The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3327: Violent old man

But when he stepped into the room.

Lin Tiandun felt something was wrong.

Originally, with a steady foot, he was violently pulled by something.

Almost staggered and fell on the spot.

This was mainly too unexpected, Lin Tian didn't expect it, and almost didn't stand firm!

But how much he cultivated, how could he be tripped by this little oppression, he just staggered slightly and stood firm.

"Huh? You can stand up?"

Tang Hanxing, who stood behind, stared in astonishment when he saw this scene.

Lin Tian was startled.

I quickly realized something.

He steadied his feet, but soon he staggered, landing with both hands to support his body.

Then he walked slowly inside with very heavy steps.

"What I said, how could he have nothing at all! There is a supernatural power vein blessing in the supernatural power Tianyuan, especially the topmost layer that is most affected. The powerful aura is oppressed, and only the martial arts master can barely be affected! "

Seeing Lin Tian struggling, Tang Hanxing was relieved.

If Lin Tian is not affected, that would be weird!

"I advised you before, do you regret it now? If you live here in the future, walking a few steps will be difficult!"

Tang Hanxing stood at the door and said with a smile: "Have you repented?"

He did not walk in.

After all, he was only at the late stage of the cultivation base, and it was very difficult to walk in.

At this moment, every step Lin Tian took was heavy and moved extremely slowly.

"No! I think this is right for me! Isn't it just to improve yourself? This is just right!"

Lin Tian shook his head and said confidently.

"Haha...Okay! If you have any medicine you need in your cultivation, just tell me! If you want to learn a little knowledge of refining medicine, you can also go to the Medicine Pavilion to find me!"

Tang Hanxing laughed, full of admiration.

Lin Tian's words and deeds made him extremely satisfied, and it has been a long time since he saw such a student.

"Okay! Thank you, Master!"

Lin Tian turned his head and smiled and said, "But I want to know, does our academy have a place called the supernatural power Tianyuan? Is it in the Tianyuan Tower?"

"Ability Tianyuan? It seems that you also learned about it before you came!"

Tang Hanxing nodded and said, "The Ability Tianyuan is right over the Ability Academy, and the Tianyuan Tower is located above! But if you want to enter the Ability Tianyuan cultivation, you must at least climb the tenth floor of the Tianyuan Tower to be eligible to enter! Now Meng Yun is also It's only the ninth floor! You should work hard first... Go to Tianyuan Pagoda with Meng Yun when you have time to get used to... You clean up and go to the classroom for theory lessons!"

After speaking, Tang Hanxing turned and left.

When Tang Hanxing left, Lin Tian closed the door and walked around the room casually, no matter where he was affected.

But as he walked, he still felt a trace of oppression.

"Very interesting! At the top of this tower, affected by a certain aura, there is a heavy pressure in the air, which acts on the body! But this is just good for cultivation...Although the effect is minimal..."

Lin Tian looked around, whispering to himself.

It's not bad to practice here.

But he even went to the supernatural power Tianyuan, and when he climbed the tenth floor of the Tianyuan Tower, he went!

As for how difficult the tenth floor of the Tianyuan Tower is, Lin Tian has not considered it.

The cultivation base of Meng Yun's earth-level peak was completed, and the tenth floor was a piece of cake for him!

Leave the room.

Return to Shangwu class.

Just arrived at the door of the classroom.

A loud bang of the figure hit the corridor.

Lin Tian found out that it was a student of Team Shenlong. He got up and glared inside: "Zhong Jiu, I will definitely defeat you next time!"

After speaking, he cursed and returned to the classroom.

You can vaguely hear Bao Deyun scolding a few **** in the classroom.

Just walked away for a while, and started fighting again?

It is indeed a martial arts class!

Lin Tian curled his lips and stepped into the classroom.

As he arrived, his eyes focused again.

"Boy, when get out of class is over, will you dare to accept the challenge?"

A student in the team of the gods stood up and looked directly at Lin Tiandao.

Lin Tian shrugged and shook his head: "It's boring!"


The student laughed, his face full of contempt.

But Lin Tian ignored him and sat back in his seat.

"Don't worry about it!"

Meng Yun comforted Lin Tian: "When your cultivation base comes up, accept the challenge again!"

"That is, as long as you don't accept it, no one dares to force it!"

Duman and others also followed.

Lin Tian smiled freely, shook his head and said, "It's okay! I'm just too weak to watch and I'm not interested in taking action..."

But his words caused silence in the classroom, and he watched them all.

"Arrogant, you are arrogant!"

Many people burst into anger.

"Get out! Go to the ring!"

"Yes! Go to the ring! Who do you want to challenge, choose yourself!"


Almost all those who can be in the martial arts class are proud and arrogant, even if they lose, they will not admit defeat. Now that they hear Lin Tian's words, many guys are furious.

In the Shangwu class, I have seen arrogant people, I have never seen such arrogant people!

Even if Meng Yun used a powerful cultivation base to crush others, he had never been so arrogant!

Someone has already arrived outside the classroom and stood on the ring.

"What do you do...what a decent way!"

Outside, there was an angry shout.

The faces of the guys standing on the ring changed one after another, and they were about to jump off the ring and run back to the classroom.

But a figure rushed to the ring like a gust of wind.

Bang bang~

The figure grabbed several people and threw it directly at the class.

Several guys smashed into the classroom floor like sandbags.

At this time, standing on the ring was a rickety old man with reading glasses and white hair.

If one didn't notice it, he thought it was an ordinary old man.

But in fact it has the cultivation base of the pinnacle of the martial arts master! ,

I go, so violent?

Lin Tian couldn't help but startled as he watched several people being thrown in by the old man.

"Lao Shi is here, sit down!"

In the classroom, someone shouted anxiously.

One by one, like a big enemy, they all sit down as a good boy.

The old man Shi Lei jumped off the ring and walked slowly into the classroom step by step.

Standing on the podium, the students underneath sat in a precarious manner, where they dare to be presumptuous.

Shi Lei glanced at Lin Tian from behind the reading glasses and said, "Are you a new exchange student?"

"Yes, teacher, my name is Lin Tian!"

Lin Tian smiled lightly.

"Oh...what kind of martial arts class, suffer! How nice to go to the fine martial arts class! It's a waste of my time here! Forget it, since Master Tang brought it, you can listen to the class carefully. It doesn't matter if you can understand it or not, just feel at ease. Just two months later..."

Shi Lei sighed and couldn't help shaking his head.

Then he began to give lectures, which were all martial arts theory classes, which were long and boring and made people sleepy.

But no one in the classroom dared to sleep and could only forcefully listen to the class.

Lin Tian didn't care, his left ear went in and his right ear went out.

Shi Lei didn't pay much attention, but when the course was over, he looked at Lin Tiandao: "Next time in my course, I will ask questions. If you don't understand, don't be in my class!"

Finished talking, let's go!

"This old antique is finally gone!"

Team Rose, sitting next to Lin Tian, ​​a guy named Bi Jiafan with a short head exhaled, and turned to Lin Tian and said, "You have to work hard. This old man always asks one person every time. If he can't make it, Very miserable!"

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