
Lin Tian followed the two ghosts of the Demon Cloud, Si Kouhen and Si Kou Shen, and they had already gone deep into a certain distance.

The fog around is more dense.

Looking at it, he was dizzy, and he could only vaguely see the larger black smoked ruins.

In it, there seems to be a strange power blocking the divine consciousness.

Even Lin Tian couldn't extend the divine consciousness to more than ten meters.

It is difficult to see what is in those ruins, or whether there are treasures.

Looking up at the sky, it was also grayish, as if the fog here spread directly to the void.

If it were not for Si Kouhen and Si Koushen together, Lin Tian would like to take a look.

However, it is too weird here, everything is unknown, he still chose to be cautious.

"Here are the ruins of the battlefield left over from ancient times?"

Lin Tian didn't know anything about the situation here, so he couldn't help but turn around and asked the Moyun Shuanggui.

He just looked back and looked at the two clearly, he couldn't help being happy.

Si Kouhen and Si Koushen, the two guys, were constantly smoking black smoke at this time, it seemed that the whole person was about to burn.

The smoky Lin Tian could also see that it was the poisonous gas and the devil gas in the necromantic swamp that mixed to form a terrifying corrosive atmosphere, and their clothes were about to melt.

If it hadn't been for a strong cultivation base, they might have been injured.

But even so, they are extremely uncomfortable now, and their complexions are a little pale.

"The ruins in front of me, wait a minute! Can you detoxify us?"

Si Koushen frowned, with a trace of pain on his face, and said solemnly to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled and nodded, stopped, turned around, and said: "The exercises you practice are really unique, and they are restrained by the poisonous gas in this swamp! If there are other strong people here, they will kill you. It’s like killing a chicken and a dog! But let’s talk about it, did you enter this marshland for the possible treasures in these ruins or what?"

From the beginning, facing them, Lin Tian has always been extremely calm and composed.

Right now.

Walking into this terrifying swamp, he still looked calm and indifferent.

This made Si Kouhen and Si Koushen both surprised and suspicious.

"Huh, what's the matter with you!"

Although they were puzzled, they didn't think much about it. Si Kou Shen said to Lin Tian, ​​"But you detoxify us first!"

"It's simple! Detoxify you once every other way, and you can still guarantee that you won't die here!"

Lin Tian smiled indifferently, turned his hand to take out the silver needle, and detoxified the two of them.

Using silver needles to remove toxins in the body will be more rapid and thorough.

five minutes.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Tian stopped.

The black smoke on the two of them slowly dissipated, and their complexions gradually became ruddy.

"Your ancestral tactics can restrain even the poison here. It's amazing!"

Feeling that his body became extremely comfortable again, Si Kou Shen couldn't help but praise him.

Si Kouhen nodded in agreement with a calm face.

He looked at Lin Tian and was even more surprised.

What is this boy?

Si Kouhen was full of doubts.


In the end, he didn't have time to delve into it, and then he said, "This time, we entered the swampland for the dead soul pool in the depths! Where are the most precious treasures, the supreme treasure of refining! If you can get it, Even a top-level spiritual weapon has a certain chance to be refined! In comparison, the treasures in the ruins outside are not worth mentioning!"

Dead Soul Pool?

Lin Tian raised his brows, his eyes showed a hint of excitement.

The supreme treasure of refining tools, there is still a chance to refine top-level spiritual weapons, that is not easy!

"The Necropolis, is it in the deepest part of the swamp?"

Lin Tian asked curiously.

"Yes! Originally I wanted those people outside here to lead the way, one more would count as one! But there are little friends, this time it will save trouble! As long as you bring us to the Dead Soul Pool, this seat promises to give you great benefits! When we get there, we don't need to be affected by these poisonous fog!"

Si Koushen took the conversation and said to Lin Tian, ​​"It's not a good thing to be able to reach the Dead Soul Pond, let alone a good thing, it's our devil cloud twin ghosts owing you a favor!"

Speaking of this, Si Kouhen on the side also smiled and nodded.


In their eyes, there was a faint glimmer of cold light.

Demon Cloud Twin Ghosts, this name, in the Demon Cloud Ridge cultivation domain, can be said to have made countless monks frightened!

These two people usually kill people without blinking.

Owe a favor?

That does not exist!

If they hadn't needed Lin Tian's help right now, they might have violently murdered!

Naturally, Lin Tian would not naively believe what they said.

Both Si Kou Hen and Si Kou Shen carried a strong suffocation.

That level of suffocation can only be obtained by killing many people.

However, Lin Tian also had no fear, and wanted to see the Necromancer in the depths of the Necromancer Swamp. It would be even better if he could obtain the artifact treasure.

"Okay! It's good, how about going with the two!"

Lin Tian responded quickly and stood up to continue walking.

"Okay! When you arrive, this seat will give you supreme benefits!"

Si Kouhen grinned and replied with a smile.

It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, don't blame us if you die!

Si Koushen smiled without saying a word, but secretly smiled coldly.

The three of them, move on.

Soon there was a huge ruin ahead, just on the way forward.

Black smoke billowed in the ruins, and the stench was rising.


There was also a long-lasting breath of antiquity.

Black skulls, broken swords, broken bones, broken walls...

At a glance, it was extremely shocking.

Lin Tian walked into the ruins, his divine sense shrouded within a dozen meters, but he didn't see any intact treasures or other things worthy of attention.

Walking forward from the rugged ruins, the fog in front is more dense, like the waves billowing.


Vaguely, you can still hear the trembling sound.

"Is there any monster in it that can't be achieved? On the treasure map of the dead soul pool, it is not clearly stated!"

Si Kouhen and Si Kou Shen, who were walking behind, both frowned and glanced at each other in unison.

But Lin Tian's expression showed some seriousness.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the thick fog rolling ahead.

The mist swept away like water waves, and a huge shadow broke through the mist from the mid-air of more than ten meters.

The head of a giant python appeared in the sight of the three.

In the thick fog, it is like a huge mountain.

Senhan's eyes and the fluctuating Snake Xinzi make people look at the people incomparably.

In particular, the demon energy on this giant python, after it appeared, was like a huge wave, surging.

"Tier 3 top monster beast! The equivalent of Golden Core monk! Go behind!"

Si Kouhen shouted to Lin Tian, ​​stepped on his feet, and rushed towards the python.

At the same time, he turned around and said to Si Kou: "Join to kill him, the sooner the better! Who knows if other monsters will appear! Otherwise, there are still other animals here, which is extremely bad!"

The two can step into the Golden Core Realm, and I don't know how much they have experienced in the realm of life and death. For this situation, it can be described as full of experience.

And it can also be seen that the two of them are also bound to win the treasures of the Necropolis!

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