The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 2002: You want others to die (third more)

Leaving the reserve barracks.

Wu Feng's expression was ugly.

Originally came this time.

Can successfully take down the reserve team of Moyunling.

But the result.

I lost!

In Guanghanzhou, the Double Island Special Forces, that is the official special operations team!

Its alternate members are definitely stronger than the reserve team.

But he actually lost, which was a bit of a surprise to him!

And Sun Yang and others had broken hands and broken feet.

Although it will not be abolished, it can be cured.

But... this face is a shame!

He Wu Feng is the deputy director of the Double Island Special Team, and he is powerful!

In the entire Beiyang Military Region of Guanghanzhou, it is also famous!

In front of me, I couldn't take a reserve team!

He was very upset!

"Fortunately, this step is irrelevant, the plan is still going on as usual!"

Wu Feng coldly glanced at Sun Yang and the others who were taken away by others, and then took out his cell phone and called out. The call was quickly connected: "Ji Shao, in this Moyunling reserve team, there is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Ah! We failed!"

"Hmph, taking the reserve barracks is just to get more manpower! Since it doesn't work, you can figure it out!"

The voice on the other side of the phone was very cold and uncomfortable to hear: "Young Master Ben wants to rush back to Tianhua City, and the investigation of Tsing Yi Tomb will be left to you! If you encounter trouble or difficulty, you can Find the Mohe Temple! Here in Beizhou, you find the Soul Burial Platform! The previous contact code and secret area have been given to you! In short, don't ask everything and don't think about it! Forget what you can forget, or you will be young My life is suddenly gone, don’t blame me for not reminding you! After half a month, I will get your results!"

After speaking, I hung up on the other end.


Although the phone was hung up, Wu Feng replied respectfully, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Contact the military region and send some people from above! By the way...there are military doctors!"

Wu Feng frowned, and then shouted to the people nearby.


Lin Tian stood in front of the stele, the three words above it were a little fuzzy.

A corner is missing from the top of the stele.

It looks a little broken.

It's been some years.

Behind the stele, there is also a somewhat broken stone steps, very long, hovering up the mountain.

"Tan Xiaoning and the others have been here!"

Looking up at the winding stone steps, Lin Tian raised his brows and looked surprised.


His divine consciousness was like a tide, and he followed all the Green Mountain Sect in front of him.

The Qingshan Sect seems to be an ancient mountain gate passed down from the ancient times.

The halls and pavilions located halfway up the mountain form a large group of buildings, which is very magnificent at first glance.

But when I look closely, I find most of them are broken.

Many places are no longer liveable.

The consciousness swept.

Lin Tian discovered that there were only seven or eight people in the entire martial arts sect in Qingshan Sect.

Two old men, six young men and women ranging from twenty to thirty.

With just a few people, it is a sect!

It's really shabby!

But this time.

There seemed to be visitors, including Tan Xiaoning and others.

"Who is the woman in front of Tan Xiaoning? During the Qi refining period, she is a cultivator!"

Lin Tian narrowed his eyes, frowned and muttered to himself, he retracted his consciousness and walked along the stone steps towards the Qingshan Sect.

But I walked halfway up the mountain.

But they were blocked by two people.

And Lin Tian had seen it. Although he hadn't seen it up close, the two people in front of him were the two Green Mountain Sect disciples who had set a trap on the road before and caused his car to blow out.

That is, one of them is Yan Cheng's cousin.

"Who! Break into my Green Mountain Sect!"

The two young people, in their twenties, with angry expressions on their faces, looked straight at Lin Tian and shouted.

The two of them had just entered the martial arts, and they were worthy of entering the yellow realm.

The strength can be said to be very, very weak.

It is stronger than ordinary adults.

Compared with the students in the reserve team, they are half a catty, even weaker than half of them.

One way of martial arts is no better than cultivation, cultivation only represents one's own quantity, not quality!

A truly powerful martial art is truly powerful only if you cultivate to the depths, become a sage with martial arts, and step into the road of cultivation!

"Who is Yan Cheng's cousin?"

Lin Tian glanced at the two indifferently, not caring about their attitude, and then asked.

"Do you know my cousin?"

The young man in the cyan blouse looked at Lin Tian in surprise, his original annoyed expression slightly slowed down, and then said: "My name is Luo Han, and Yan Cheng is my cousin! Are you looking for me?"

"No, I came to find someone!"

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "Can you lead a way?"

Luo Han looked startled, but quickly shook his head and said, "No! We have a very important guest in the gate! I suggest that you should not go, brother! I know who you are here for! But they are all voluntary. Yes, they are willing to leave with them! And our little junior sister from the mountain gate...that is, the granddaughter of the master, who was taken by them and prepared to take it away forcibly! But the junior sister was unwilling and was crying! But those people are too powerful, Master is discussing with them! Brother, if you go up, you are afraid of offending people, so it's better not to go!"

This Luo Han was clever, and he immediately saw Lin Tian's intention.

Lin Tian was also surprised, and smiled: "No wonder I can enter the Green Mountain Sect! Talent is barely okay, but his brain is more clever than Yan Cheng! You were the one who got the trap last time? I just punctured my car. Now! This kind of thing should not be done less!"

" are you Yancheng and their instructor?"

Luo Han was startled and stared at Lin Tian.

The other young man on the side was also very surprised.

Lin Tian is too young, he looks younger than them!

Moreover, they did bad things before, and the Lord came to the door!

Originally they were still in irritation and wanted to drive Lin Tian away directly, but now they are not only their own people, but also the righteous master who was trapped by their traps.

Even though they often do bad things, they are not bad at all. The Qingshan Sect's sect rules are also extremely strict.

Especially in terms of self-cultivation, it is also extremely important.

It's just that Luo Han and others, who are rare to go down the mountain on weekdays, would like to do something!

"My name is Lin Tian, ​​their instructor! People were taken away somehow, of course I came to find someone!"

Lin Tian curled his lips and said to Luo Han, "Lead the way!"

"That won't work! Instructor Lin, this is our Green Mountain Sect. Your orders don't work! And... you wanted people in the past... it's like killing us! You want people to kill others!"

Luo Han smiled bitterly and shook his head. Together with the young man on the side, he blocked Lin Tian and said firmly: "We can't get you up!"


Seeing that the two of them refused to give way, Lin Tian stepped on his feet and made a muffled noise.

The huge boulders at the foot of hundreds of kilograms, used to build the stone steps, were torn apart at once.


The faces of Luo Han and the young man beside them changed abruptly, they jumped in fright, and flew away for some distance in terror.

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