The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1190: Hit till you cry

At this moment, Mao Yongyi was in a bad mood, and his heart was extremely unhappy.

Seeing someone in front of him seemed to gather a crowd to fight and make trouble, his squeezing anger was instantly ignited.

"Qin Shi, what are you going to do? Are you going to fight and make trouble?"

After approaching, Mao Yongyi noticed Qin Shi and others, frowning and shouting.

Some students who were standing on the side preparing to watch the excitement, saw Mao Yongyi appear, and left quickly one by one.

In Mao Yongyi's speech at the opening ceremony just now, the embarrassment must have occurred in his heart, and they didn't want to be in trouble.

As for Xiao Feiyuan and others, their expressions changed drastically.

"Principal, we don't have one! I just saw a few students who didn't know the heights of the sky and wanted to reprimand them!"

When Qin Shi saw Mao Yongyi coming, his face changed slightly, but he didn't show too much fear. He still said with a hippie smile: "But there are people here just now. Even if you beat him, you are not qualified to let him drop out. I dare not do anything to him!"

These words caused Mao Yongyi's feet to have a meal, his face gradually changed from iron blue to flushed, and he could vaguely see his face twitching.

On the side, Sima Tao, director of the teaching department, looked gloomy for an instant.

"It's lawless! Which one said? I don't respect the teacher, I, Yanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, what's the use of coming here!"

Sima Tao strode forward, yelled loudly, looked around Qin Shi and others, and finally questioned Qin Shi: "Qin Shi, which one said?"

"Director Sima, calm down and calm down!"

Qin Shi chuckled, pointed at Lin Tian, ​​and said with a sneer: "It's this hillbilly! This kind of poor ghost from outside is the most unqualified. I think he should get out of here!"

A hillbilly from outside?

I hate foreigners most!

Sima Tao had a calm face, secretly contemptuous and unhappy. As a Yanjing native, he had always been hostile to outsiders. Even the students of his school, Sima Tao had always looked down, and even took the opportunity to punish and reprimand.

Now, some people are disrespectful to the principal, and what they say is so arrogant and undisciplined.

Such students must be severely punished!

"You said it?"

Sima Tao glanced contemptuously at Xiao Feiyuan and others, and finally fell on Lin Tian with a disgusting look, and asked angrily.

Lin Tian turned his head, raised his eyelids, and took a look at Sima Tao. He saw a deep contempt and disgust from the opponent's face.

Regarding this, Lin Tian looked as usual. From what Sima Tao did on the stage just now, he already knew that he was not a good thing.

Therefore, he looked indifferently and said coldly: "It was mine! And, what I said was the truth! Higher education institutions like our college are places where no mathematicians dream of entering. Treat everything with a scientific attitude. , Seek truth from facts, strictly discipline yourself! Director Sima, don't you think?"

Lin Tian said this very casually, and when others heard it, they felt that he praised the school, and he was also a strict self-disciplined student!

However, this statement fell into Sima Tao's ears, but it seemed extremely ironic.

On the side, many people could hear Lin Tian's sandy words, and their expressions suddenly became weird.

Sima Tao naturally heard it, his face was so gloomy that water dripped.

What he said just now on the stage to find Mao Yongyi down the stairs was naturally nonsense.

Lin Tian's words were obviously mocking him for targeting him.

"Seek truth from facts? Very good!"

Sima Tao was completely furious. Since he became the director of the teaching department of the college, no student has dared to speak to him like this. At this moment, he is almost roaring, "Get here, apologize to President Mao, and then you can Pack your own luggage, and then go back to your mountain! The hillbilly from the mountains, and my company, really reduced the identity and taste of our Yanjing people!"

The roar was loud and loud, almost spreading around.

Many students on the side were angry and looked at Sima Tao's gaze, disgusted to the extreme.

Many boys really want to rush over to beat Sima Tao.

Sima Tao's words directly offended many students.

Because at least half of the students in Yanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine are from other places, and most of them are from ordinary backgrounds, and most of them come from small towns or even small villages in remote mountainous areas.

It is equivalent to them being bombarded by Sima Tao's map style.

However, the anger of these students returns to anger, resentment to resentment, and the idea of ​​group fighting is just an idea, but they dare not put it into action.

Standing behind Lin Tian, ​​Xiao Feiyuan and other boys in Class 6, and some of the girls who did not leave, were also angry.

Almost all of them were children of ordinary people from other places, and Sima Tao's words also angered them.

"Hehe... you successfully angered me!"

Lin Tian suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, grinned, and said, "Now, apologize! Otherwise, you will be embarrassed!"

As soon as this word came out, the surroundings couldn't help but quiet.

Even Qin Shi, who sneered on the opposite side, narrowed his eyes.

Lin Tian's composure made him unable to see through. It was the first time he encountered such an arrogant hillbilly, but looking at his calm appearance, he seemed to rely on him.


Sima Tao fell into a rage, roared completely, pointed to Lin Tian's nose, and shouted: "The lawless student, come over and kneel down! If you don't take care of you today, this school won't be upset in the future!"


But as soon as Sima Tao had finished speaking, Lin Tian got up instantly, kicked him violently, and kicked him out.

Sima Tao wasn't tall, but he was extremely straightforward and his body looked extremely strong.

Even the teachers of the academy have a whole body of flesh.

But in front of Lin Tian, ​​like a child, he was kicked to the ground and couldn't find North for a while.

However, even though he was unhappy with Sima Tao, Lin Tian still knew the severity and did not want to make matters worse. After all, he still needs to stay here to find the girl. At the same time, he does not want his parents and family members to worry about it. Sima Tao was in pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Principal Mao...this student must be severely punished, must be punished severely!"

Sima Tao got up from the ground, picked up the glasses that fell on the ground, and shouted again and again: "Security guard, security guard... arrest this lawless student! Hit, hit someone, and beat the teacher..."

not far away.

Several security guards trot over.

Originally, Mao Yongyi was already furious.

However, after Lin Tian kicked Sima Tao away and turned around to let him see clearly, his face suddenly became stagnant.

"Why this guy!"

Mao Yongyi's gloomy face showed a look of uncertainty.

Lin Tian still has a video of him fighting fiercely in the office. With this handle in hand, he must be punished severely?

Thinking of this, Mao Yongyi instantly dismissed the idea.

Lin Tian ignored Mao Yongyi, walked up to Sima Tao, and said indifferently: "Teacher? Are you worthy of the word teacher? Apologize to other students, otherwise you will be beaten until you cry!"

Seeing Lin Tian kicking Sima Tao away, all the students around were dumbfounded.

Even Qin Shi was stunned by mistakes.

This is Sima Tao. No matter how arrogant he is, he would at most talk back. When did he dare to beat up the teacher?

And one sentence until crying makes many people fall apart.

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