The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 1760: What a misunderstanding


Xu Junya's heart is broken!

Hard work to arrange traps.

She was originally to prevent some small beasts.

At least many troubles have been avoided.

Green Pine Canyon is a famous camping holy place.

There is no big beast!

The current season.

It is also the time period with the fewest people coming to camp.

I thought no one would come.


Someone actually broke in!

At last.

The trap is destroyed!

The tent was opened!

What drives her most crazy is--

Almost all of his clothes were blown under the canyon on the side by the gale!

The original tent was firmly fixed.

She didn't expect this to happen!

Being held in Lin Tian's arms, the whole person was still confused.

"Xiaoya, what's the matter? Is there a beast!"

"Ah...who is she?"

"Damn it, let Xiaoya go!"

The rush of footsteps approached, followed by three coincident exclamations.

Lin Tian Xunsheng turned his head and looked.

It was discovered that three young men and women appeared, two men and one woman, almost all eighteen or nine years old, about the same age as him.

Their clothes are still a little messy, their eyes are a little confused, and they look like they haven't woken up yet.

Obviously they may have just woke up and dressed.

Lin Tian swept away his spiritual knowledge.

It was discovered that under the northern **** of this mountain, there were three tents located in different flat bushes.

They both set up simple traps to stop ordinary beasts.

Right now.

Among the three that appeared.

The female ****** is very quiet and quiet.

One of the boys, who was tall and thin, also wore black-rimmed glasses, and looked a little surprised.

The last man grew quite tall and his skin was very fair.

at this time.

Seeing Xu Junya being held in Lin Tian's arms, he shouted again: "Who are you? Let go of him, otherwise you are not welcome!"

The tall boy has easily picked up a wooden stick from the ground, with a cruel look on his face.

The quiet girl and the boy with glasses behind, both nervously picked up the stone from the ground, all panicked.

"Xiaoyu, Zhenyang, Ma Rong...I'm fine!"

Seeing the three appearing, Xu Junya felt a little settled.

But soon.

She found that she was being held by Lin Tian at the moment, her pretty face couldn't help changing.

"Asshole, let me go!"

Xu Junya's face was a little crazy.

For the first time since growing up, she was held so intimately by a boy.


Just wearing a pajama!

Inside...but there is nothing inside!

Even if the pajamas are thick and well-dressed, she feels like she has been touched everywhere on her body!

She has always had the habit of sleeping with fruits!

It's crazy to be picked up like this in front of you!

Lin Tian glanced at the posture of the three who appeared to fight, and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.


He saw that Xu Junya was okay, and immediately put him down.

Just let go.

Abnormal changes occur suddenly.

Xu Junya's pajamas are cardigans.

Only one button.

In a panic, the buttons were released.

It's autumn now.

The weather is getting colder.

Xu Junya wears thick pajamas.

As soon as the button was opened, the pajamas came loose very neatly.

The beautiful scenery unreservedly appeared in the air and appeared in front of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was caught off guard, his expression was stunned, his mouth slightly opened, and he couldn't react for a while.

And this moment.

Xu Junya only felt cold in front of her.


She looked back at her body and found that all the scenery on her body was unobstructed.


Instantly solidified, becoming extremely embarrassing.

The two boys and girls who came over there also saw something wrong.

What they saw was Xu Junya's back.

But I can see the pajamas come off and loosen.

Looking at Lin Tian's stunned expression again, he understood what was happening at the moment!


Xu Junya recovered, screamed, and then quickly grabbed her pajamas and hugged herself tightly.

Then she turned around and pulled the tent, wrapped herself up, and curled up to the place where she had camped, showing only one head.

" me!"

Xu Junya's eyes were red, and her heart was almost broken. She glared at Lin Tian and screamed crazy.


Lin Tian looked at Xu Junya's aggrieved expression, even his eyes flushed, as if he was about to cry.

Faced with this situation, Lin Tian suddenly became anxious.

In other cases, he is not afraid.

But I am afraid of women crying!

He doesn't coax people, and he didn't mean to see the situation!

"That... don't cry!"

Lin Tian spread his hands and said helplessly: "Do you want to pay... Then... I've shown it to you once?"

These words.

He almost blurted out.

But in a blink of an eye he suddenly understood that it was screwed up!


Xu Junya stared at her beautiful eyes, and the anger burst into her eyes, as if she wanted to kill!

" rascal! I think you are a ghost!"

It's a pity that Xu Junya doesn't curse people at all. She has always been knowledgeable and reasonable, and she hates Lin Tian to the extreme, but she can't find the words to curse Lin Tian in front of her, she can only be furious.

The three people who appeared over there were all angry.

"Boy, what did you do to Xiaoya? Did you see everything just now?"

The tall boy who rushed up first, holding a wooden stick, gritted his teeth at Lin Tian and said angrily: "Why don't you give Xiaoya an explanation and innocence today, I will kill you!"

At this moment, the tall boy was a little hysterical, and his expression was full of anger.

"Zhen Yang, calm down!"

The quiet girl and the boy with glasses looked at the tall boy's fierce posture, they were shocked, and they hurried forward to persuade.

Xu Junya also changed her pretty face, and hurriedly shouted, "Nong Zhenyang, don't mess around!"

The tall boy in front of her is her classmate, Nong Zhenyang.

In the first half month of school, this guy fell in love with her at first sight and began to pursue her!

However, this Nong Zhenyang did not pursue and entangle like others.

At most, I would show her diligence every day, or find opportunities to approach her for a chat. I can see that I want to boil frogs in warm water and slowly cultivate relationships.

Xu Junya was quite acceptable to Nong Zhenyang's actions and did not dislike it.


She didn't feel much about Nong Zhenyang, she always kept a certain distance.

But Nong Zhenyang didn't care, and he always showed a firm and devoted attitude towards her!

Lin Tian had such a misunderstanding with her, Nong Zhenyang was naturally furious when he saw the girl he likes being looked at!

The quiet girl is called Shi Xiaoyu, and the thin boy with glasses is called Ma Rong.

The four of them are all freshmen of the Lost City Medical University. They are also classmates who have played relatively close to each other, and their home is in the Tai'an City area, so they came to this Qingsong Canyon camping together.

"Xiaoya, he saw you..."

Nong Zhenyang gritted his teeth, suppressed the anger on his face, and said cruelly: "He must give an explanation!"

The girl he liked, the goddess he pursued, couldn't even hold hands, but was hugged in front of him, and looked at it thoroughly!

No one can calm down!

"You are in school, it's not that you haven't seen me swimming in a bikini!"

Seeing Nong Zhenyang's anger hard to dissipate, Xu Junya bit her silver teeth and turned her beautiful eyes, and finally said helplessly: "This is also a misunderstanding, forget it!"

Speaking of this, Xu Junya could only sigh in her heart.

The other three did not know about her sleep.

She was afraid that Nong Zhenyang would go straight and desperately, and it would be too much trouble to make a living!


Xu Junya's words made Denon Zhenyang's face a little startled, and he immediately understood, and his expression eased slightly.

But Lin Tian was stunned.

Even speak for me?

Lin Tianxin was a little embarrassed, and immediately said: "It was a misunderstanding just now, how do I know that someone will sleep here in this wilderness! Your clothes, I will help you get them up later!"

"Camping! Do you know camping! This is the Green Pine Canyon, a holy camping site!"

Nong Zhenyang was extremely upset with Lin Tian. At this time, he stared and shouted at Lin Tian.

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