The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1224: This is a rigorous human science

"Get me down!"

Lin Tian buckled his legs and blocked them all at once. Xia Xiaobei's expression was ashamed, and his legs pushed up again.

Strangling and wrapping around the neck like scissors can instantly suffocate and ache, and absolutely fall to the ground.

However, Xia Xiaobei discovered that no matter how hard she tried, Lin Tian's hands clasping his legs remained motionless.

"You are too vicious, right? If you change to an ordinary person, you will surely break someone else's neck if you twist it like this!"

Lin Tian frowned and shouted coldly,

"Go down!"

Lin Tian grabbed Xia Xiaocui's legs and prepared to lift it out in the air.

But Xia Xiaobei did not slow down at all, and the seemingly slender jade hand slammed Lin Tian's eyes.

"You really come here!"

Seeing the girl directly attacking her own vitals, Lin Tian squinted his eyes and peeked back with both hands. In a blink of an eye, he grabbed Xia Xiaocui and threw it down, then took it into his arms and put it on his legs. .

But the softness filled Lin Tian's legs all of a sudden, causing him to stop.

But Lin Tian was too lazy to think, pressing Xia Xiaobei's waist with one hand, and clasping the back of the opponent's neck with the other, and shouted: "If you dare to do it again, I will directly put your nightdress on the ground, and then throw you out of the courtyard. !"


Xia Xiaobei let out a scream, obviously frightened.

Because Lin Tian caught him, but couldn't move the slightest, she realized that the young man in front of her had also practiced, and his skills were much better than her.

She could hear that Lin Tian was not joking, if she were to be thrown out, she would be miserable!

A girl is naked, and if someone sees it, it is more difficult to accept than death.

"You let me go, I won't do anything to you again!"

Xia Xiaobei shook Yinya, knowing that no matter how much he resisted, he couldn't resist. On the contrary, he might end up miserably and immediately compromised.

"Okay! I'll let you go! But if you dare to do it again and strip you off and throw it out, it's no joke!"

Lin Tian opened the sale, pushed out Xia Xiaocui, and said at the same time: "You can call my sister-in-law! Well, that is Lin Youran!"

Hearing that Lin Tian said Lin Youran's name all at once, he was taken aback.

She began to determine that the boy in front of her might really live here.

But in the end she made a call and found that Lin Tian was still Lin Youran's nephew, temporarily taking charge of the courtyard.

That is, I am now a small landlord!

Xia Xiaobei found helplessly, he broke into the little landlord's house to take a bath, and then he wanted to beat someone!

"That... I really don't know!"

This time Xia Xiaocui became a little embarrassed, her pretty face blushed, her hands and feet were at a loss, and she apologized: "Sorry, I didn't hit you, right?"

"Take your things and go back to your house!"

Lin Tian shouted directly with a cold face.

"Sorry sorry!"

Xia Xiaobei was extremely embarrassed and apologized again. At the same time, he explained: "I... the water pipe in the bathroom of my house is broken, and the water heater can't take a bath at all. I saw that the room was concealed. What were the gifts, clothes, and daily necessities? No, I thought no one was living. I came here to take a shower!"

After hearing this, Lin Tian understood why this Xia Xiaobei was so weird that he had come to take a bath in his room.

There is no water there. As a girl, I can't bear the taste of not taking a bath for a day. In the end, I can't help but come here to wash.

"You go there first, and I'll go there later to help you look at the water pipe!"

Lin Tian waved his hand and urged.

Xia Xiaobei apologized again in embarrassment, and then ran into the bathroom to pack her clothes.


After coming out of the bathroom, she looked at the broken glass bottle on the carpet. The green liquid in it had all seeped into the carpet.

"Ah... my potion!"

Xia Xiaobei stared blankly at the empty bottle above the ground, her complexion suddenly turned pale, and a trace of pain appeared between her eyebrows.

Seeing Xia Xiaobei's reaction, Lin Tian looked at it in surprise and asked, "What medicine is in the bottle?"

