The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1230: Floating corpse

Grapefruit mountain.

Halfway up the mountain, densely forested roads, and few people around.

The surroundings were damp and dim, white cloth hanging from trees, yellow paper all over the ground, and coffin wood everywhere.

The horrifying situation made Xiao Feiyuan pale with fright.

"Senior Sister Lu... this... are you sure that this is Yuzi Mountain, not the graveyard?"

Xiao Feiyuan couldn't help taking a step back in fright, and stood behind Lin Tian, ​​shaking his voice to Lu Jie.

Lin Tian frowned, and his eyes fell on Lu Jie, with a look of inquiry.


Lu Jie's face was also a little unnatural.

But it was just unnatural. There was no slightest fear of the situation in front of him, and he seemed to be used to it.

Zhang Hu and Shen Gaiyun behind, smiled and shook their heads, and both scorned Xiao Feiyuan's gaffe.

"This is Grapefruit Mountain. As for these things, it has been a few years. We all passed by here on our spring outings and autumn outings. It's no surprise!"

Lu Jie glanced around, took a deep breath, and explained to Lin Tian and Xiao Feiyuan: "It is said that a Feng Shui master had visited here before and said that the Feng Shui pattern here is not good, and the cemetery needs to be relocated. If you don’t build a cemetery on the hill in the city, many people will naturally move away! However, according to Feng Shui masters and Taoist priests, it is possible to relocate, but it needs to be done. Dilong cemetery cannot be landfilled. Therefore, there are so many coffins. The wood is exposed. As for the white cloth and yellow paper, they are all left over from practice!"

After hearing this, Xiao Feiyuan's complexion only slightly improved.

Lin Tian nodded with a smile.

What Feng Shui Earth Dragon and Taoist priests do is nonsense!


This grapefruit mountain looks good from a distance, and there is a big river surrounded by it. The environment is very good.

But here, it can be seen that the trend of the entire grapefruit mountain range is overcast, which is really not good.

At least, if Lin Tian chooses to build his own cultivation cave, he will definitely not choose this place, not to mention that it is not a spiritual energy gathering depression, and the environment is too humid.

"Sister Lu, I almost scared people!"

Xiao Feiyuan patted Hungarian mouth and let out a breath.

"When I came for the first time, I was scared more than you, and there are two of them, it's not much better!"

Lu Jie pointed to Zhang Hu and Shen Gaiyun, smiling, and then continued walking, "The grapefruit forest is in a relatively flat area in the middle of the mountains in front, near the bank of Quejiang, a tributary of Liufang River. It will be there in another ten minutes!"

The five continued on their way.

Soon after walking down the gentle **** of the mountain, you can see a large grapefruit forest on the shore of Quejiang River below.

However, these grapefruit trees are quite peculiar, only one person is tall, and some scattered leaves on the top are still colorful!

"It seems that no one else has come, so early, some people are very afraid to take the road ahead!"

Lu Jie took a few people to the front of the grapefruit forest, pointed at the colorful leaves on the tree and said, "This is the kind of leaf. You can pick a few more!"

The grapefruit tree is not high, stand on tiptoe, reach out, you can pick it.

The colorful leaves are very strange. Lin Tian couldn't help but turn around in the grapefruit forest, and found that there was a hint of spiritual energy in it, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

But since he was here, he couldn't go home empty-handed. Lin Tian then took two pomelo leaves and breathed in.

This leaf is probably called a grapefruit talisman by the students of the college!

The so-called exorcising evil and avoiding evil is all nonsense in Lin Tian's view, this thing is just for seeking self-psychological comfort.

"Let's go to the river to rest for a while, and then go back again!"

When all five of them had picked their leaves, Lu Jie turned around and suggested to them.

However, her words just fell off.

From the top of the Quejiang River, there was a loud motor noise.

It was the sound of the boat's motor, coming from the opposite side, coming right here, getting closer and closer.

From here, you can see the opposite of Que River, which is also a rolling mountain.

However, along the river bank, there is a road along the riverside, and you can see a small area of ​​villas along the river.

And the ship came from there.

The ship quickly reached the shore, and four tall men appeared on the deck. They looked a little bit fierce on their faces, and the whole person seemed to feel oppressive.

After these four big men, an old man with gray hair walked out, wearing a tight-fitting martial arts suit.

"Is the location of the unknown corpse determined?"

The old man glanced at the Quejiang River and asked the four big men.

"Jin Ye, I'm sure, it's in this position ahead, and you can salvage it down! It's just that the person in charge of Pingshan Hospital hasn't come yet?

Among the four big men, someone hurriedly responded to the old man, and said at the same time: "At the beginning, the unknown corpse was a floating corpse. When I got it, it turned into a sinking corpse at the bottom of the river. Pingshan Hospital has to at least double this corpse to get it. Give money! Think about the autopsy corpses sold to Yanjing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, we did the same!"

"Well done! We are making money from the dead, and we want to lose our life. If we slaughter it, we will eat it!"

The gray-haired old man nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile.

"Jin Ye is absolutely right!"

The big man hurriedly smiled and said, "But Lord Jin, the mother and daughter are begging to come back today, let us help them salvage the corpses and say an increase of one thousand!"

"It's okay to add a thousand? Humph, if you don't have ten thousand, just keep hanging them!"

The old man called Jin Ye showed a sullen look at the corners of his mouth, and said, "Anyway, the male body has been **** by us with a chain and sank to the bottom of the river. Whenever they raise enough money, they will give the body to the corpse! Otherwise, just keep soaking. !"

"Master Jin is wise!"

Several big guys quickly said respectfully.

Lin Tian and others who were hiding in the grapefruit forest could hear this conversation clearly.

The faces of Lu Jie and Xiao Feiyuan turned pale.

"These people specialize in salvaging corpses, but if you raise the price for corpses, it's...

Xiao Feiyuan took a cold breath and said in a low voice.

Lu Jie, Zhang Hu, Shen Gaiyun and others all had gloomy faces and nodded in agreement.

The conscience of these people in front of them is simply eaten by dogs!

This is the cruelest thing they have ever seen!

But Lin Tian, ​​who heard the words of the old man and the others, all looked as usual. He had seen things more cruel than this in the cultivation world before, no wonder.

But at this time, the big man spoke again.

"Master Jin, since you want to dry the mother and daughter, do you want to make some business?"

The big man said with a vicious expression on his face and said coldly: "It was summer vacation before, and we were able to vacate a large source of income. Now that many medical universities in Yanjing have opened, it is the peak season! Not as good as..."

Speaking of this, the big man made an obliterating movement with his hand on his neck.

"You mean to get some more living people to make floating corpses?"

Jin Ye raised his brows and said when he looked over.

"Master Jin, this is not the first time we have done this. Don't worry, there will be no mistakes!"

The big man whispered: "Anyway, every year, there are not a few red women or university students missing from the boundary of Yanjing. As long as they are kept secret, they can't be found!'Make' unknown floating corpses, and then sell them. Make a lot of money!"


In the following dialogue, the few people in the grapefruit forest also heard very clearly, and a burst of cold air rushed directly on Xiao Feiyuan, Lu Jie, Zhang Hu, and Shen Gaiyun, making them tremble all over and their hearts were chilling.

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