The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 2138: Distant memory (first more)

Wang Yan!

Do not!

It's Wang Yiyi!

The girl in front of me, her name is Wang Yiyi!

Lin Tian was stunned for a while, fixedly looking at the girl who appeared before him.

The deep memory in my mind became a little trance.

Those memories.

It seems to be stripped away.

The many voices and smiles, the vague young figure, became undulating, like splashes of water, there is no way to pick it up!


This body can be said to have been completely integrated.

Those memories before the predecessor seem to be my own!

That kind of empathy and deep-hearted fusion!

Now facing Wang Yiyi again, Lin Tian can no longer stand as a third party or bystander to look at it!

Wang Yiyi is a memory in his own life that cannot be erased!

Just like the life before and after being taken away on the streets by Master Duan Muyue!

Just the family and friends of this life and the journey of this life!

When young, everyone will have an unforgettable youthful time that is heartbroken or memorable!

Especially about the taste of young first love!

The junior high school era.

In addition to He Qianqian, Wang Yan...Wang Yiyi is now!

The thin girl with yellow perm hair often approached him and showed her courtesy initiative, but he frequently ignored it.

At last.

When the girl left, she confessed to him in a morning exercise and was ruthlessly rejected!

He didn't know how deeply Wang Yiyi was hurt by that rejection.

Because at that time, he was disgusted with Wang Yiyi, and he even wanted to draw a line, only He Qianqian was in his mind!

But only after that time.

Never saw Wang Yiyi again!

Regarding this matter, Lin Tian felt that it was simply insignificant, the past was like smoke, and the old people were insignificant.

But the memory, after all, was imprinted in that specific and beautiful young years, extremely deep!

After awakening that memory, Wang Yan...or the name Wang Yiyi, became extremely clear!


Right now.

When the memory flashed by nearly ten years, it couldn't overlap with the girl who appeared in front of you!

Nearly ten years.

Today's Wang Yiyi is very strange!

Except for the vague sense of familiarity on the body, everything is not what it looks like in the memory!

The yellow hair has turned into a shawl like waterfall black hair, and the waxy face caused by smoking at a young age has also been replaced long ago. The delicate face is completely beautiful!

The tall figure, outlined by a pure white dress, looks so noble!

Goodbye Wang Yiyi, Lin Tian really couldn't believe it!

Although I heard about her from Wang Yiluo before, this kind of contrast with memory inevitably caused a violent impact!


Wang Yiyi's cultivation is now in the early stage of foundation building!

This level of cultivation is really amazing!

"Wang Yan, I didn't think we would meet again!! But now, I should call you Wang Yiyi!"

Lin Tian looked at the other party for a long while, his thoughts surged, and finally gave a bitter smile, nodded and sighed.

Having said that, he then looked around at the No. 7 lounge.

In a place not far from Wang Yiyi.

Several teenagers and girls were still sitting.

These people all have cultivation bases, and they are roughly from the fifth or sixth to the seventh or eighth layers of qi refining.

At the same time, there is an old man in the late stage of foundation building!

These people are far away from Wang Yiyi.

But it vaguely surrounds her, seeming to be protecting her.

Are they all from the Xiuzhen Hall of Tianlong Wu School?

Lin Tian guessed secretly.

However, he remained calm, pointed to the chair on the side, and said, "Don't you sit down? I also came to the concert?"

After all, they are old people, even if they are already unfamiliar, even if there are still unpleasant things in the memory, but they are old friends and classmates after all!

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be goodbye!"

Wang Yiyi smiled and sighed slightly, and then sat down to the side, and said: "Su Yuan is my favorite singer! Her concert is not to be missed!"

"In the past, when I was in junior high school, I liked her! At that time, she was only a few years older than us, but she was already popular all over the country!"

"You should remember that at that time I liked to send you her postcards all day long, to show you her songs, and to keep telling you that I was her little girl! At that time, the biggest dream, That is to get the signature of Sister Su Yuan! Although for us at that time, this dream is too far away! We are all ordinary people, let alone autographs, even a concert, it is a luxury of!"

"It's just... at that time, you were really elm bumps, Su Yuan, you don't know, you don't understand songs, and postcards are even more ignorant. You only have He Qianqian in your eyes!"

The chattering opened.

Wang Yiyi seemed to be unable to stop.

When Wang Yiyi mentioned that period of the past, Lin Tian could only sigh secretly and smile bitterly.

When I was young, everyone was frivolous and ignorant!

But what Wang Yiyi said was right. He Qianqian was indeed the only one in his eyes at that time!

"However, it was normal that you didn't like me at that time! But speaking of it, I don't know why I liked you at that time... You are introverted, stupid, silent and reluctant to talk, and your grades are not good. My family is also poor... I can't find any advantages when I think about it now!"

Wang Yiyi leaned lightly on the back of the chair, with a hint of smile wafting from the corners of his mouth, his face was full of memories, and his tone was whispering, "And myself..."

Speaking of this, Wang Yiyi paused and let out a wry smile.

"Speaking of which, I don't have many advantages!"

Wang Yiyi’s young voice and tone narrated the distant past, with an unspeakable strangeness, “That’s why I recite your disgust... Come to think of it, look... I smoke, go clubbing, All night, fighting, drinking, dyeing hair, fooling around with boys... The whole crowd is maddening. Compared with those girls with good grades and well-behaved, it is simply unsightly! In youth, I can spend almost all of it! Except with boys! Outside of bed...that's the only thing I keep!"

"But... people like me, in the eyes of my peers, did all the bad things at that time. In the eyes of adults, it was the rat dung from school and the scum of society. Even the closest parents were disgusted! What's more! It's you! Right?"

Speaking of which.

Wang Yiyi paused again.

She sighed, closed her eyes slightly, as if thinking back to the past!

"When I was young, who didn't miss things?"

Lin Tian could only give a wry smile and said comfortingly.

Wang Yiyi said so much, he didn't know what the other party wanted to express.

Is it to tell him to release the resentment in his heart?

Or is it just reminiscent of the past?

Lin Tian didn't know, so he could only listen.

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