The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3027: Edge of death

Knowing that the old man in front of him was Zhu Chou, Huo Qianxing's old face became more respectful.

He tremblingly stepped forward and bowed to Zhu Qiu to see him: "I have seen Pavilion Master Zhu!"

Although now he has a cultivation base in the middle of the foundation.

Can be totally different!

He understands that he and Zhu Qiu are not on the same level!

Compared with Yuan Xuzhou, he is inferior!

The most important thing is that he was able to step into the foundation building before. In addition to Yuan Xuzhou's help, the most important thing was that the pavilion master Zhu provided the cultivation method and the cultivation medicine.

Otherwise, he wants to step into the real cultivator from the realm of Wu Zun, knowing, then how many years will be needed or how much to wait for coveting!


To this Zhu Qiu who has not yet met, he is in awe in his heart!

At this time, Zhu Qiu couldn't help but look at Huo Qianxing, and said: "Are you the Huo Qianxing of Panlongzong?"

"It's the old one!"

Huo Qianxing respectfully said.

Looking at this situation.

Sima frowned and said to Zhu Chou: "Pavilion Master Zhu, is Danuma Mountain in the past? This old man and others can lead the way, enough! I will kill this kid, see if he is not pleasing to his eyes!"

"This person kills and kills! It doesn't matter at all!"

Zhu Qiu waved his hand, his eyes fell on Lin Tian.

Then, he took out a cell phone from his body!

That's right, it's a mobile phone!

The dignified monks in the late stage of foundation construction also used mobile phones.

After all, today's messenger is not easy to make, and there are few people who can make it!

In the realm of comprehension, the talisman masters who made talisman seals are almost extinct!

Nowadays, mobile phones are still the most convenient!

He glanced at the photo album on the phone and then at Lin Tian, ​​before he said, "It's him, not bad!"

Then, he said to Sima Chou: "Young Hall Master, this time coming to Danuma Mountain is the most important thing! However, the old man got the entrustment of Master Feng and took this boy back by the way! He should have offended Master Feng. 80% of them will not survive! There is no difference between killing him or not killing him now! Now, how about giving Young Master Feng a face?"

Young Master Feng?

Who is that?

Huo Qianxing and the others looked at each other, their faces puzzled.

But they understand.

It seems that Zhu Qiu's identity is unusual.

"The wind is invincible!"

Sima Chou's eyes flashed with cold light, and he spoke coldly.

His face was extremely gloomy at this time.

As for who Sima Chou hates most, Feng Wudi is definitely one of them!

He wanted to kill Feng Wudi and then hurry up!

He fell out of favor just because of Feng Wudi's appearance!

at least.

Now in Yinsi Hall, he doesn't have the same feeling of the stars and moons before!

Feng Wudi's talent is almost the same as his!

Even more powerful!

Although he is the current master of Yinsi Hall, it is not his Laozi that has the final say in the entire Yinsi Hall!

Above, there is the Supreme Lord!

He was originally appointed as the next palace master.


Ran out of invincible wind again!

And it has been several years since Feng Wudi entered the Yinsi Hall.

It has always been unknown before!

It didn't show any talent for cultivation at all!

But within the past two years, Feng Wudi's talent suddenly exploded, and he stepped into the foundation building in one fell swoop!


He was even received by the old palace master and taught a special set of methods, and his cultivation was suppressed!

After waiting for a while, Feng Wudi is definitely stronger!

It can be said.

Now Sima Chou's most powerful opponent is Feng Wudi!

"Young Palace Master, you can kill him!"

Seeing Sima Chou not speaking, Zhu Qiu smiled and said, "But I will truthfully tell Master Feng!"

"Ha ha……"

Sima Chou let out a chuckle, and said, "Yes, give Feng Wudi a face! You can take it away! By the way, let me greet him!"

At this moment, this guy spoke, saying that as gentle as he was, there was no dissatisfaction at all.

But Zhu Qiu next to him could tell that Sima Chou was going to find a chance to give Feng Wudi a hard blow.

Now I don’t want to be dead, I just want to relax it!

But the game between the two.

He doesn't want to mix up, and it has nothing to do with him.

He nodded, then looked at Lin Tian, ​​and said, "You have offended Master Feng, do you want to resist, or go with us honestly! The old man knows you have some means, the face of this seat, don't do meaningless things. Struggle! Even if it's a false alchemy period, this seat can take it down! Not to mention you..."


Aren’t you going to deal with this kid’s master?

This kid is just an ordinary person!

Why should Zhu Qiu do it himself?

Huo Qianxing, Fang Xiongyi and others were all puzzled. ,

Sima Chou and Bai Chongyu next to them were also very surprised.

Even Yuan Xuzhou blinked, very puzzled.

However, Lin Tian is nothing but ants, he is too lazy to think. ,

"Come with you? Where are you going?"

Lin Tian said with a chuckle on his face, very indifferent.

"Onuma Mountain! You don't want to die, just follow along, don't want to die, you can go back with your body!"

Zhu Qiu's old face was deep, and he said coldly.

Seeing that Lin Tian didn't look scared at all, he was very upset.

Sima Chou's eyes flashed sharply.

He was very unhappy with Lin Tian!

But he went on to say: "This kid, I'm not interested! These two women, I want it! Pavilion Master Zhu, is it all right?"

"Don't kill anyone!"

Zhu Qiu glanced at Gao Yanan and Weng Xiaoran, and said indifferently: "Let's go! Huo Qianxing, lead the way..."

They are people in the magic way, and they have always been surly and domineering, let alone killing and overwhelming.

Women or something, let alone, where does so much kindness come from?

"Master Zhu, the old man leads the way!"

Huo Qianxing hurriedly set off, at the same time the other side said Xiongyi: "Open the way for the seniors!"

"Xiaoxiang, follow the Young Master! Don't neglect!"

Then he told Ye Laixiang again.

Ye Laixiang lowered her head slumpingly, and obediently walked to Sima Shou's side, like a maidservant!

She has accepted her fate!

"Good, good... really good!"

Seeing Ye Laixiang so obedient, Sima Chou's face was overjoyed and laughed out loud.


He looked at Gao Yanan and Weng Xiaoran, and said, "Two chicks, do you want Ben Shao to be strong? If you follow obediently, Ben Shao will not move you for now!"

at this time.

However, Lin Tian had already followed the pace of Huo Qianxing, his face was indifferent, completely ignoring Sima Chou and Zhu Qiu, he just wanted to go to the place where there were corpses.

However, Gao Yanan and Weng Xiaoran looked at Sima Chou, as if they were looking at a second fool, they were silent, and followed Lin Tian.

However, the two women are somewhat worried.

Although he knew that Lin Tian was a monk in the foundation building period, there was a false alchemy period here!

The reason why they are still quite calm is because of Lin Tian's indifferent attitude.

"Lin Tian, ​​what should I do when I come down?"

Stepping forward, Gao Yanan whispered to Lin Tian.

"Sima worry, walked on the edge of death!"

Lin Tian smiled faintly and said.

Hearing, the two women couldn't help but glance at each other.

"You should be much stronger than I know!"

Finally, Gao Yanan said very solemnly to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian smiled and said nothing!

And Gao Yanan and Weng Xiaoran obediently followed Lin Tian, ​​making Sima Chou think he was deterred by himself.

With a sneer on his face, he said: "Women...stubborn mouth! When you are overwhelmed by the powerful strength, you will be obedient!"

Zhu Qiu and Yuan Xuzhou ignored the woman-occupied Sima Chou, and walked away.

Their main purpose for this trip is still the corpse demon in Onuma Mountain!

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