The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3367: Just a punch

The words of the two are tit-for-tat!

However, Lin Tian's response made Yao Kaiyu's face extremely cold.

"I want to see if your strength is as stiff as your mouth!"

Yao Kaiyu's eyes were cold, and he spoke with a cold voice.

next moment.

A billowing breath swept away from him.

The coercion belonging to the martial arts master slowly rippled around.

Rowe and the others who were standing next to the ring were so scared that their complexions changed greatly.

They are among the top of the earth-level pinnacles and third-level abilities, and their strength is amazing.

But compared with Yao Kaiyu's level, it's a huge difference!

Now at this moment.

This demon Kaiyu is just a coercion spreading out.

They have already felt the endless pressure.

But Lin Tian, ​​standing on the ring, greeted Yao Kaiyu's oppression head-on, but stood there still.

It seems that Yao Kaiyu's amazing sense of oppression was not felt at all!

Yao Kaiyu frowned, looked at Lin Tianyun's breezy look, and looked at him still calmly.

He suddenly became even more angry.

"Get off!"

Yao Kaiyu shouted angrily.

Step on one foot.

There was a loud bang.

The entire arena shook.

Smoke and dust swept all around.

After that, he turned into a violent wind and blasted Lin Tian.


too fast!

Just like a gust of wind, Luo Wei and others present almost couldn't see Yao Kaiyu's figure clearly!

"As expected of Yao Xuechang! At this speed, half of the martial arts masters can't stop it, right?"

"Huh! Senior Yao cultivates the wind attribute method exchanged by the martial arts school! Needless to say the power!"

"The strength of Yao Xuechang and others is actually able to gain a foothold in the fifth dojo!"

"The fifth dojo is a bit reluctant, and the fourth dojo is perfectly fine!"

"But several seniors want to make their cultivation more solid before they leave our first dojo, right?"

"This kid, he is here for Yao Xuechang!"

"This guy is very strong, but compared with Yao Xuechang and the others, the gap is definitely not small!"


Lowe and others couldn't help but talk.

At the same time they all waited for the embarrassing situation of Lin Tian being beaten down.

Lowe was defeated, and a group of people were all aggrieved!

And the three people of Nian Beiwang who came out behind, all looked worried.

Yao Kaiyu's such strength is terrible!

But this is the end of the matter, so take it as a lesson!


The violent storm's attack will envelop Lin Tian.

"It doesn't work!"

Lin Tian said lightly.

Then, his hand slammed into a fist and punched out without fancy.

"I can't help myself!"

Yao Kaiyu sneered at Lin Tian's attack so hard.


There was a muffled sound, and an aura of terror swept from the ring.

The squally wind around was even more rustling.

But at the same time.

A figure flew out from the ring.

"Sure enough, I lost!"

Nian Beiwang sighed and shook their heads.

They felt that the figure flying out was definitely Lin Tian undoubtedly.

Luo Wei and others are also such characters.

"A self-righteous guy, I thought I could challenge Senior Yao and them!"

"Hehe... Now let him realize his gap!"

"Just a punch, the gap is too big!"


A group of people spoke.

However, Monk Luo Wei did not speak.

The moment they looked at the figure, they felt that Lin Tian had lost.

But just now, Lin Tian defeated Luo Wei with just one punch, which in itself shows his strength!

If Xu Feng and the other five leave, Lin Tian will have the final say in this first dojo!

They may still be just each other's dog legs or be crushed!

But at this time.

The faces of Xu Feng and other people changed.


Xu Feng and several people exclaimed.

At this time, the other people next to him also saw the figure falling to the ground.

Not Lin Tian!

But... Yao Kaiyu!

All of them had seen ghosts, their eyes widened, and they couldn't believe it.

What's wrong with this?

Yao Kaiyu lost?

Inside the pavilion.

Chen Kui and Hu Xingyun were also shocked.

The wrinkles on their faces were stretched open in shock at this time, their eyes widened, and their eyeballs almost popped out.

Yao Kaiyu is a veteran of the supernatural power Tianyuan!

In the strength of this level of martial arts master, but one of the leaders!

Put it outside.

Within the same realm, there are only a handful of people who can be better than him!

Even the martial arts master instructor at the martial arts academy is not necessarily Yao Kaiyu's opponent!

But now, he was blown to the ground by a new student, vomiting blood in embarrassment!

Is this... ridiculous?

Both Chen Kui and Hu Xingyun's eyes fell on Lin Tian, ​​staring at them tightly, but they couldn't see the depth after looking at them!

This guy, what repair and why strength?

The two old men were full of doubts.

And at the same time they also wrote down Lin Tian.

Go back and ask about the martial arts school, what a background!

at this time.

Xu Feng and several people helped Yao Kaiyu up.

They looked at the arena with horror on their faces.

"How is it possible! How can your strength be so strong! This is at least the strength that the students of the seventh and eighth dojo have!"

Yao Kaiyu, who was still bloodshot at the corner of his mouth, stood still, looked at Lin Tian on the ring with amazement, and shouted anxiously.

Xu Feng and the others also looked at endless horror at this time, as well as deep fear.

Yao Kaiyu's strength is only between the four of them.

If they really fight each other, no one dare to say that they can beat each other with 100% certainty.

But now.

Lin Tian defeated Yao Kaiyu with just one punch! 】

And this defeat was simply and neatly, it can be said to be a complete crush in strength!

If they go up, I am afraid it will be a result!

"I am not strong or not, I don't need me to tell you!"

Lin Tian curled his lips, his gaze finally fell on Xu Feng and the others, and said, "Are you still going up? Or four people will do it together! I don't mind! You come one and one, and one group is also a group. , It's all the same! Just a punch!"

These words.

Can be considered extremely arrogant and domineering.

Xu Feng and others were almost ignored.

If it's normal.

Naturally, Lin Tian didn't like the limelight.

But whether it was Luo Wei or Xu Feng and others who directly suppressed their newcomers, he couldn't see it!

Besides, the Wu school also defaulted!

Since the default is, then they can be allowed to resist!


Lin Tian just wants to own a cave of his own!

Also, since Wang Nian Bei and the others came together, it happened to bring the cave mansion of Xu Feng and the others over, so that the three of them could also cultivate inside!

"You... deceive people too much!"

Yao Kaiyu was furious, gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Too much deception?"

Lin Tian squinted his eyes and said coldly: "When you asked us to hand over the body fluid, why didn't you think of deceiving people too much?"

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