
Before Zhou Mumu could make a call, the phone rang first.

She answered the phone.

Hearing the voice over there, he immediately said with joy: "Tingting, have you come back? How is the situation?"

This time came to Yantai City.

In addition to discussing the company's cooperation here, Zhou Mumu mainly came to look for a genius doctor who would treat his grandfather.

Long ago.

It spreads in Yantai, and there is a genius doctor's clinic-Tianlin Pavilion!

There are only two people in the rumors, one man and two young women.

Their medical skills are very good, and they are called genius doctors by the people nearby!


Zhou Mumu came here especially for grandpa's illness!


She didn't have time to run around in person.

So she called her best friend Zhen Wanting to help.

Visit the two young genius doctors named Zhou Yadong and Leng Caiwei.

If you can invite grandpa to see a doctor, maybe grandpa can be cured.

"Mu Mu, the two little genius doctors are not in the hospital! It is said that they have gone out to practice medicine, and it will take a few days before they can come back!"

Zhen Wanting’s clear and melodious voice came from the phone, "But I got their contact information! According to people who often go to Tianlin Pavilion to see a doctor, the two little doctors are very good at talking. If you can, calling them absolutely Please come!"

Hear this.

Zhou Mumu's pretty face was full of joy, and she hurriedly said: "Great! Tingting, thank you so much! It's late now, I'll ask the driver to pick you up! It's too unsafe! It's all my fault, it's really ridiculous! No time..."

"Oh, Mu Mu, who are you or me and you! Yantai is so familiar that I can no longer be familiar with it, what can be dangerous!"

Zhen Wanting over there rejected Zhou Mumu's decision, and replied: "I got a taxi now, and I am going to go back!"

Zhou Mumu didn't insist either.

After asking Zhen Wanting to pay more attention to safety, she hung up the phone.

Zhou Mumu's uneasiness in his heart finally eased slightly after being able to find the two little genius doctors to see his grandfather.


She still wrinkled her eyebrows, with a deep melancholy on her face, and whispered to herself: "I have to make an appointment with Dong Huanghong tomorrow! Grandpa personally arranged this matter. I won't go... and it won't work! At that time, If people from the Eastern Royal family are there and put pressure on them, or even directly propose marriage, how can I refuse? And, is there room for rejection?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Mumu felt upset and dry.

She was worried enough about her grandfather's illness. Adding to the company's affairs, she felt that her brain was not enough.

just now.

There were more Donghuanghong and Donghuanghuang, and Zhou Mumu felt exhausted physically and mentally.

She puts away the phone and prepares to return to the house, waiting for Zhen Wanting to return.

But she just turned and walked, and soon held her footsteps again.

She turned her head to look in the direction of the sea, her beautiful eyes glared slightly, her face was suspicious.

I saw something extra on the edge of the beach washed by the sea.

It was as black as a person, and was slowly buffered by the sea to the edge of the beach.

"Someone fell into the sea?"

After Zhou Mumu hesitated for a while, he trot over.

Go ahead.

It was a teenager who was washed up by the sea!

His clothes are broken to pieces.

On the other hand, no injuries were found on his body.

"Still angry!"

Zhou Mumu touched the boy's neck, his face was anxious, regardless of the rest, he directly picked him up and trot hard towards the villa.

Needless to say.

The young man who was washed up by the sea was naturally Lin Tian.

He fell into the Tianyuan Lake, was swept by the underground water, and finally rushed into the sea, and was washed on the beach!

The injuries outside the body before looked shocking.

But what he was cultivating was the Nine Revolving Three Lives Secret Art. After such a while, the skin injuries were automatically repaired and healed.


He is still in a coma. ,

Underground space.

Song Qianxing naturally didn't know that Lin Tian was not dead.

Seeing Lin Tian being drawn into the Tianyuan Water Pool, he collected the iron mace that had plunged into the mountain wall.

At this moment.

On the mountain wall not far from here, there is a channel that opens by itself.

Several figures walked out from there.

The few people who came were all old men with wrinkles on their faces.

But their cultivation base is far worse than Song Qianxing!

They only looked around the middle of the foundation period.

"Senior Song, how is the situation?"

"I was waiting outside just now, and it seemed that I heard a fight. It was the people from Mohe Temple who had heard of the Tianyuan Land coming?"

"It's also very likely that the person from the Soul Burial Platform might be..."

Several people came in, saluted Song Qian one after another, and said one after another.

Song Qianxing glanced at a few people, frowned, and then said: "It's a chaotic demon. I have already driven it into the Tianyuan Lake. There is no life! As for the situation of Ability Abyss, it is a little complicated! It was destroyed by the people of Mohe Temple for the second time, and now the power of Ability Yuan is more than half weak! The old man has been fiddled with for a month, and still has no clue! Now, I can only wait for Long You to get the alliance's secret letter formation pattern, and then Try to fix it!"

Hear this.

The few who came in could only sighed and nodded helplessly.

Song Qianxing looked back at Tianyuantan, frowning slightly.

And this time.

Inside Zhou Mumu's villa.

Lin Tian was taken back by Zhou Mumu and placed on the bed.

She found a hot towel and put it on Lin Tian, ​​and turned on the air conditioner in the room to make the room warmer.

"The breathing has become more stable, and there is no need to go to the hospital..."

Zhou Mumu sat on the edge of the bed, touched Lin Tian's face, and whispered: "But the skin is still very hot, soaking in the sea, the cold and fever, it is the lightest. It is considered fatal if it is not dead!"

Talking to herself for a while, after she hesitated for a while, she began to take off the ragged clothes on Lin Tian.

In addition to storage bags.

Lin Tian's clothing had long been ragged under the wind.

Zhou Mumu pulled off his jacket and pants with a slight pull.

Fortunately, Lin Tian still kept one thing safe inside.

This also made Zhou Mumu less embarrassed.


Looking at Lin Tian's seemingly thin but actually very stylish body, her pretty face is still a little red, and her beautiful face is extremely rosy and pleasant.

"Why does his body seem to be on fire?"

Zhou Mumu frowned, muttering to herself with some worry.

Lin Tian was glowing red at this time, and it was scary to look at.

Zhou Mumu raised his hand, after hesitating for a while, he gently touched Lin Tian.

It was found that the latter's body was so hot that it was almost always hot.


Suddenly, Lin Tian showed pain in his eyebrows and whispered softly in his mouth.

He scratched his body with both hands at the same time, trying to roll over on the bed.

"You...what's the matter with you? Where is it?"

Seeing this, Zhou Mumu was startled, and quickly grabbed Lin Tian's arm, trying to calm him down.


But, suddenly, Lin Tian let out a roar, and stood up, instead he hugged Zhou Mumu and rolled onto the bed.

Tear and tear~

Lin Tian's eyes flushed, like a beast, he tore Zhou Mumu's clothes to pieces.


Zhou Mumu was stunned for a moment, reacted for a while, and let out a scream.

But at this time, she found that she was cold and her clothes had been torn to pieces.

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