The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 2873: Lively drug exhibition

It was the first time that Lin Tian heard of the Longge Meeting.

In China.

Shenlong Ju is a powerful existence that protects all safety!

The land of China.

No one wants to fight Shenlong Ju!

Even those powerful cultivation sects.

all of these.

It is also because of the dragon hall behind.

Unexpectedly, this dragon hall does not seem to be the elder Hu Feng who decides everything!

That Dragon Pavilion might be the powerful organization in charge of everything!

Just after joining the Shenlong Bureau.

Gu Wanyin didn't mention it to him!

"Don't Gu Wanyin know it himself?"

Lin Tianxin was puzzled.


Yun Qingwan, Xiao Xiong and others were still excited and exclaimed.

Lin Tian turned out to be the leader of the Shenlong Bureau ability group!

This identity is extremely impressive!

Especially Xiao Xiong and Xiao Chuyan, who have a better understanding of the personal identities of the leader of the Shenlong Bureau's ability group, know the horror of this identity!

The leader of the power group, Matthew and Tan Yong, are you sure you really dare to cause trouble?

after all.

If they make a fuss, this is going to be against the entire China!

Think of this kind of.

Xiao Xiong and Xiao Chuyan, who were originally full of restlessness, became quite determined.


Seeing Lin Tian was not taking it seriously, He Sisi looked helpless.


He Sisi hesitated a little, still preparing to speak.

Lin Tian waved his hand and said, "Just call me Team Leader Lin!"

"Leader Lin, you can't underestimate the enemy! The Dragon Pavilion meeting is not as simple as you think! The reason why I know Dragon Pavilion is because Matthew told me! Director Gu has never revealed it at all!"

He Sisi's face was solemn, and she persuaded and reminded again.

At this time, Xiao Xiong didn't take it seriously, and said to He Sisi: "Squad leader, isn't it that serious? My nephew is now the leader of the ability group! Leader, where does this identity go throughout China , Are enough to scare people to death! Only Matthew and Tan Yong, dare to fight Shenlong Ju?"

"The leader of the ability group is really amazing! But... there is the Dragon Pavilion meeting above, that is the powerful place to control the entire Huaxia! Among those people, there are people from Matthew and others..."

He Sisi looked solemnly, and said solemnly: "You said Tan Yong is a disciple of Beimingshan? I don't practice martial arts, but as one of the consultants of the Shenlong Bureau, I will definitely know the information I have in many aspects. More than most people know! Behind Tan Yong is the Feng Family, and the Feng Family is also inextricably linked to the senior management of the Long Pavilion Conference!"

"I didn't mean to offend Team Leader Lin, but... the identity of Team Leader, before the Long Pavilion Meeting, was nothing! They can be removed at any time, and they can even mobilize many experts across China!"


Speaking of which.

He Sisi stopped talking.

She turned her head.

Looking around, there is no one else.

He lowered his voice to Xiao Xiong and said, "There are people on the top who have many powers. They have integrated the major families and powers of Yanjing. Among them, I want to solve the stumbling blocks of your Xiao family and Lin family first! Leader Lin...I am afraid to sit down. It's been unstable for too long!"

Listen to these words.

Xiao Xiong's face that had become slightly more determined suddenly changed suddenly, with deep anxiety and worry in his eyes.

Someone really wants to get rid of the Xiao family and the Lin family!

Even if Lin Tian has the identity of the leader of the Shenlong Bureau ability group, it seems that he is not enough!

"This is how to do……"

Xiao Hao and Xiao Ming also panicked at this time.

"It's best to plan early! These words shouldn't have been said... but a classmate..."

He Sisi looked solemn, and said to Xiao Xiong: "What I just said, I hope you don't tell anyone that I said it!"


She turned and walked.

Several other students also hurried to keep up.

"Everything I heard just now, just treat it as unheard! Don't tell anyone else! want to die!"

Not far away, He Sisi warned several classmates behind him.

Those few people also knew the seriousness of the matter, and they all responded quickly.

After He Sisi left.

Xiao Xiong and Xiao Chuyan both had concerns on their faces.

Yun Qingwan smiled and said to a few people at this time: "You are very scared? Don't worry, then what is the Dragon Pavilion meeting, what is the Ma family, what is Tan Yong... They are all chickens! If they dare to send it. The master enters Yanjing, if they have to come back and forth!"

Seeing Yun Qingwan's vows, Xiao Xiong could only smile wryly.

He knew that He Sisi was not joking just now, the matter was more serious than expected!

"Uncle, cousin, what can you do now?"

Xiao Chuyan didn't comment on Yun Qingwan's words, and could only look at Xiao Xiong and Lin Tian and say.

"I'll talk to the old man later, and then see what you plan to do!"

Xiao Xiong looked solemn and said solemnly.

"Well, let's go to the drug show! Leave these things to me! It's useless for you to worry now..."

Lin Tian was too lazy to explain, shook his head, and walked directly on his own.

Yun Qingwan laughed and stepped to keep up.

Xiao Xiong and Xiao Chuyan could only poke away with solemn expressions. ,

The drug show is ready to begin.

The exhibition is divided into the first and second floors.

The first floor is the exhibition area of ​​major pharmaceutical companies.

The entrance to the exhibition building.

There are already crowds coming in and out, extremely lively.

The hall on the first floor is full of booths.

Tang Ji Pharmaceutical, Zhende, Kang Lei, Zhong Shan, Gan Yun Pharmaceutical...

Walk in all the way.

They are all booths of many large and small pharmaceutical companies.

There are many kinds of medicines on the booth.

There are medicines, herbal medicines, beauty products, health preservation, and even medicated wine and medicated diet, and so on.

As long as it is related to drugs.

Everything has it!


These are also small drug companies.

The drugs developed in all aspects are low-grade drugs, not very powerful vomiting drugs.

But it also attracted many people.

After all, ordinary people need cheap drugs.

They can't afford high-grade medicines!

"Our Xiao family's booth is on the second floor! There is the highlight!"

Xiao Chuyan came up and said to Lin Tian and Yun Qingwan.

Lin Tian walked all the way and looked around, still seeing a lot of interesting things.

They were all small medicines, but some herbs, he saw it for the first time.

However, they are all low-grade herbs, which are of little use.

Some of the drugs developed are somewhat interesting.

But that's it.

It's not in his eyes at all!


Several people went to the second floor.

The area of ​​the exhibition hall here is a bit smaller than the one below.

The booth is also indispensable.

Perhaps the booths set up here are almost all of the top pharmaceutical companies in Yanjing.

Looking up, there are at least a dozen of them!

These are all major pharmaceutical companies in the land of Yanjing.

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