The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 2899: Bai Chen Dan

Dan Dao is connected with medical Dao!

In the realm of comprehension.

Those who specialize in alchemy are basically at the level of a master at least in terms of medical practice!

Originally, the alchemy was also based on the foundation of training and healing, and it was in common with medicine!

Medical students with attainments in the alchemy are definitely not bad! ,


The only difference.

Perhaps it is more inclined to Chinese medicine, the treatment method is very different from Western medicine!

But Chinese medicine.

Speaking of it, it's a branch derived from the alchemy of ancient times!

So speaking of it.

The alchemy and the path of medicine in the cultivation world are still the ancestors of modern Chinese medicine today!

In the realm of comprehension.

Alchemy tends to consolidate medicines and prepare medicines, but the level of healing is not bad at all.

And medical science is more inclined to develop medicines to save the dead!

There are even those who delve into the path of medicine for the purpose of cultivating the path of poison, and they have cultivated the skill of poison to a certain level, which is unimaginable!

Although in general.

The difference is clear!

But many things are common!

A powerful medical expert, he is also at the level of a master in curing diseases and saving lives, and refining medicine and alchemy may also be a master-like existence!

Just like Lin Tian!

And Wang Gou in front of him should also be a similar alchemy!

It's just a powerful master, both of them don't distinguish between them, and they are all classified as alchemy!

Wang Gou, very powerful!

Whether it's refining medicine or medicine, it's amazing!

"Master, how did you tell?"

Yun Qing's beautiful eyes widened and said in surprise.

"His hand has been immersed in medicine all the year round, so there are a lot of medicine marks left! In addition, there are still a lot of potion residues in his palm. Only those who practice magic skills and refine potions will leave it! This Wang Gou's The cultivation base is not high, it is obvious that it is formed by refining the magic pill all the year round! But this person is very powerful on the pill path!"

Lin Tianchao and Wang Gou glanced, and immediately explained to Yun Qingwan with a smile.

Yun Qingwan listened with a daze on his face.

Xiao Xiaonan and the others were still so shocked that they hadn't recovered.

Staring at Wang Gou, Xiao Xiaonan's heart was full of anxiety.

Just by smelling the pill, you can smell the herbal ingredients of the refined medicine.

This strength is enough to shock people!

Even Jiang Qianyu, who was there, couldn't do it!

It can be seen from this.

The strength of Wang Gou in front of him is very likely to be higher than that of Jiang Qianyu.

"The herbs that the old man just mentioned are all right?"

Putting down the pill, Wang Gou looked at Xiao Xiaonan and said with a smile.

Xiao Xiaonan pursed his mouth, his face was a little ugly, and finally nodded and said, "Senior is right! Senior's research in pharmacology should have reached the point...I can't wait to see the dust!"

The faces of Xiao Chenyu and others who looked at him were darkened to the bottom of the pot!

This Wang Gou revealed this hand, which proved its power!

Many people watching in the hall were amazed.

Many medical enthusiasts, watching Wang Gou, showed their admiration and enthusiasm!

"Old man, worship!"

Jiang Qianyu stood up at this time and sighed at Wang Guo with a fist.

"Haha... Jiang Lao is modest, you are in medicine, the whole China, how many are better than you?"

Wang Gou sneered, waved his hand, and took a seat by the pill furnace in the Herbal Medicine Exhibition Hall, and said, "But I won't be merciful to be astonished!"

"The old man is also concocting medicine on the spot! Hundred dust pill, a special kind of medicine! You can only take one for life, it can cure all diseases, ordinary people, any disease can be! And once you take Hundred dust pill, you will never get sick again. There will be no more poisoning! In other words, the whole person is an immune existence! Of course, if you encounter a fatal injury, the service will be invalid!"

Listen to the effect of this pill.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Is this still medicine?

It's simply an elixir!

Many people here are breathing heavily.

"This thing can be promoted?"

In the crowd, some people questioned.

Many people also nodded one after another, looking at Wang Gou with doubts in their eyes.

after all.

Such a heaven-defying pill, the herbs needed, is it simple?

No one noticed.

When Wang Gou said this Heaven-defying Pill, there was indeed a defining condition!

Bai Chen Dan, what I said is only effective for ordinary people!

Not to mention the cultivator, even the warrior, it is useless!

The powerful qi and blood in the martial artist will also conflict with Baichen Dan!

So no matter how precious this medicine is, it can only be used by ordinary people!

Otherwise, how would Wang Gou easily refining?


He smiled and said: "The herbs used will be more common! The refining, the herbs used..."

"It's all here!"

Wang Gou pointed to the many herbs behind the window of the Herbal Medicine Exhibition Hall and said with a smile.

Can ordinary people's herbal medicine formulate such a day-defying medicine?

Many people took a deep breath and couldn't believe it.

The faces of Xiao Chenyu and others were even more ugly than before.

If this Hundred Dust Pill is formulated, the huge drug market will probably only be dominated by the Tang family!

It is really.

The effect of this Baichen Pill is too bad!

If it is as effective as Wang Gou said, the efficacy is absolutely amazing!

While Tang Baiming waited there, all of them were surprised.

Zhang Jin, who thought he was about to lose his job, was even more ecstatic.

"Chu Sheng, it's inconvenient for your Junior Brother, so come here to help Master..."

At this time, Wang Ou looked back at Chu Sheng and said, "Pick up medicine for Master!"

"Master, say it!"

Chu Sheng trot forward, leaning forward respectfully, and said.

"Take it..."

Wang Gou didn't talk nonsense, he just gave Chu Sheng a note.

Hu Qiancao has one or two rhizomes, Xinerhua five petals, and six roots of ginseng...

On the note, the various herbs needed are clearly listed!


They are all in this herbal exhibition hall!

Chu Sheng took it directly.

The medicine was neat, Wang Gou began to do it.

All the people present calmed down and stared.

Wang Gou's method of refining medicine is obviously different from Jiang Qianyu's.

In his palm, there was still a black breath surging clearly.

It is not magic energy, but the magic medicine energy produced by refining medicine all the year round.

It's like the essence of precipitation.

Has a lot of help for refining medicine!


Looking at Wang Gou's refining medicine, Jiang Qianyu next to him couldn't help but exclaim.


He thought of Lin Tian, ​​but shook his head again.

Compared with Lin Tian, ​​Jiang Qianyu still feels that Wang Yu is weaker!

As the time goes.

Twenty minutes later.

Wang Gou stopped.

From within the pill furnace.

He took out three crystal-clear pills, colorless and tasteless, everyone sucked their noses hard, but they didn't smell anything.

"Colorless and tasteless medicine?"

Many people were surprised.

Wang Gou did not explain.

He squeezed it gently, and a pill shattered, and finally turned into a sticky liquid, which fell into a small glass.

The smashed pill was slowly diluted in a blink of an eye, and the original crystal ball turned into a black jewel-like liquid medicine, lying in the cup like a huge dew.

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