The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1589: Stone formation

What do you want if you have such a husband? !

Standing on the side, Lin Zhenyu watched the awe and respect of Lin Tian from his tribe. His face was red, his excited face flushed, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Xiao Lin and Lin Xiaoqing, who were with them, also looked excited and delighted.

I don't know how many years it has been.

For the first time, they felt that they could lift their heads in front of anyone, and could face anyone's gaze in stride.

A family has never been proud and happy like today.

They also know that in the future, there will be no slack and contempt for them in this family.

All this is brought by Lin Tian!

"Brother Lin Tian, ​​can you... help my mother see the condition?"

Suddenly, a weak voice came from a corner.

Hear the words.

Lin Tian couldn't help turning his head to look around, and found that Zhang Shuyan from Lost Boat City was speaking.

At this time, she and her father Zhang Chen were looking after their mother who had been in a coma.

Before, Lin Tian knew from Lin Yusheng, who was relatively well-informed, that Zhang Shuyan's family had some connections with the Lin family.

Zhang Shuyan's mother, Lin Zhulu, who was in a public coma at this time, was the adopted daughter of Lin Ya who had left the Lin family and went to Yunmeng City.

Lin Ya is said to be in the same generation as Lin Zhenxiu.

It seemed that he defected for something in the family and never returned to the family.

Later, it is said that he died in Yunmeng City, and his daughter Lin Zhulu married far away to Lost Boat City and married Zhang Chen in front of him.

Although Lin Zhuyang was only an adopted daughter, she was after the Lin family anyway.

Therefore, Lin Zhenxiu also welcomes them all.

"Xiaotian, help her mother take a look!"

Xiao Lin felt soft, and came forward at this moment, patted Lin Tian's hand, and sighed lightly.

"it is good!"

Lin Tian did not hesitate at all, his mother spoke, and he had no reason to hesitate.

"Thank you Lin Tian!"

Zhang Shuyan's eyes were red, and she was grateful to Lin Tian and bent over to thank her. Her small and thin body seemed to be too excited, and she was shaking a little.

All along, she and her father were under great pressure, seeking medical treatment everywhere, but they failed to cure their mother Lin Zhulu.

It has been half a year since Lin Zhuming fell into a coma!

Humans are not dead, but like vegetatives, human beings are there, but the soul is not ordinary!

Later, I learned that Jiang Qianyu might heal his mother Lin Zhuyang, and Lin Jinghui from the Lin family branch of Lost City can contact Jiang Qianyu’s genius doctor on the condition that Zhang Shuyan should be his woman, and even more so, he must get something from Lin Zhuyang. .

For her mother, Zhang Shuyan resolutely agreed.

Because of this, the family ran to the Lin family because they were too anxious.

At this time, Lin Jinghui watched Lin Tian walk to Zhang Shuyan, his fists clenched, gritted his teeth, and finally bowed his head in vain.

He knew that Zhang Shuyan had very precious things in his hands, and now only he knew it.

Even Lin Shuhan and his family, he didn't talk about it for the time being.

"Thank you Lin Shao!"

Zhang Shuyan's father, Zhang Chen, also hurriedly stood up at this time and thanked Lin Tian respectfully.

"Don't worry, let me see!"

Lin Tian nodded to the father and daughter and put one hand on the wrist of Lin Zhuyang who was in a coma.

But soon, Lin Tian raised his brows and his face was surprised.

Soon he stood up again and said to Zhang Shuyan: "Your mother's situation is a bit special, and I can't get it right now!"

"Ah... can't it be cured?"

Zhang Shuyan's face changed, and her body began to shake.

"No, it can be cured. But it needs a little preparation! So, tomorrow morning you will go to the courtyard where I live with my uncle Lin Fengye, and I will treat your mother there!"

Lin Tian explained to Zhang Shuyan, and then said to Lin Fengye: "Uncle, I will trouble you tomorrow morning!"

After hearing this, Lin Fengye simply agreed.

But Zhang Shuyan and Zhang Chen were so excited that they continued to apologize.

"Uncle, where is sister-in-law now? I'll take a look!"

Lin Tian asked Lin Fengye at this time.

"Xidan, Box 1 Wangxiang Building!"

Lin Fengye directly gave the address, and when he learned the place, Lin Tian didn't hesitate and left the family directly.

Parents Lin Zhenyu and Xiao Lin didn't stop them. They all knew that Lin Tian had great ability to share worries for the family, especially Lin Youran, who cared about their family the most. That should be right.

Lin Zhenxiu and the others understood Lin Tian's methods, let alone say anything, and finally ordered the people below to drive Lin Tian over.

Although it is evening now, the magnificent flying in the air in Yanjing will definitely cause shock.

Under the Mang Mountain.

Lin Tian just walked out of the gate of the Lin Family Manor, but he heard rapid footsteps from behind.

A slightly thin and petite figure flew over from behind.

"Brother Lin Tian, ​​wait!"

It was Zhang Shuyan, and she yelled to Lin Tian anxiously while running over.

Lin Tian was surprised, stopped, and looked back, "Are you still okay?"

"this is for you!"

Zhang Shuyan was a little panting, ran back and forth, she rummaged through her bag for a while, and handed over something wrapped in a layer of white linen.

Lin Tian took the things, and at the same time wondered: "What is this?"

"This is left by my mother, let me take good care of it! Inside is a stone that can be opened and closed, and there is a road map. My mother said it was a stone map for opening a certain ancient place in Yunmeng City!"

Zhang Shuyan frowned her eyebrows lightly, with a look of recollection on her face, and said: "My mother asked me to hide in a secret place. If there is a destined person in the family who needs it, I will give it to him. Lin Jinghui promised to help us contact Jiang Qianyu. His purpose is for this thing! Now, I want to give it to Brother Lin Tian!"

Formation stone figure!

Lin Tian was surprised, and secretly surprised.

The formation stone map, in other words, is the key to a certain high-level formation, and it is the thing that opens the entrance to a certain place.

For some powerful formations, many formation mages will choose to first draw a stone map for entry and exit.

Without this thing, unless you have the ability to attack, no matter who it is, without this stone figure, there is no way to control the formation, even knowing where the formation eye is is useless.

That is, the formation that has the stone figure to open is unique, and only the stone figure can open and close.

It should be the formation stone map of an ancient place in Yunmeng City!

Lin Tian thought secretly, and then nodded to Zhang Shuyan: "Then I'm welcome!"

This thing is of no use to ordinary people, and Lin Tian is not hypocritical.

But Zhang Shuyan was very excited when Lin Tian accepted it.

It means that Lin Tian will definitely treat her mother!

Separated from Zhang Shuyan, Lin Tian got into the car Lin Zhenxiu had prepared and headed to Wangxiang Tower in Xidan.

Sitting in the back of the car, letting the driver drive forward, Lin Tian untied the linen cloth outside, and a palm-sized stone appeared inside, all black.

And under the rush of real energy in his hand, the stone figure suddenly burst into light, and was smoothly opened, as if opening a book, the stone was divided into two sides.

"Sure enough, it is the formation stone figure!"

Lin Tian looked at the densely packed inscriptions, and there were very small patterns on the sides, so small that you could only see the lines clearly with a magnifying glass.

That was the road map, and Lin Tian's divine consciousness swept away, and he could see it.

When you have a chance to arrive at Yunmeng City in the future, go and see what place it is!

Lin Tian thought secretly, turning his hand and putting the formation stone figure into the storage bag.

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