The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1205: What is the Jiang family?

In the room.

The air seems to be freezing!

At least, for Ma Wenjie, if the death sickle fell on his head.

He was completely cold and wanted to move, as if he was out of control.

Panic filled my heart.

At this moment, he can imagine what kind of end Lin Tian will end.

Jiang Yulong is famous for being hot!

"Lin Tian..."

Fang Shilei was also anxious at this time.

This was the first time she met her as a girl.

Jiang Yulong's fierce appearance is not fake or joking.

She also understands that this class of Young Master can definitely do anything.

Lin Tian didn't move, listening to the explosive sound of the ten young people clenching their fists echoing in the room, counting the time.


He stood up.

"The time is up! Since you don't want to get rid of the **** by yourself, then I can only help Teacher Fang clean up!"

Lin Tian's icy eyes swept across Jiang Yulong and others, and the voices were extremely cold.

"Garbage? You say we are garbage?"

Jiang Yulong glared at Lin Tian in astonishment. He couldn't think that the guy in front of him who didn't know the height and the height of the earth was so stiff when he died. Then, his face twitched violently, with a twisted hideousness, and he gave out a strange smile. : "Ohhhhhhhh..."

"Garbage? Grass..."

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Yulong turned his head and looked at the dozen or so young people behind him, and said coldly: "Now, the time is up! You said, where do you start with such a pile of rubbish? Tendons? Or nails? Or an inch of bone interruption? A dozen of you, each come up with a way, and then throw him into the Liufang River to feed the fish!"

"Now, the anger in Ben Shao's heart is about to burn the entire college town!"


Jiang Yulong was completely violent, and the aura on his face and the fierceness in his eyes all signaled his endless anger.


Fang Shilei and Ma Wenjie both turned pale to the extreme, and they were so cold that they didn't dare to move.

As for the ten or so young people who followed Jiang Yulong, their expressions were already extremely cold.

"Shao Jiang, every new semester, there will be some reckless redneck in the college town! In front of this, I am afraid I don't know what it means to not see the coffin and not cry!"

"Huh, it's better to let him kneel down first. The hillbilly from this savage place is not qualified to be on an equal footing with us!"

"Hey, that's right, outside of the Yanjing area, there are low-grade reptiles and dirty garbage. When you see us, you need to kneel first!"

"Yes, let him kneel first! Then slowly concoct it! As for what method, Shao Jiang has said enough, I'm afraid he will pass out if he can't survive one of them!"


A dozen young people, every word you say to me, their faces are full of anger and sneer, showing a kind of aura.


Lin Tian watched quietly, then nodded, and said, "It just so happens that you will come one by one! Who will come first? No one will stand up, I will pick one by one! I hope you can climb out from here later..."

"Hillboy, you dare to talk nonsense! Kneel down!"

At this moment, one of the young people standing behind Jiang Yulong couldn't bear it. He shouted angrily, stepped on his foot, and swept across Lin Tian's legs fiercely.

The young people who came with Jiang Yulong were tall and magnificent, extremely fierce, and they were usually good fighters.

With such a sweep, the tiger is full of wind, and ordinary adult men don't want to stand up.


There was a muffled sound, and the leg swept out by the young man was stagnant at first, and then the sound of broken bones could be heard in the muffled sound.

"Ah...I've broken my leg!"

The young man suddenly covered his leg and let out a scream.

Just now, at that moment, he swept his legs, not a human leg, but a steel-reinforced iron plate.

Not to mention what damage it could cause, even Lin Tian's legs swayed slightly, but he couldn't do it.

"Start with you first!"

Lin Tian understood at this time. He made a speech indifferently, his hands were like gusts of lightning, and he grabbed the young man's injured leg, "It's just a slight fracture, which can't satisfy your **** feeling. Let's add something!"

As he said, Lin Tian exerted a little force on his hand, and a clicking sound suddenly sounded.

The young man's leg was suddenly broken back by Shengsheng.

The trousers were torn apart, and a leg bone protruded from under the flesh, **** and shocking.


Fang Shilei and Ma Wenjie were in a daze, and then they both screamed in horror. They backed back and hid in the corner, their faces extremely pale.

They couldn't think of it, Lin Tian would be so **** and terrible to make a shot!

Jiang Yulong and others were also dumbfounded.

"Grass... let's go together and kill him!"

After a while, Jiang Yulong reacted, his face was cold and solemn, and he yelled at the youth behind him.

Nearly a dozen people flocked up.

This time.

Jiang Yulong brought so many people here, mainly because he was so angry.

Fang Shilei was the woman he appointed from the beginning, her own forbidden, forbid other boys to approach.

Now that Fang Shilei came back, he was originally extremely excited.

But the news came back that he was indeed with other boys. How could he not run away?

Bringing so many people here, he also thought that if there was an accident that killed people, he would also deal with it more manually.

just now.

It really comes in handy.

"Are you so anxious? I'll give you a little bit of color!"

Lin Tian watched a dozen people rush forward, smiled indifferently, stepped up, and started flashing his hands:

"Neck bone, broken!"

"Tejin, broken!"

"Hand bone, broken!"

"Pull armor, broken teeth!"


For a time, Lin Tian can be described as one person, one attack, and the moves are fast and accurate. The person who rushed up either had broken hands or feet, or had a torn mouth with broken teeth, and lay on the ground wailing.

Just half a minute.

The ten young people who rushed towards Lin Tian all fell to the ground.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Yulong was stunned. For a moment, his whole body was cold and his hair stood upright.

"You are a Lianjiazi! Even a strong man of national arts?"

Jiang Yulong took a deep breath, stared at Lin Tian fiercely, and tremblingly said: "Are you going to fight my Jiang family?"

"Jiang Family? What kind of thing is that? Kneel down!!!"

Lin Tian's eyes were chilly, looking directly at Jiang Yulong, screaming.

"Tell me Jiang Yulong to kneel down? Arrogant!"

How could Jiang Yulong's arrogant temperament suffer such insults, naturally he was unwilling.


But the next moment, Lin Tian took a palm of his hand and slapped Jiang Yulong's shoulder fiercely. A force of force made his body numb, and then it directly applied to his leg, causing his leg bones to click.

With a bang, Jiang Yulong let out a scream and knelt on the ground humiliatingly.

"Your name is Jiang Yulong? You'll show up in front of me in the future, it's best to be honest, don't mess with me, don't touch my friends, otherwise, die!

Lin Tian was expressionless, with endless indifference, and said coldly, "And you, do you now know who is the reptile and who is the rubbish? Now, apologize to Teacher Fang, otherwise I will crush all your bones!"

A group of people were frightened, with trembling voices, apologizing to Fang Shilei while wailing.

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