The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1188: Honghao Zhizhi

Sports field of Chinese medicine campus.

The opening ceremony is about to begin.

Freshman of the School of Pharmacy, Class One.

Weng Xiaoran and Gao Yanan sat among a group of students, their appearance was outstanding, and compared with other female students, they had a breathtaking and dusty temperament.


Weng Xiaoran felt Lin Tian's gaze, especially the latter still staring blankly, unable to help being unnatural.

She naturally couldn't recognize that the boy in front of her was Lin Tian, ​​her sister's former fiance.

For Lin Tian, ​​from this moment, she has left a bad impression.

Frowning, Weng Xiaoran said to Gao Yanan: "He didn't do anything to you yesterday, right?"

"Humph! He dare!"

Gao Yanan's willow eyebrows were raised, and she stared at her beautiful eyes and shouted, "If he dares to use his hands, this lady will not break his limbs!"

Hearing this, Weng Xiaoran couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Gao Yanan's violent temper has been taught many times.

Back then, she had also been to Snowy City, and saw with her own eyes that Gao Yanan crippled some of the monks in the door who had mistreated her.

"In the future, when you encounter this kind of person, stay away from it. If you can't cause trouble, just bear it! If you encounter this kind of endless entanglement, I will help you give you a severe lesson!"

Weng Xiaoran rubbed Gao Yanan's fragrant shoulders, and whispered, she was also afraid that the latter would act too hard without knowing how to make things worse.


She also directly labeled Lin Tian as a gangster.

"Senior Sister Xiaoran, you look at his staring eyes that are about to come out! Now, he is staring at you 80% of the time, he only knows beauty, men are not a good thing!"

Gao Yanan's murderous beautiful eyes glanced across Lin Tian, ​​and whispered angrily.

"Well, let him see it, just stay away from now on!"

Weng Xiaoran was stared at. Although she was uncomfortable and uncomfortable, she was quite calm and shook her head to persuade Gao Yanan.

at the same time.

Lin Tian naturally didn't know that the girl who looked exactly like Xiao Yao Ji was not Xiao Yao Ji, but sister Weng Xiaoran.

Moreover, seeing the two women staring at him with hostility, he couldn't help but wonder.

"Don't you just want to understand the situation with you? As for the need for such hostility?"

Lin Tian murmured in secret, shook his head helplessly, and regained his gaze. He had already made a decision in his heart: "Let's find a chance later and talk to Gao Yanan again!"

As for Ji Xiaoyao appearing here, Lin Tian was a little confused, but didn't think much.

He has nothing to do with the other party, too lazy to bother.


The dozen or so boys in Class 6 rejoined Xiao Feiyuan at this time, winking one by one, as if they were discussing 108 unique skills of the island country with Xiao Feiyuan.

For the current school opening ceremony, I didn't take it seriously.


The so-called opening ceremony is nothing more than a symbolic activity every time the school starts.

To put it more straightforwardly, the ceremony is just to encourage the students, and it's just a face-saving project. It has no effect except a waste of time.

Lin Tian raised his head and glanced at the dark crowd around him, then let go of his divine sense, and scanned it randomly, but found no abnormalities, sighed secretly, and withdrew the divine sense.

Now, unable to find the girl, Lin Tian can be sure of two situations——

One is that the girl with the yin and yang energy on her body may have left and is no longer in the college of Chinese medicine.

The second is that the yin and yang qi on the opponent's body shielded his divine consciousness, and could not be detected at all.

In both cases, Lin Tian prefers the latter.

"The Rank Nine Chaos Bead is very, very important to me! But, don't be anxious! As long as that one is in Yanjing, it can't run away!"

Although Lin Tian was somewhat depressed, he still secretly warned himself and calmed down, "In addition to the Yin and Yang beads, there are other sub-beads to look for! Can’t be anxious! When a certain number of sub-beads are collected, or all the collections are completed, these nine turns Chaos Bead, maybe it can take me away from the earth again and return to the Nine Heavens Continent, or even Warsong City?"

After muttering in a low voice, Lin Tian put away his thoughts and watched the students around him still noisy. On the main stage in front, he had not seen Mao Yongyi's figure.

Only a few senior college officials are waiting up there.

Lin Tian looked around, then closed his eyes on the spot to calm himself.

As time passed, the opening ceremony soon began.

It was the director of the college's teaching department who presided over all kinds of messy disciplines, all kinds of spirits, all kinds of doctrines!

Anyway, few students below can hear it, even those clever female students who focus on studying.

To put it bluntly, these college leaders are all useless nonsense!

Either empty talk, or all kinds of useless official speeches!

But they still spoke very solemnly and seriously!

Perhaps, the so-called serious nonsense should be them!

After a lot of nonsense, there are various praises and rewards, including Zhong Li, who won the first half of the anatomy competition held in Yanjing in the first half of the year, and is now in his sophomore year, and the first package in the acupuncture contest. Shichi!

The two have been rumored to be the pride of the TCM campus for half a year!

"Cut! Number one? This is for most people! The real number one is Tan Yuanliang and Bingzhi, but they went to Huaxia University of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

"Hey, is there a problem with this kind of black box operation? Don't say it, everyone knows it well!"

"Huh, although Principal Gao is now in charge, what can't Mao Yongyi do secretly for the investment of Zhong Li and Bao Shichi?"

"Investment? I'm afraid a lot of money has gone into his pocket!"

Many people on the sports field were talking in low voices.

Even at a long distance, Lin Tian heard many people's words.

"This Mao Yongyi is really not a good thing!"

Lin Tian opened his eyes and looked in front of him. Mao Yongyi was already sitting in the middle of the main stage with a polite appearance.


It was Mao Yongyi's turn to give a speech at the opening ceremony.

He took a stack of manuscripts, walked to the podium, and began to read according to the manuscript——

"Dear teachers and classmates, today the opening ceremony of the new school year on our TCM campus! First of all, on behalf of the school and in my own name, I would like to extend my greetings to everyone for the new school year! Especially the freshmen of this year, we applaud and warmly Welcome them to become the new members of our big family!"


"All the students present here are the hope of China and the future of the nation! Since we have stepped into this place, we must study diligently, set up the ambition of Hong Hao, and be an indomitable struggler... "

On the podium, Mao Yongyi gave a speech according to the previous draft.

However, as soon as he read this, all the students below showed consternation.

Then, there were waves of uproar.

"Honghao's ambition? I heard that right, right!"

"Isn't it the ambition of Honghu? When we were in junior high school, we were all overwhelmed by memorization!"

"The bird is safe to know Honghu's ambition! Honghu, hu is pronounced! How is hao?"

"Teacher principal, don't you read Honghu Zhizhi right?"

Below, there were waves of noise.

Especially the new freshman students all spoke out.

Those who can be admitted to Yanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine are all academic masters, and all are extremely knowledgeable and rigorous in learning.

Honghu's ambition, even a junior high school student, can recite it casually!

Mao Yongyi's too low-level mistake made them a little bit unbelievable.

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