"Nothing! It's all over!"

Xia Xiaobei bit her lip, shook her head at Lin Tian, ​​picked up the bottle on the ground, and hurriedly left the house.

What kind of medicine is this?

Contains lotus seed heart, angelica wood and other things, it can be seen that it should be used to supplement yang!

What's wrong with her?

Lin Tian looked at the liquid medicine on the carpet, and wondered.

However, he didn't study too much, cleaned up the house, and went to the house opposite Xia Xiaobei.

Xia Xiaobei's room is a bit messy, and it can be seen that it has just moved in today and has not had time to clean up.

"I'm sorry for what happened before! My name is Xia Xiaobei and I am a student of Huaqing University!"

In the room, Xia Xiaobei had changed into a rigorous casual outfit. Seeing Lin Tian coming in, she quickly apologized: "The break in the bathroom door valve is not only a problem for bathing, but other water is not used! "

Lin Tian nodded slightly, walked into the bathroom to check, then turned over and walked out to the backyard.

In the backyard, in addition to the two houses, there is a firewood room dedicated to storing all kinds of living utensils.

Lin Tian found tools such as wrenches for repairing water pipes, as well as iron pipes and hose tapes for repairing water pipes.

He had repaired it before, so he was still familiar with the road, and it took half an hour to get it done.

Out of the bathroom, Lin Tian looked at Xia Xiaobei and said, "The potion you didn't get before is important to you, right?"

"It's for bathing!"

Xia Xiaobei's complexion changed obviously, but she quickly smiled and shook her head, and said, "It's okay, I'll do it later, I can bring it from home!"

Lin Tian didn't doubt him, nodded and said, "If you have anything in the future, you can find me!"

Since he is helping sister-in-law to take care of the courtyard, he can't let the tenants here.

As for Xia Xiaobei's breaking into the house before, he didn't bother to worry about it.

He packed his things back to the firewood room and saw that the lights in Gao Xinhan's house were already on. Lin Tian suddenly gave up his plan to improve the soil in the dark.

If Gao Xinhan suddenly came out and saw him, it would be embarrassing.

No words for a night.

The next day, Lin Tian got up early as usual, but he found that Gao Xinhan was earlier than him this time and was no longer in the house.

Xia Xiaobei on the opposite side was no longer visible.

Looking at the course schedule, there is only one compulsory public course in the morning, human physiology!

This is a course that a learner must learn. This aspect will be related to anatomy, treatment, obstetrics, and so on.

Lin Tian also wanted to see how some courses he hadn't touched were taught in this university.

However, he did not rush to go, but left to improve the soil in the backyard for planting Taixuan grass.

It took a full half an hour before he rushed to school.

But when he got to the large lecture hall, he found that the people there were already full.

Only one seat remained in the last row.

Lin Tian sneaked in through the back door quietly, and sat in an empty seat. There were two places beside it, but books and stationery were already placed on it.

But as soon as Lin Tian sat down, two figures also appeared at the side seats.

"why you!"

The two tall figures that appeared, both showed a stunned look.

"It's you..."

Seeing the two of them clearly, Lin Tian's eyes lit up, revealing a helpless smile, but he only glanced at one of them lightly, and finally stared at the other person, and said, "Please sit down!"

The two who came were Gao Yanan and Weng Xiaoran.

Lin Tian still didn't know that the girl who looked a lot like Xiao Yao Ji was not Xiao Yao Ji, so her attitude was very cold.

But there is something to ask Gao Yanan, so he can only helplessly smile.

"Hmph, this kind of rascal came to listen to this kind of class, absolutely not thinking about it!"

Gao Yanan glanced at the classroom, and had nothing to do, so he could only sit down and murmur at the same time.

Lin Tian didn’t care. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he happened to chat with Gao Yanan, and said, “You still have prejudices against me! Human physiology, to use those pedantic words, this is a very rigorous human science! How can you say it? Where's the rascal? Besides, you guys are all here too! Also, I really have something to talk to you!"

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