Lin Tian was only puzzled that Dongfang Yu was going to Nanping Mountain.

He didn't want to ask even if it was a friend or the other party.

Taking the box made of sandalwood, Lin Tian nodded to Dongfang Yu and said, "I still need to wait for another friend to come over. It seems that it will take some time. If you are in a hurry to leave, I will help you hand over things. Just fine!"

"Sorry, Lin Tian! When the day after tomorrow, I will definitely give you a super luxurious banquet!"

Dongfang Yu looked at Lin Tian apologetically, and said with a wry smile.


He pointed to Ma Peng and others who were still kneeling on the ground, and said, "What are you going to do? Brother, you just need a word, even if you throw them into the Liufang River to feed the fish!"

Throw it into the Liufang River to feed the fish?

These words made Ma Peng and the others tremble with cold.


The three of Ma Peng, Li Jian, Hua Shen, etc. were still smoking their mouths constantly.

Among them, Hua Shen had broken teeth in his mouth and fell to the ground.

At this moment they all stopped their hands and looked at Dongfang Yu with horror. Regardless of the blood at the corners of their mouths, all three of them opened their mouths.


They all seemed too scared to speak, they could only make ugh, uh, strange noises from their throats.


Fear to the extreme!

Ma Peng and the others, at this moment, their hearts were occupied by a deep panic.

Their brains are buzzing and confused, and they all feel the breath of death.

What Dongfang Yu said, they all understand, it is absolutely not a joke!

Right now.

If Lin Tian nodded, they would definitely be dead!

Even if the top leaders of Baiziwan come forward, it is useless!


The person in front of me who wants to do it is Dongfang Yu!

But they all knew that the one who could decide their life and death now was the young man in front of them who had mocked and looked down upon them in every possible way.

"Lin...Lin Shao...don't...don't kill us!"

Ma Peng crawled over on the spot, begging Lin Tian in a low voice.

The posture of loftyness a moment ago had been swept away from him.

The young hall master at Dongyangkou of Baiziwan actually knelt down and begged for mercy.

This is something that many people in the hall could not predict.

The atmosphere was terrifying and silent, and many people swallowed softly, watching the scene in horror.

Li Jian and Hua Shen also asked for mercy one after another, hoping that Lin Tianrao them once.

Dongfang Yu also looked at Lin Tian, ​​waiting for a response.

"The three of them have one hand each!"

Lin Tian glanced at the three of them coldly, and immediately said to Dongfang Yu: "You still have to go in a hurry, just make a small punishment!"

one hand? !

Ma Peng and the three of them had changed drastically, and they were terrified.

But, soon.

The three realized that this is a hand!

Not a life!

There was a trace of ecstasy on their faces immediately!

"Much...Thank you Lin Shao!"

Ma Peng, Li Jian, and Hua Shen all hurriedly kowtowed their heads to thank Lin Tian.


They all knew that the one who could chat and laugh with Dongfang was not an ordinary boy, but a very terrifying existence!

Although they didn't know what Lin Tian came from, they already knew deeply that Lin Tian was an existence that could not afford to provoke him at all!

Even if they have Baiziwan behind them!

"Just three hands? Good!"

Dongfang Yu was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded.

Chi Chi Chi ~

Suddenly, Dongfang Yu flicked his hand, as fast as lightning, and three black sharp lights broke through the air, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

hidden weapon!

Tang Sect stunt!

It is superbly used by Dongfang Yu.

Ma Peng and the other three didn't react, they just felt a slight pain in one of their arms, and they didn't feel anymore.

But the three of them knew that their hand was 80% out of the question!

They all have heard of the mysterious and powerful rumors of Dongfang Yu, and they have seen it with their own eyes. They are even more fearful and silently bear the fact that they have been abandoned!

"Tell you, if you let me know that you are disrespectful to Lin Tian, ​​this young master will kill you directly!"

Dongfang Yu gave a vicious warning to the three of them, then greeted Lin Tian with a few words before leaving.

The terrible throttle sound of the super running outside followed gradually away!

As Dongfang Yu left, the hall of Villa No. 2 fell into dead silence again.

Ma Peng and others who were still kneeling on the ground did not dare to move.

But Wang Zhijie seemed to be unable to withstand this repressive atmosphere, she raised her head first and looked at Lin Tiandao: "Lin...Lin Shao, I...before..."

"You are Ziqi's cousin, give her a face! But don't say anything to me! You...too ignorant!"

Lin Tian didn't even look at Wang Zhijie, and said coldly: "As for the others, including the three of you kneeling, just keep doing what they are doing, don't bother me again!"

These words caused many people to beat all over and walk away quickly.

The kneeling Ma Peng and the other three immediately got up and ran to the side.

"Lin Tian...Don't be angry with my cousin!"

Nian Ziqi looked at Wang Zhijie who had gotten up and walked to the side with a look of sadness and shame, and immediately whispered to Lin Tian, ​​"But how do you know that Dongfang Yu? Oh my God, I just scared me to death!"

"That guy, I saved his life!"

Lin Tian curled his lips and said blankly.

Saved a life?

Nian Ziqi was taken aback for a moment, and was relieved immediately.

As for the others, although they walked away, they had been paying attention to Lin Tian's side, and could vaguely hear his words.

"Damn, it turned out to be Dongfang Yu's lifesaver! I thought there was something to come! But on this point, few people dare to offend!"

Many people, hearing that Lin Tian is Dongfang Yu's lifesaver, could not help but flash similar thoughts in their minds.

Not far away, Wang Zhijie bit her lip and thought viciously: So it turned out that Dongfang Yu was saved! I don't believe it, your kindness can offset a lifetime! No ability means no ability, and it is still a waste of the bottom!


Suddenly, there was a sound of high heels hitting the ground from outside.

next moment.

A tall and slender figure stepped in.

She is a woman who looks to be 23 or 4 years old.

She wore a black casual outfit, long hair shawl, and her delicate face was melancholy and indifferent.

"Miss He!"

Seeing this woman, many people in the hall changed their expressions and hurried to welcome them respectfully.

Wang Zhijie's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward, respectfully and flatteringly: "Miss He, you are here!"

The woman in front of you is not easy!

The identity is not weaker than Dongfang Yu!

Her name is He Man, and she is the precious granddaughter of He Wu, the president of Baiziwan. She is like a pearl in her palm!

"Young Master Dongfang was here just now, how about people?"

He Man looked around, frowned, and immediately looked at Li Jian and asked.

"Big... Miss, Yu Shao is gone again!"

As one of the young hall masters of Baiziwan, Li Jian stepped forward and spoke respectfully.

"what happened?"

He Manmei's eyes were cold, and he shouted: "He's here, don't you serve me well? Do you think Baiziwan can cover you!"

"Miss, isn't it... it's Yu Shao who left in a hurry...thing, he...he left something..."

Li Jian's face changed a lot, and he quickly explained.

Then, he secretly turned his head and glanced at Lin Tian, ​​before hurriedly shutting up in horror.

"The thing is with me, Dongfang Yu asked me to pass it on!"

Lin Tian raised his head, looked at He Man, raised the box in his hand, and smiled indifferently.

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