The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 2148: I was wrong (second more)

To Lin Tian, ​​Lin was still like showing off his baby, introducing Su Yuan and eloquently.

From how Su Yuan made her debut, how she became famous, how she faced various setbacks, etc.!

While talking, she couldn't help but hummed a few lyrics.

"In short, Sister Su Yuan is very, very powerful!"

Lin still finally exclaimed to Lin Tian in general.

No matter how powerful, she is a woman after all!

Thinking of the encounter with Su Yuan in Liu Yuancheng and what happened later, he couldn't help but sigh in secret.

And soon.

Shi Xiaoyu and many others in front began to stand up, waving the light stick, either humming in their mouths or shouting Su Yuan's name.

Even Wang Yiyi on the side had already stood up, his eyes flashing with worship, staring at Su Yuan, who was sweating and singing on the stage.

Chasing stars is really part of the age and all walks of life and the way they walk!

Like Wang Yiyi in the foundation period, she also likes Su Yuan!

Not to mention other people, some of the fans below are all in madness.

Lin Tian also saw some people rushing to the stage, wanting to hug Su Yuan.

But in the end they were all caught by security personnel.

And this kind of madness came to an end with the concert.

Many fans cried when Su Yuan was about to give up!

Looking at the scene below, Lin Tian couldn't help feeling sighed.


Before Su Yuan left the stage, suddenly several people rushed onto the stage and surrounded Su Yuan.

Those few people all took the microphones and approached Su Yuan.

Moreover, Lin Tian also recognized two of them. They were Han Jiang, a famous paparazzi dog in the entertainment industry, followed by his disciple Luo Xiaofeng!

Luo Xiaofeng and Anya's classmate Lin Qingxin still knew each other.

He thought that the two were following, but the strong wanted an interview, but the situation after coming down made his expression gloomy.

"Miss Su Yuan, I want to interview you a few questions!"

"The first is that it is said that your concert had lip-synching before, is it also lip-synching today?"

"Secondly, someone said that you had plastic surgery? And also Long had Hungarian?"

"In the end, did you have a boyfriend? Or the little white face you raised? We all took the photos, or it happened in Lost Boat City!"

"Can Miss Su Yuan explain these questions?"

The question was Luo Xiaofeng. She held the microphone and asked a few questions in a loud voice.

For an instant.

The entire concert venue fell into silence.

Su Yuan, who was surrounded by a group of reporters, looked dazed.

She stared at her beautiful eyes, and was stunned, as if she was stunned by the sudden question.

False singing?

As far as her level is concerned, do you still need to sing?

Various styles of songs, she has always been able to control as she pleases!

Even if it is the existence of the super high pitch, it is easy to do!

And Long-Hungary plastic surgery, then even more nonsense!

She has all the photos she has taken since she was a child, and she will know by comparison!

Besides, as far as her appearance is concerned, she still needs plastic surgery?

She is not necessarily beautiful after plastic surgery!

As for the boyfriend... she doesn't know it herself!

"Someone fixes me!"

Su Yuan's expression changed slightly, and she suddenly understood.

"Sorry, I have nothing to say about these questions!"

She has been in the entertainment industry for a long time. Su Yuan understands these tactics. The more she talks about it, the more she can't explain it clearly. What's more, Han Jiang and Luo Xiaofeng are both powerful and powerful in the entertainment industry.

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked off the stage and walked behind the scenes.


"How is this possible! Su Yuan's sister Long Xiong has a plastic surgery, and even has a boyfriend? Are you crazy!"

"Yes, Sister Su Yuan's appearance has hardly changed. When we are blind?"

"That's right! And have a boyfriend? It's even more impossible! A man who can match Su Yuan's sister is not born yet!"

"There must be someone who wants to punish Sister Su Yuan! It's disgusting!"

"That might be true! Look, among the interviewers, there are Han Jiang and others. The news may be true!"

"This...Isn't it impossible? Although the news that Han Jiang broke out, 90% of them are true! But this is Sister Su Yuan..."


Off the court.

With Su Yuan walking off the stage.

Fans present. ,

After falling into silence for a while, there was an uproar soon.

If today’s concert was an unprecedented success, then the last interview was an explosion of news!

After tonight.

In the entertainment industry, and even other news, you will definitely be blown up by this heavy news!

In the No. 7 box.

Most people talked about it.

The teacher Xiaoyu in front was uneasy for a while.

And Lin still gritted his teeth angrily: "Too disgusting! Too disgusting! Han Jiang and those people are not a good thing!"

"Grass, Han Jiang, find a chance to maimed him!"

Luo Changfeng followed, not angry, and said angrily.

For this, Lin still did not stare again this time, but nodded in agreement.

And even Qin Yuegu was angry.

She frowned, her beautiful eyes flashing murderously.

At last.

She turned her head to look at Lin Tian, ​​raised her hand and wiped her neck.

Her actions were very subtle, but Lin Tian saw it and shook his head and said, "Let's go, let's go and see! If possible, help her solve it!"

Since Su Yuan is being bullied here, she must not be able to watch.

Even if Lin Tian is not in the entertainment industry.

But seeing this, he also understood that Su Yuan was probably going to be punished!

But when he got up, Wang Bolin was already standing opposite. ,

He stared at Lin Tian with a sneer, and said with a sneer: "Go and see? Let's see the fun! Do you still want to solve it?"

"Wang Bolin, don't make me hate you more!"

Qin Yuegu raised her eyebrows and shouted to Wang Bolin.

Seeing Qin Yuegu speaking for Lin Tian, ​​Wang Bolin's expression became even more gloomy.

He squeezed his fists with a crackle, showing that his heart was extremely angry.

"Go away, don't block the way!"

Suddenly, there was a cold voice.

The words seemed to be addressed to Wang Bolin.


Wang Bolin's heart is full of anger.

Suddenly I heard someone let me go away, and my anger suddenly rose.

"Who? Do you dare to scold Ben Shao and look for death!"

Wang Bolin suddenly turned his head and shouted at the few people who appeared.

This roar shocked Lin still and Qin Yuegu nearby.

Because they noticed that Wang Yiyi and other people appeared!


A girl standing next to Wang Yiyi stepped out and slapped Wang Bolin directly.

This slap is extremely terrifying.

Wang Bolin's whole person was like a dead dog, he was beaten out.

He rolled several times in the box before he got up with difficulty, "I am Wang Bolin, do you dare to hit me?"

"Dare to be disrespectful to Senior Sister Wang, are you looking for death!"

The girl who shot was murderous and shouted.

"I'm Wang Yiyi! I'm going to see Su Yuan's situation now. If you have any questions, come and talk to me later! And Lin Tian is my classmate, so be careful!"

Wang Yiyi looked at Wang Bolin, spoke lightly, then looked back at Lin Tian, ​​and walked away with a few people.

Zhang Shuyan behind her turned around and said goodbye to Lin Tian and others, and left quickly.

"Uh...Wang...Wang Yiyi!"

Wang Bolin, who originally wanted to go crazy, was so scared that he was screaming hoarsely as a cat with its tail stomped on. Then he shouted at Wang Yiyi who was walking: "Miss Yiyi, I...I was wrong. Yes! I was wrong! Please forgive me this time!"

In the end, Wang Bolin climbed out of the box directly.

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