The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3463: Natural flattery


Fang Muhua's words immediately made most of the people present suddenly stand up.

In the auditorium.

Many of the martial arts students all stood up straight with excitement, and looked out towards the entrance of the venue with their long necks.

"Oh my God! The honorary dean of our martial arts Academy is coming!"

"This is Elder Jiang, it's rumored that our dean has been instructed!"

"Old Jiang, but at the level of a martial arts master, he is knowledgeable, broad-minded, and has martial arts experience in martial arts!"

"Old Jiang rarely shows up in front of everyone on weekdays, but he actually came today..."


Many students were excited and started talking in low voices.

When I entered Nanshan Wuyuan early.

Many people know Mr. Jiang's name!

It is the strongest existence in the entire martial arts school, and the most amazingly qualified and famous!


Fang Muhua's words came out.

Not only these students.

Hu Yong, Tian Ji and others in the front row also stood up suddenly.

Not to mention Lu Lao and others.

At this time, each of them was filled with shock, and at the same time, there was more endless awe.

Old Jiang!

In the entire Nanshan Mountain, and even the land of Dongshan Mountain, there are existences with extremely famous reputations!

Old Jiang, named Jiang Chen, is the honorary dean of Nanshan Martial Arts Academy!

It was already more than 30 years ago to become famous in Nanshan!

Today's Jiang Chen may have entered the later stage of the martial arts master, his strength is unfathomable!

Even half-step masters like Hu Yong and Tian Ji must respectfully call senior to Jiang Chen!

"Why is Elder Jiang coming here suddenly?"

Hu Yong couldn't help asking.

Other people's eyes also fell on Fang Muhua.

prior to.

This exchange meeting also invited Mr. Jiang, but it is said that Mr. Jiang seemed to have other things, so he declined to come.

Although he has been cultivating in the Martial Academy all the year round, preparing to attack the legendary Martial Venerable Realm.

But big people like Mr. Jiang.

Even if you are cultivating next to the stadium, if there is nothing important, it may be difficult to show up!

Now it's coming again suddenly.

Hu Yong, Tian Ji and others were so surprised.

"Hahahaha... the old man came again suddenly, but it disturbed you and the students present! The old man came, shouldn't it affect the exchange meeting?"

At this time, hearty laughter came from the entrance of the venue.

Soon a vigorous old man in a gray military uniform stepped in.

Ma Shu tremblingly led the way beside her, her face was surprised and nervous.

"Elder Jiang, how can your arrival affect the exchange meeting? On the contrary, it will bring our exchange students to a higher level!"

Fang Muhua stepped forward respectfully and smiled.

The flattery in these words is truly natural.

"I have seen Mr. Jiang!"

Hu Yong, Tian Ji and a group of people walked out quickly, and bowed down to Jiang Chen.

Tao Jing, Jiang Xindie and others are also standing behind, looking at the madman, and also making a voice respectfully.

Not to mention the students in the audience, they also respectfully salute.

Lin Tian still sat in place.

It's just that no one cares about him anymore, so no one notices it!

"Hu Yong, Tian Ji... are here!"

Jiang Chen looked at Hu Yong and the others, said a name, and said with a smile.

This caused a burst of ecstasy on the faces of several people.

What an honor it is to be remembered by Jiang Chen!

Looking back, Jiang Chen spoke to Old Lu and the others in person, and even called his name, which made these old men extremely excited.

"Tao Jing, the current president of the student union? And Mo Xiaolong, Jiang are all the leaders of our martial arts school today, but you must take the lead and work hard, don't lose our martial arts school's face! "

Jiang Chen looked at Tao Jing, Jiang Xindie and others, his old face was full of solemnity.

"Remember what Elder Jiang said!"

Tao Jing and Jiang Xindie all spoke up.

Facing Jiang Chen, they were very nervous.

After all, even Tao Jing had met Jiang Chen once before.

To them, these characters who are infinitely close to Wu Zun are like gods!

"And Xu Huang and Chen Chuyun... the old man remembered it correctly, right?"

Finally, Jiang Chen's gaze fell on Xu Huang and Chen Chuyun, with bursts of emotion on their faces, "I think at the beginning, the old man was at your age, and he was only half a step away from reaching the peak of the late prefecture level. You will be able to step into the realm of the master! Your future achievements will never be low! It is only a matter of time before you get to the old man!"

These words...

Xu Huang and Chen Chuyun were greatly encouraged!

There was ecstasy on their faces.


Jiang Chen walked over with a smile and took a seat in the middle of the front row of the main seat. Then he waved his hand: "Sit down, everyone!"

At this moment, all the talents dare to sit down.

But that's it.

Jiang Chen noticed Lin Tian, ​​and this guy sat still in place.

It seems that he is not at all concerned about his arrival.

Who is this little guy?

Seeing that there is no aura, there is no trace of martial arts with both hands, is it an ordinary little guy?

Jiang Chen was puzzled.

However, he was too lazy to think, and then continued to Xu Huang and Chen Chuyun: "The realm of the pinnacle of the earth level seems to be only half a step away from the realm of the grandmaster, but in reality, the world is far away!"

Hear this.

Even Hu Yong, Tian Ji and the others were full of solemn faces and set their ears to listen.

Their cultivation base is basically at the late prefecture level.

They also want to hopefully break through to the martial arts master.

It's not easy!

It is extremely difficult to break through the realm of the master.

Now that they heard Jiang Chen mention this, they suddenly became concerned.

Jiang Chen is going to mention one or two!

The other students present also stared wide-eyed.

"Please also Mr. Jiang for advice!"

Neither Xu Huang nor Chen Chuyun were fools, they were full of ecstasy and respectfully hugged Jiang Chen.

"If you want to break through the realm of the master, no matter how talented you are, it will be quite difficult!"

Jiang Chen sighed and said, "What you have to do now is to continuously hone yourself and lay a solid foundation. When your cultivation reaches the pinnacle of the prefecture level, that is, the half-step grandmaster, you can practice and move around! At that time, It’s no longer something you can break through asceticism, but you need to understand your own state of mind and the aura of heaven and earth... When you reach the realm of your own master, it will be a natural breakthrough!"

"Because the Grand Master's realm is divided into two parts, the acquired realm and the innate realm! The acquired state is the initial match between one's own mood and body and the heaven and the earth, and the innate is the induction with the heaven and the earth!"

It turned out to be so!

Some words made many people suddenly cheerful.

Even Hu Yong and others, who had worked hard for decades, were suddenly surprised.

Because these things are not what they can understand!

On weekdays, where can a martial arts master give them such lectures in person?

Not far away, Mr. Lu and the others have been sitting and taking notes. This is a good opportunity to perfect their theory!

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