The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 2560: Get into trouble (three shifts)

The best martial arts gym in Wuwangcheng?

Rong Muyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

She stood beside Lin Tian and said with a smile: "Then thank you little brother! I am looking forward to it!"

"My name is Lin Bei!"

Lin Tian looked at the clever and cunning little girl in her well-behaved eyes, couldn't help but smile, and nodded.

"Hello, Brother Lin Bei!"

The crunchy words are like soft glutinous sugar, which is very pleasant to hear.

Seeing that Rong Muyun didn't resist, Lin Tian agreed again, and Mo Long exhaled fiercely.

Talented juniors are the hope of the Western Xinjiang Peninsula!

"We get in the car and head to Liuyun Mountain!"

Molong saw that the fishing machine was installed, and immediately greeted everyone.

Liuyun Mountain is the site of dancers. If they can cooperate with dancers, maybe Zuo Xiangquan will not dare to move them.

Everyone got on the car.

The car roared forward in the dark night, along the winding road of the ridge, under the waves of the vast sea on both sides, and headed east.

The ridge is very narrow in some places, with only a winding road to the top.

Some places are very spacious, with huge lakes appearing in the middle of the ridges, rugged roads with nine bends and eighteen bends, and the car is traveling alone in the dark.

after an hour.

In front of the ridge road, a fork appeared.

The other road winds along an abruptly high mountain on the side.

The ridge here is very long from north to south, spanning 20 kilometers.

And the mountain range in front of me stretches for at least ten kilometers.

At the fork in the road.

Looking from a distance, you can see the peaks of the mountains next to the coast, and you can vaguely see the lights, shining in the mist of the broken Haiyun Mountain.

"Here is Liuyun Mountain!"

The car turned at the fork and drove into the road to Liuyun Mountain. The Molong sitting in front pointed to everyone.

There are two rows of seats in the front of a medium-sized truck. Lin Tian, ​​Rong Muyun, Huang Ma and others are sitting in the front. The remaining young people can only squeeze in the truck compartment behind.

"Prepare to see the salvage point!"

Rong Muyun's eyes gleamed, and he shouted in excitement.

In the sea world.

The salvage point is extremely famous.

Even if it is a small village or an island, you can get a salvage point yourself, as long as the location is suitable.

No matter how small a salvage point is, as long as it can salvage things, isn’t it a salvage point?

To form a salvage point, it is necessary to conduct preliminary surveys of the surrounding ocean climate, ocean currents, and sedimentation seabed.

The simple way is based on terrain and climate and ocean currents.

For advanced ones, it needs to be applied to exploration machines.

The Liuyunshan salvage point is one of the largest salvage points in the sea in the world!

"Now that the Liuyunshan salvage point is rushing to work overnight, it should be very busy. You can't mess around later, girl!"

Molong looked straight, and warned Rong Muyun: "The dancers are now preparing to expand the fishing point further, adding fishing machines, fishing equipment, and personnel, and at the same time adding matching sailing ships! It's up to you, Uncle Jute, if they can work in the salvage point, or even get on the battleship. If they can enter the companies of the Dancer Chamber of Commerce, that would be even better!

With excitement on their faces, Huang Ma and the others all geared up.

The car moved along the road that was winding up the mountain, and after another half an hour, the road stretched downward.

That is to go to the cliff area near the deep sea.

The salvage point is built there!

Close to the salvage point, the roar of various machinery can be heard.

When I arrived at a cliff platform the size of five or six football fields, everything was busy.

It is already around three in the middle of the night.

But all kinds of heavy machinery are still busy here, and people who control the machinery can vaguely see them busy.

There are also some figures hanging from the cliff with safety ropes, clanking construction and welding.

On the cliff of this mountain, there is a large machine that has been welded to half.

On the side of the work site, there were originally two large fishing rods.


Also erected sharp giant arrows and crossbows, even terrifying guns and traps and other killing methods.


At the foot of the mountain, there are rows of pavilions, but the buildings are very rough.

There are several large warehouse storage rooms next to it, as well as rows of containers.

