secular families, you can't figure it out?"

"Senior, they are the people of Beizhou! The most important thing is from the boundary of Yanjing!"

Zhong Xinci shook his head, showing a wry smile, "Beizhou, compared to our Dongzhou, it is much stronger! What's more, the land of Yanjing is a place where storms and clouds gather, where dragons and tigers gather. The land, even a small family, is far stronger than imagined!"

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