Golden Yinling King!

One of the most powerful beings in this corpse refining tomb!

In the huge corpse refining tomb, there is rarely a golden ghost king.

most of the time.

They only exist in the word of mouth!

Yin Ling is here.

Generally divided into first-level transparent yin, second-level green yin, third-level black and fourth-level white yin!

Going up, that is the Golden Yinling King!

That is comparable to the existence around Yuanying's later period!

Even the white fourth-level Yin Ling could not be won by ordinary Nascent Soul cultivators!

In this corpse refining tomb, the most common types of powerful yin spirits are the green yin spirit and black yin spirit, which are equivalent to the strength of the base building period and the golden core period respectively!

The white fourth-level Yin Ling above is very, very rare!

Now... the appearance of the Golden Ghost King is too shocking!

Looking at the tall golden figure on the mountain, there are several white ghosts with a group of black ghosts beside him.

Everyone was stunned!

Their faces were full of horror and shock, their mouths opened wide, fear gradually spread in their eyes, and they all forgot to run away!

At this time, it was too late to escape.

The three white yin spirits had already stood in the air, forming a horn-cutting momentum, and guarding the three-sided exit.

They vaguely gained some consciousness, looking at the crowd below, the hollow eyes gleamed with light.

The white Yinling is equivalent to a monk in the Yuan Ying stage!

The actual combat power does not belong to the middle stage of Yuan Ying!

Three white yin spirits stood in the air, and the cold breath of the whole body swept down like a surging wave.

The remaining monks were shrouded in these breaths, all stiff in fright, and their hearts full of fear!

Not to mention.

There are also seven or eight black yin spirits hovering around, each of them is equivalent to a golden core monk!


Many people came up with this idea and began to despair in their hearts.

Even Bian Rong and the other four guardians of the two great sects, his complexion became extremely ugly, and even his eyes began to be filled with fear!

Faced with three white yin spirits equivalent to the Nascent Soul Stage, there are also more than a dozen Golden Core monks!

Not to mention.

The golden ghost king appeared in the middle of the mountain!

This is equivalent to the strength of Yuan Ying's late stage!

Just being the Yin Ling King, enough to keep them all here!

At this moment, no one dared to move, frozen in place!

Jiang Xiaobai and Xu Huang, who had originally wanted to leave, didn't dare to move the people on both sides of Wangxianmen and Black Soul Sect!

The atmosphere is a bit afraid to breathe!

Ju Youming and the others who were hiding in the dark also suddenly stopped breathing!

Looking at the Yin Ling King in the distance, Ju Youming and Nie Xingchun, their hearts seemed to be hammered fiercely by something, their bodies tightened to the extreme.

If discovered by the Yin Ling King, they would not have a chance to escape!

The difference in strength between the early Yuanying period and the late Yuanying period is too big!

What's more, the strength of this golden ghost king may be even more terrifying.

If they were discovered, they would never escape!

"How to do?"

Ding Gong was a little anxious at this time, and said quickly.

Although Ju Youming and Nie Xingchun are both Nascent Soul cultivators, they are simply incomparable to this Yinling King!

However, he glanced at Lin Tian next to him, and saw that the latter was already calm and composed at this time. It seemed that he saw the appearance of the Yin Ling King, but he was surprised, so he didn't care!

What is his strength?

Now that he is so calm, he must still rely on it!

To Lin Tian, ​​Ding Gong felt even more mysterious.

On the contrary, waiting for a few people, his face was pale.

How frustrated a group of people fell here!

"Can't show up! Wait! Wait for the two Great Elders, Wangxianmen and Black Soul Sect, to come!"

Ju Youming was also extremely nervous, and said solemnly: "They come, maybe they can deal with this Yin Ling Wang, and then we take the opportunity to enter the Demon Dragon Palace! If not, we can only leave! The harvest today is pretty good!"

Hear this.

The group of people breathed a sigh of relief.

At least there is a chance to escape!

The Yinling King body is full of weather, and Luoyang and Zhuang Xiao outside will feel it 80%!

"Kill... he... them!"

Suddenly, a faint voice came from Midair, but the Yin Ling King spoke.

Its eyes shone with golden light.

The whole body exudes a breathtaking breath.

It uttered human words and ordered a dozen white ghosts around.

But the three black Yin Ling did not move!

Their eyes are like black blades, staring at the people below.

"Ho ho~"

More than a dozen white ghosts flew out, screaming incomparably ugly.

They are murderous, with cold eyes, as if to choose someone to eat.


Bian Rong roared first.

He turned and flew away.

Others heard this.

Suddenly they all dispersed.

Puff puff puff puff ~

Can be the next moment.

There was a sound of bursts of broken bones.

Those black ghosts turned into black sharp blades with both hands, attacking like lightning, disconnecting the weapons of many monks, and then penetrating them, sharp and fast.

In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen people died!

The cultivators on both sides of Wangxianmen and Black Soul Sect had already rushed to the entrance, preparing to leave.

Can be the next moment.

Found that passage entrance.

But there was already a black ghost waiting there.

It seems to be here in the blink of an eye!

too fast!

This speed is extremely terrifying!

Even if it was the four great guardians of Bian Rong and Qin Fu, who had a cultivation base of fake infancy, they couldn't even see how this black ghost came over.

Bian Rong and the others stopped quickly and backed away for a while.

The guardians of the two sects guarded Xu Huang and Jiang Xiaobai separately.

The two are the top geniuses of the Zongmen, and if one dies, it is an incalculable loss for the Zongmen!

But the black Yin Ling didn't seem to make a move, just watching them quietly.

But the black eyes are filled with dazzling light, as if the gaze of death!

But the black Yin Ling didn't make a move, but a few white Yin Ling had already rushed over.

Each of them is equivalent to the middle to late Jindan.

The strength is not weak anymore.

"Let's shoot together! The four of us should be able to stop it!"

Bian Rong turned around, looked at the others, and said coldly.

Li Hongfeng, another black soul guardian, nodded.

The two guardians of Wangxianmen, Qin Fu and Jia Jinbo, looked at each other and rushed out.

Facing the attack of seven or eight white ghosts, the four of them were able to do well.


At this time, the Golden Yin Ling King spoke again and issued an order to one of the black Yin Ling.

The black yin spirit that blocked Bian Rong and the others went silently over.

"You wait...surrender...let you die happily..."

The Golden Yinling King struggled to block language and was able to vomit, which was really not easy.

But his words made the souls of those who were still alive scattered.

Especially seeing the black Yin Ling coming over, Bian Rong and others' faces were already desperate.

"Why isn't the Great Elder here yet!"

Jiang Xiaobai shouted out loudly.

Xu Huang was also full of unwillingness at this time.

They don't want to die here.

"Huh! What a golden ghost king. Normally, even if the old man's hands are connected, it is not low, but unfortunately, he is injured!"

Only then, an old voice came from the entrance of the passage.

At the same time, a slap shot at the black ghost who was running towards Bian Rong and others like lightning.

The black Yin Ling was directly shaken out. ,

The next moment, the great elder Zhuang Xiao of Wangxianmen and the great elder Luo Yang of the Black Soul Sect appeared in the underground space.

"Great Elder!"

Xu Huang, Jiang Xiaobai and others all made a surprise voice.

Is this Yin Ling King injured?

Ju Youming, Nie Xingchun and others who were hiding in the dark were all surprised.

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