The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1219: The old man can't afford the title of genius doctor


Zhang Jianmei can be described as furious!

He has been teaching and educating people at Huaxia University of Traditional Chinese Medicine for decades, and has never seen such an unskilled and arrogant student.


When I came to the Yanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I saw it.

Let him be an eye-opener!

What is arrogance, what is arrogance and what is not knowing the heights of the sky, the boy in front of him, the interpretation is vividly and vividly!

Geniuses like Bingzhi are regarded as garbage and jokes!

Dean-level figures such as Jiang Qianyu have been repeatedly ignored, which is simply unheard of.

Other Chinese medicine practitioners who are as famous as Jiang Qianyu, such as Gu Qingyun and Qin Sheng, have never been so arrogant!

"Severe punishment, must be severely punished! You must publicly apologize in front of the teachers and students of the school! You must personally apologize to Doctor Jiang, kneel down and kowtow to admit your mistakes! Otherwise, don't say you will be swept out of Yanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine because you are disrespectful to Doctor Jiang. Many people may not let you go!"

Zhang Jianmei roared again and again, and at the same time took out the phone from her body, panting angrily: "I will call Gao Xinhan now! It's too shameful..."

Zhu Chenshan, who was on the side, also had a calm face, and didn't mean to persuade Zhang Jianmei.

It can be seen that his heart has also begun to rise with anger, but he does not express it.

First came the prescriptions of unknown origin, and then uttered wild words with no one in their eyes. Now he was still waiting for Jiang Qianyu to be impatient, saying that Jiang Qianyu was arrogant and that Jiang Qianyu begged him to come!

It was the first time that Zhu Chenshan saw all these endless wild words from a student.

Zhang Jianmei's words, he remained silent, which is equivalent to supporting!

"Lin Tian, ​​don't think that if you practice martial arts, you will be lawless!"

Ma Wenjie also echoed at this time, and angrily rebuked, "Lao Zhu, Professor Zhang, are all respected seniors in the Chinese medical field, you are too presumptuous! Hurry up and apologize and admit your mistakes!"

Zhu Youyou, who was standing on the side, was angry and annoyed. It was the first time that she had seen freshmen and students who spoke and did things like this without thinking.

Just when she was about to persuade, Lin Tian moved suddenly.


A slap was loud and crisp. Ma Wenjie on the opposite side flew around the place like a spinning top, while the whole person fell to the ground.

After rolling around in embarrassment on the ground, Ma Wenjie let out a scream, trying to get up.

There was already a clear slap mark on his face, and the corner of his mouth was a bit crooked, and blood was flowing down.

at the same time.

There were a few more teeth on the ground.

" you dare to fight a nest..."

Ma Wenjie covered his mouth and stared at Lin Tian, ​​his expression a little unbelievable, and his mouth was vague.

This was the school, the pharmacy where Zhu Chenshan was located. Ma Wenjie knew that Lin Tian was very skilled, but he felt that Lin Tian should not dare to be presumptuous in this place.

But now that there was a disagreement, he slapped him directly and unambiguously!

"It's just light to hit you!"

Lin Tian's face was full of chills, as cold as a knife, and his words were stern, "You dare to fart, I will just abolish all three legs under you! If you don't believe me, try opening your mouth again!"

These words were so cold that Ma Wenjie couldn't help but slapped all over, and quickly covered his mouth.


He thought of the scene where Lin Tian abolished Jiang Yulong and the others at Fang Shilei's house that night, his back was suddenly filled with cold, his scalp gradually became numb, and he was so scared that he didn't dare to make any more noises.

In the room.

Others didn't expect that Lin Tian would hit others, and was blinded for a while.

"Palsy, are you a gangster?"

For a long time, Bingzhi was the first to come back to his senses and exploded directly at Lin Tian, ​​shouting: "In front of Teacher Zhu and Professor Zhang, you still dare to beat people! No one can save you!"

"Lawlessness, insult to gentleman!"

Zhang Jianmei was trembling with anger, and pointed at Lin Tian repeatedly and scolded: "To dare to be an adult in the school, and to beat the college tutor, it is really bad! You are a gangster, you must be expelled from school! Get out of Yanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine! !"