In the air.

It is filled with the fishy smell of sea fish, the aroma of sea medicine, the smell of dust from antiquities, the smell of iron and so on.

About ten meters below the cliff of this platform, there is rushing sea water.

Here, a large port was dug directly on the edge of the mountain.

There are several cruise ships and fishing boats moored in front of them.

Although it is late at night.

But a large light was set up here, illuminating it like daylight.

"Grandpa Mo, is this the Liuyun Mountain salvage point? It's so big!"

The car stopped at the entrance of the salvage point, and Rong Muyun on the car could not bear the excitement and exclaimed repeatedly.

"Here is it, let's get off!"

Mo Long chuckled, also quite excited, and led everyone out of the car.

Here is an opportunity to cooperate with dancers, and it also carries the hope of the village in the future!

"Wait first, let me see if the senior executive has time!"

Mo Long gave an order to Huang Ma and the others, and then politely nodded to Lin Tian, ​​ready to go.

But at this moment, from a building next to him, a burly fat man with a hard hat walked out, and a few men in suits and leather shoes followed him.

Several people were talking in a low voice.

And the burly fat man kept showing apologetic expressions to the men headed by those few people.

"Since Lao Gao can't be the master, then I'll wait a moment, and I will talk about it when Mr. Wei comes!"

"That's okay! Wei can always make up his mind!"

"Then let's take a look at the salvage point of this expansion first? This cooperation, we definitely came with sincerity..."


As he approached, Mo Long could hear their conversation.

At this moment.

The burly fat man noticed the Molong appearing, and he was also startled.

"President He, wait a minute!"

The burly fat man walked towards Mo Long: "Old Mo, did you really bring things here?"

Speaking, the fat man glanced at the car not far behind Mo Long.

"Senior Director!"

Seeing the burly fat man approaching, Mo Long smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then said with a bitter smile: "Our small fishing village has been poor for generations. If we want to make a fortune before our eyes, we still have to bravely come out! Our own port is now losing money every year. It's in a state...I can't actually earn anything at all! Hey...Now, I need more senior executives to take care of it!"

The burly fat man in front of him is called Gao Huaian. He is one of the supervisors of the Liuyunshan salvage point, and he is also the supervisor of the current salvage point expansion site.

"Hey, Mr. Mo is polite, I also received your help back then!"

Gao Huaian sighed, and then said: "Let them drive in, let's go over there and see! I also told Mr. Wei above that you can all take in. As for working in the salvage point, you should still follow the ship, or even Entering into a subsidiary of the Dancer Chamber of Commerce, it’s not yet decided! But it must be all good... Mr. Mo, we were in the past. Several guests came here, who belong to the Tianfu Group, and they want to discuss cooperation!"

Hearing that Mo Long was surprised and delighted.

The surprise is that someone from the Tianfu Group has also come here, but it doesn't matter if they have offended anyway.

The main thing that made him happy is that Huang Ma and others can settle down.

The car and a group of people entered the salvage point platform base.

Lin Tian followed Mo Long and others and looked around curiously.

But no one noticed that Rong Muyun who followed him sneaked over to the originally built machinery at some point.

She directly climbed to an arrow and crossbow tower, facing the sea breeze at night, looking at the hazy sea, her face was full of excitement.

"I heard that the salvage point has this kind of arrow crossbow, which can shoot sea beasts,'s so cool, try it?"

Rong Muyun climbed into the Jiannu Tower control room, her eyes flashing, and her hand hesitated on the start button.

Can be the next moment.


She didn't even know how to press it down, the arrow crossbow was fired by her, directly passing through the weak part of the fishing machine on the side.

The loud noise made everyone who was about to visit the operation base suddenly turned their heads and looked.

Everyone immediately saw the girl in the control room of the Arrow Tower.

"Rong Muyun! You..."

Mo Long saw Rong Muyun clearly, his eyes widened and roared loudly.

the fat is in the fire!

He was very anxious.

Then Molong hurriedly rushed towards the Jiannu Tower.

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