The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 2352: Group Corpse Flurry (first more)

The green flames submerged into his body, and Dong Quansheng's clothes shattered all at once.

The skin became dry and shriveled, then gradually wrinkled.

It's as if the fabric of the clothes is wrinkled.

This scene, which happened to people, is truly shocking.

"what happened?"

Lin Tian pulled Dong Quansheng up and asked anxiously.

Although he knew quite a bit about Ghost Dao monks in his previous lives.

But Lin Tian really didn't know much about the specific cultivation techniques in this regard.

For example, Guili escaped to save his life, and Lin Tian probably understood Gui Xiu's tricky methods.

But he really didn't understand what he was actually practicing!

"Shao Lin... it's a curse! It's... it's a secret curse from the Yin and Yang ghost sect! Only the Sect Master can practice!"

Dong Quansheng had a hideous face and shouted in pain: "I am cursed in the original itself. Under your suppression, nothing will happen temporarily. The cultivators of other Yin and Yang ghost sects are not strong enough. It is not a curse that he planted. It is almost difficult to trigger! But this curse Skill, any curse can be exploded, and its power will double!"

After hearing Dong Quansheng's words, Lin Tian finally understood what was going on.

Although he suppressed the curse in Dong Quansheng's body.

But in the end, it's just suppression.

Facing the ancestors of the Yin and Yang ghost sect, Gui Chengling in the fake baby period is no good!

After all, the horror of strength is self-evident by being able to cultivate the ghost way into the fake infant stage!

If it weren't for Lin Tian's rebirth, or the technique he cultivated was a god-level technique, or if he had all kinds of supreme means and life-saving skills, facing Gui Chengling, the first thing he would do is escape!

But even if he only has a fake alchemy cultivation base now, his strength is not much weaker than that of the cultivators of Yuan Ying's early stage!

Facing this fake baby period, Gui Chengling is not afraid at all!

The old guy in front of him detonated the curse in Dong Quansheng's body, obviously he wanted to give him some power.


next moment.

Gui Chengling retracted his hand with a sneer on his face, and said with a sneer, "Fake alchemy cultivation base, not bad! But I have been cursed by my Yin-Yang sect. Isn't it the fish that is already on the cutting board? This seat wants him now. When he died, he was a whisper in an instant!"

"As for you, I want to see how capable you are! No matter how great your background is, no matter how talented you are, if you haven't become strong, it is all in vain! Death is nothing but a dead body, a puppet!"


After Gui Chengling's words were over, he was hunting and exploding in his linen clothes, his clothes bulging, and flying sand and rocks raged around him.

As the billowing black mist kept surging around from under his feet.

"It's a capital crime to disturb this seat for clean repairs! It's a dead end to hurt my Yin-Yang Ghost Sect monk! This seat lets you know what despair is!"

Gui Chengling was full of vigor and sneered at Lin Tian.

The black fog around has already begun to surround Lin Tian and Dong Quansheng.

Although Lin Tian seemed to be just a teenager, he might have hurt Gui so badly, his own strength is self-evident, he must go all out!

And the old slickers like Gui Chengling, who have experienced many life and death and lessons in the cultivation world, will not be taken lightly to even a weak opponent, even a rabbit!

The cruel world of comprehension, people who underestimate enemies, and arrogant people often die the fastest!

"Shao me..."

Seeing the increasingly terrifying black fog around him, Dong Quansheng screamed in fright, enduring the pain and shouted to Lin Tian.

People are afraid of death!

Many monks are even more afraid of death when they cultivate to the stage of false alchemy!

The higher your cultivation base, the more things you desire, and the closer you feel to the way of longevity!

Who wants to die?

At this moment, Dong Quansheng's desire for survival has never been so strong!

"You are only further inspired by the curse in your body, and you can't die!"

Lin Tian grabbed Dong Quansheng, shook his head and said.

At the same time, he quickly shot out a few sharp flashes, which fell on Dong Quansheng.

The painful cry suddenly subsided.

The ferocious drink on Dong Quansheng's old face gradually disappeared.

The wrinkled skin on your body also stopped getting worse.

See this scene.

The opposite Guicheng Ling was stunned.

He couldn't think of his own hands to inspire a curse, and he could be restrained and suppressed by Lin Tian.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation!

"Do you know medical treatment?"

Gui Chengling noticed the location of Dong Quansheng who was photographed by Lin Tian, ​​and looked a little shocked.

Lin Tian didn't respond to him. Instead, he glanced at the black mist around him and said, "You just use these black mist to trap us? You'd better use your full strength, otherwise you will have to make a big mess!"

Seeing Lin Tian take action to contain the curse in Dong Quansheng's body.

Gui Chengling has become more solemn.

He had a solemn expression and said coldly: "Boy, I have to see how many catties you have! If you can get out of the Hundred Ghosts, I will reward you for your life!"


The black mist around him became even more turbulent.

Followed by the sound of crackling mud cracking open, it kept coming.

Then, an unpleasant, harsh sound rang from the surroundings.

Soon hundreds of dark shadows appeared staggering in the black fog.

"Ah... ancestor, you have become a hundred ghost formation!"

Seeing the huge shadows that appeared around him, Guili, who was lying on the ground still looking painful, was overjoyed and shouted: "Kill them, kill them! No...I want to make them into ghosts and make them worse off. Die! Ahhhhhh... I became like this because of them!"

Hundred Ghosts?

Lin Tian glanced around, his divine sense followed, and his brows couldn't help but raised.

All that appeared from all around were foul-smelling ghosts covered in ragged clothes.

They are skinny and almost sticking to their bones.

His eyes were extremely hollow, with a faint green light.

The hair on his head was scattered directly, only half of his face and one green eye could be seen.

There were bursts of gloomy mist in their hands, with a sharp glow.

The finger nails are very long and glowing with chills.

That claw can definitely crush a piece of granite.

These guys have just crawled out from under the ground.

Obviously Guicheng Ling just summoned it!

"Each head is equivalent to the cultivation base of the initial stage of foundation building! Although there is a lot of difference in the real fight, the hundreds of ghosts are really amazing!"

There was a solemn expression on Lin Tian's face, and then his gaze fell on the underground space where Gui Chengling had just meditated. There were ten ghosts there, and they had already gotten up, "Hundred ghosts are walking in the night, the corpses are dancing!"

"This is not enough!"

Turning his head to look at Guichengling, Lin Tian shook his head in disdain.

at the same time.

The ghosts have gradually approached, and they can be seen clearly at close range.


Seeing the hideous creatures around him, Dong Quansheng was frightened.

Even though he is a fake alchemy cultivation base, but facing so many terrifying guys, even if he can fight with all his strength, his heart has already retreated!

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