At this moment, Zhang Jianmei was extremely angry. If it weren't for her identity, thinking of herself as a professor, not a gangster, she would have rushed straight forward.

"Old stuff, shut up!"

Lin Tian was completely impatient at this time and directly yelled at Zhang Jianmei.

This big drink directly made Zhu Chenshan stare in anger.

"Grass...Professor Zhang, dare to scold you too!"

Bingzhi had gone violently at this time, and he was about to act on Lin Tian.

Unfortunately, he was slow.

Therefore, Lin Tian moved his hands again, swiftly like electricity, raised his leg and topped his knee with a muffled sound.

Bingzhi was originally a student who lived in an ivory tower all year round. One can imagine how weak his body was. When Lin Tian was topped by Lin Tian, ​​he flew out directly, along the gate of the backyard, and smashed the flowers and plants on the yard. between.

The muffled sound was dull and harsh, and everyone was stunned.

But Lin Tian actually regained his strength and never thought of taking Bingzhi's life, so the momentum was great, but in reality it was only painful for Bingzhi.


Bingzhi's fall to the ground was another layer of real pain.

The most important thing is that he also came with a dog chewing mud, his front teeth were broken, blood was flowing, and the pain was wailing on the ground.


It took a long time for Bingzhi to come over, enduring the severe pain and glaring at Lin Tian.

"One more sentence, I'll be pumped until you can't speak!"

Lin Tian's eyes rose with chills, and Sen coldly shouted: "The waste is nothing, but the waste treats himself as a genius, that is extremely ridiculous! Not to mention you, even if Jiang Qianyu is here, he is just barely qualified to get mine. That's it!"

These words made De Bingzhi's face twisted with shame and anger.

Zhang Jianmei on the side was so angry that she almost couldn't stand firmly.

Is Jiang Qianyu barely qualified to enter the Dharma Eye?


The ultimate madness!

How arrogant!

"Call the police, call the police!"

Zhang Jianmei roared hoarsely.

At this moment, Zhu Chenshan suddenly stood up and prepared to speak, and at the same time he took out his mobile phone.

"what happened?"

Suddenly, an old anger sounded from outside. An old man with a cane and a tall middle-aged man walked in.

"Senior Jiang!"

"Senior genius doctor!"

Seeing the appearance of the two figures that appeared, the eyes of several people fell on the old man who was headed. Zhu Chenshan, Zhu Youyou, Zhang Jianmei, and Ma Wenjie and Bingzhi who got up from the ground embarrassedly all bowed to the old man.

Naturally, this old man is not someone else, but Jiang Qianyu, a leading figure in the medical field and a Chinese medicine player!

"Senior Jiang, you are finally here, otherwise the sky will be shaken here!"

Zhang Jianmei couldn't control his emotions at this time, and said with an angry face.

On the side, Bingzhi clutched his abdomen and mouth, pointed at Lin Tian, ​​and complained to Jiang Qianyu: "Senior genius doctor, this person is extremely arrogant and extremely arrogant! This person does not know where to steal the prescription, and uses this boldly to protect the sky. My master Zhu Chenshan and Professor Zhang were degraded to nothing, let alone you begged him to come, and in the end even said that you are a magnificent Chinese genius doctor who can’t get into his eyes! No genius doctor can get into his eyes, it’s crazy... ...He hurt us later..."

At this moment, Bingzhi accused Jiang Qianyu of Lin Tian's many "bad" acts.

at this time.

Jiang Qianyu reacted from a daze, knowing how much was going on in front of him, he raised his head and glanced at Lin Tian, ​​his expression frightened.

"Okay! Very good! You are so good! No matter what happened to you just now, I will apologize to the genius Doctor Lin Shaolin first! Then talk about other things!"

Jiang Qianyu's complexion sank, his face was stern, his cold eyes swept over the people present, and finally pointed at Lin Tian, ​​and sternly shouted: "Also, now, Shao Lin, son of the genius doctor Morty, the old man can't afford the title of genius doctor!"

"Now, apologize!"

In the end, Jiang Qianyu's voice rose instantly, and his anger rolled away in the room.

But at this moment, Zhu Youyou and the others were all confused, and their minds were a little overwhelming for a while.

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