The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1277: Really kneel

"Miss, the person who caused the trouble should be the mysterious boy I just mentioned!"

Seeing Shi Yue’s reaction, Xuan Yi hurriedly leaned to Shi Yue’s ear and whispered.

"It's him?"

Thirteen Moon looked up in surprise, with a thoughtful look.

While stepping away, his face was extremely gloomy.

This time I came with Long Bo and others mainly for the thirteenth month!

About the seventh floor, I don’t know much about it.

However, he knew that on the seventh floor, that was the top power in the realm of cultivation!

It is said that it is a comprehension killer organization!

In the eyes of the seventh floor, in the eyes of the thirteenth month, a martial arts master in his district is no different from ordinary people, like ants!

Now that something happened, he was also afraid of making Thirteen Yue angry.

Step by step, he turned around, bowed respectfully to Thirteen Moon, and said nervously: "Miss Yue, it's a **** that wasted your time! Wait a minute, I will solve it, it won't delay your business! "

Thirteen months frowned and said: "Why don't I go and have a look?"

"Miss Yue, why bother you! The villain will come and go!"

Bu Lankong shook his head quickly and replied in panic.

But seeing that Shisan Yue didn't feel angry, Stepan Hollow finally let out a sigh of relief.

The identity of Thirteen Moon, on the seventh floor, was an extremely noble existence. The things before him were his disciple Long Bo, so he didn't dare to disturb him.

Bu Lankong convicted again for a while, and followed Fang Yang to the bar counter.

With the appearance of the two, the customers in the bar also became a sensation.

Fang Yang was obviously just going to invite him to take the air, and the other person who appeared next to him is self-evident!

"I have seen Master Grandmaster!"

In the bar, after seeing Fang Yang's footsteps behind him, many people immediately confirmed his identity. They stepped forward, respectfully saluting, with excitement and excitement on their faces.

This was the first time that most of the people present had close contact with such a pinnacle as the master of martial arts!

What's more, it's still emptied of such legendary existence!

Even if you can meet this class of people once, it will be the capital to brag about in the future!

It is also a kind of supreme glory!


Facing the worship of everyone, Step Lankong barely smiled, and nodded gently in response.

"Master Grandmaster, there is a very arrogant guy here. It is too presumptuous to make you kneel! You must teach him harshly!"

At this time, someone in the crowd shouted angrily.

Speaking of this, the man pointed angrily in the direction of the bar.

Other people's eyes followed one after another toward the bar.

And then, He Lili also squeezed from outside the crowd, her face full of excitement and excitement.

She looked at a man who looked less than forty in front of her, her eyes flashed with a trace of worship!

"I've seen Master Grandmaster! I've heard legends about you since I was studying. At that time, I thought it was just a fairy thing! I thought there were such fairy characters!"

He Lili spoke excitedly to Bu Lankong's extremely excited salute.

The steps in front of her are, for her, a fairy-like character in the legend!

Master of martial arts, no matter how powerful a family is, one must be afraid of three points!

Such characters can shock countless forces!

"God? This is too mysterious!"

Step by step shook his hand, shook his head and replied.

"In my eyes, Master Grandmaster is like a fairy!"

"It's just that some people dare to insult you! This is offensive!"

Suddenly, He Lili's conversation changed, her voice sharpened, and she began to add fuel and jealousy, "Master Grandmaster! That person is very rampant! He said that you are an ant in his eyes. It will take you to kneel down in minutes!"

Step by step, with a cold face on Kongkong, raised her hand to stop He Lili from continuing.

Binghan's killing intent in his eyes had already revealed everything-he was furious!

He is the master of martial arts!

Don't shame!


At this time, with a shout, Long Bo squeezed over and said with a frustrated expression: "The disciple is useless, I'm ashamed of you!"

"Huh! I will take care of my disciples in the future, don't look like Laozi is the number one in the world all day long, know that there are people outside the mountains and mountains outside the mountains!

Step Lankong gave a cold snort, reprimanded Long Bo, and said: "However, I want to see who it is, so arrogant!"

Afterwards, Step Lankong followed Fang Yang and Long Bo to the bar with a gloomy expression.

"This waste is dead!"

He Lili and Chen Kai saw this with excitement on their faces.

The other onlookers stared wide and waited for the show.

Long Bo, Fang Yang, Wang Junyi and others are all gearing up.

Among them, Wang Junyi's two sorrowful eyes gradually showed sullenness, thinking to himself how to concoct Lin Tian who abolished his legs!

Let alone a young man, even the top big family in the Yanjing realm should be afraid of three points!

In the eyes of these people, Lin Tian's end seems to be doomed!

"Who fanatic, dare to ask me to kneel down in the air!"

Step by step toward the bar, he yelled.

At the same time, his eyes followed the direction pointed by Fang Yang and Long Bo.


A faint voice spread across the bar, responding to Bu Lankong's words.

Step by step, he walked to the bar, followed the sound, his eyes fell on Lin Tian.

And Lin Tian also looked over at this time, staring at Bu Lankong, with a smile on his face.

But Bu Lankong was subconsciously angry, and sternly reprimanded: "The junior who doesn't know the height of the sky..."


Halfway through the words, walking around the air like a duck pinched by the neck, the voice stopped abruptly.

His eyes widened and they were so round that his eyes didn't fall off!

His anger and gloomy expression followed, stiffening on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Step Lankong gave a shock all over his body, his teeth trembled, and he said in horror: "Lin...Lin...Front..."

At this moment, he was so scared that he couldn't speak up!

Suddenly, there was a puff, but his legs softened and he knelt down to Lin Tian.


At this moment, many people in the bar screamed and exclaimed.

Then, all faces froze.

Their eyes were wide and round, their mouths were wide open, and their eyes and chins almost fell to the ground!

"This... really kneel down! Master Grandmaster really knelt down! Why did he kneel down!"

The scene before him stunned everyone, and everyone was confused and couldn't turn around.

Especially Long Bo, Fang Yang, He Lili and others all had their scalp numb and their faces were messed up.

How could the majestic martial arts master kneel down!

Long Bozhuo forced him for a long while, and explained to Bu Lankong: "Master...Master, what are you...what are you doing? This is the handsome righteousness that this person has abandoned. I was injured before, and this person did it!"

"Yes, Master! This is the man, he must be killed!"

Fang Yang said with an eager face.

"Master Grandmaster, did you admit the wrong person? How come you kneel down! This rubbish, directly break your limbs!"

He Lili, who resented Lin Tian the most, also hurriedly stepped forward and said anxiously.

Bang bang bang~

But as soon as the words of the three of them fell, the backhand was three big slaps, and the three of them rolled around, making three screams of varying degrees.

This move made everyone blind again!

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