The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1235: Yard (four more)


Someone has a broken leg, even the counselor can't stop it? !

Many people in the class suddenly stood up, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

This is too bold!

It's a crime in public!

"Student Wang, no teacher will take care of this?"

Nian Xiaoqi's complexion changed slightly and said to the classmate who came in next door.

The others also cast their gazes, with inquiries.

Too lawless, many students can hardly believe it.

In the past, from elementary school to high school, although they have encountered many school bully classmates, they have never seen such arrogance!

"The teacher passed by, but couldn't stop it at all! Even the security guards called, but they were all coaxed and stopped by Ding Hao's people!"

Student Wang shook his head and hurriedly urged: "You all leave first! Unless the school leader or some prestigious old professors come forward, you can't stop it. If they break your leg or something, you will lose out. Up!"

"This... is too rampant!"

Nian Xiaoqi's face was angry.

"Is this Qin Shi afraid of being expelled?"

With anger on his face, Xiao Feiyuan said loudly: "This kind of thing, please call the police directly!"

Other classmates also followed the focus.

"Expulsion is, of course, expulsion! However, according to some seniors in the sophomore year, expulsion is only a procedure. With Ding Hao Qin Shina and other people's background, returning to school is not easy. Although our principal Gao has always been Very strict, but she can't get everything done!"

Classmate Wang shook his head again and again, but was a little uncomfortable, and said: "As for the police, it is even more useless. People are related. This kind of thing is easier to handle! Let's go, our class is gone!"

After speaking, the guy turned around and ran out, in a hurry.

"Students, let's just leave, if Qin Shi comes, he might really be cruel!"

Nian Xiaoqi knew that the matter was urgent, and urged the classmates to say loudly: "I will go to Teacher Gao now, she will definitely punish these people!"

When the others heard this, they nodded and prepared to leave the classroom.

after all.

Heroes do not suffer from immediate losses, and heroes often fail to eat well.

But as soon as Nian Xiaoqi's words fell, there was already a rush of footsteps outside.

I saw Qin Shi rushed into the classroom with a group of people.

In addition to following Qin Shi at the beginning, there are several other strange youths, all of which are very tall.

"Not a member of the student council, get out now!"

Qin Shi stepped onto the podium, looked at the people below, and shouted coldly.


But no one moved.

All of them have anger on their faces.

The little fat man He Siming said angrily: "You shit, you will only bully others!"

"Oh, I'm going, awesome pen! Dare to talk back, dare to call me Qin Shi?"

Qin Shi suddenly turned angrily and smiled, his face twitched, and gradually became a bit hideous. He smiled and said: "Dead fat man, wait for the first one to concoct you!"

"After that, it's you!"

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shi raised his hand, pointed at Lin Tian and Xiao Feiyuan, and said coldly: "I will warn again and again, and treat me as the wind in my ears! You... are dead!"

"Qin Shi, what are you doing! Here we are in Class 6!"

Nian Xiaoqi stepped forward, with a pretty face with anger, pointing to the door of the classroom, and shouting softly: "Get out! Our tutor is Headmaster Gao. If you don't want to be expelled, please go out!"

"Hey... Principal Gao? I'm so scared! It's a pity, at least she's not here now!"

Qin Shi sneered and spread his hands. He didn't care at all about Nian Xiaoqi's words. Then he looked aside, a burly young man said coldly: "Zuo Xingfeng, here is Your pharmacy school, it’s up to you to deal with it! I just want to see the results and calm Ding Shao’s anger! Ben Shao doesn’t want to do the same as before, and break someone’s leg!"

"Qin Shao don't worry, I will make it beautiful, at least I will give Ding Shao an explanation!"

Zuo Xingfeng grinned, revealing a fierce color.

Zuo Xingfeng, a junior at the School of Pharmacy, is also one of the most domineering people in the School of Pharmacy.

Coupled with his arrogant and domineering character, and he has known many people in the university city, many of his classmates are most afraid of him.

He is considered to be a big boss in the School of Pharmacy!

"Fatty man, come here first...come here..."

Zuo Xingfeng looked around, finally fixed his gaze on He Siming, and shouted coldly: "Get here first, I see how hard your mouth is!"

But where did He Siming dared to go, he was so scared that he quickly retreated to the back of the classroom.

"But come? Alright! I beat you to crawl out, go straight to the bathroom, make some **** yourself, and lick it slowly! If the lick is not clean, I will kill you!"

Seeing He Siming retreating, Zuo Xingfeng was furious, and said cruelly: "It's all because of you, otherwise Lao Tzu will be able to have dinner with Ding Shao, and I will recognize Mo Jiuwujiu and other big guys!"

Seeing that Zuo Xingfeng was about to lead people to capture He Siming, a figure rushed into the classroom.

"Stop, what are you doing!"

An angry voice echoed in the classroom, Fang Shilei stepped in and stopped Zuo Xingfeng, "This is the school, not a place for you rascals to behave!"

"Instructor Teacher Fang?"

Qin Shi recognized Fang Shilei who appeared, and immediately sneered: "Teacher, please pay attention to the words! We are students at the school, not gangsters! As a teacher, you regard us as gangsters. If I report this matter, I don't think you can escape punishment! The teacher should be like a teacher, and he actually scolded students as a hooligan. This is the first time I have met!


Fang Shilei was trembling with her annoyed body, but she refused to give in and said angrily: "You go to report. But now, please get out of our class!"

After hearing this, Qin Shi narrowed his eyes, looked at Fang Shilei, and added his lips: "Teacher Fang, you are very beautiful, I can't bear to hurt you! Let's do this, how about I invite you to dinner when I have time?"

After finishing speaking, Qin Shi waved to Zuo Xingfeng and said, "Do it!"

Hear the words.

Zuo Xingfeng bypassed Fang Shilei and rushed towards He Siming.

As a teacher, Fang Shilei rushed to wherever she would cause others to harm her students.

But Zuo Xingfeng and others were tall and mammoth, and Fang Shilei rushed over and was directly knocked off and fell to the ground.

"Teacher Fang!"

Nian Xiaoqi was so scared that her pretty face changed greatly, and she hurried up to help Fang Shilei up.

" are too lawless!"

Fang Shilei got up with the support of Xiaoqi Nian, her face extremely angry.

"Lin Tian... Teacher Fang, she..."

Xiao Feiyuan pointed to Fang Shilei, with anger rising on his face, turning his head to Lin Tiandao.

"Well, let me deal with it! Qin Shi won't cry if he doesn't see the coffin!"

Lin Tian nodded to Xiao Feiyuan, got up from his seat, and walked out.

at the same time.

Zuo Xingfeng had already grabbed He Siming, and slapped him severely.

"Let go of him, and then draw your own face a hundred times!"

Lin Tian's eyes were like a knife, falling on Zuo Xingfeng, and he said coldly: "Then...apologize to Teacher Fang again!"

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