Lin Tian took a seat and took a sip of tea.

Then he smiled and said: "The realm of Wuzun is indeed a bit difficult! But the realm of Martial Master, you are still fine!"

"It's just that you came here to practice martial arts, especially in the middle of the night, when you run out, don't your parents worry about you?"

"Also, some of the lonely men and women are not so good!"

But something.

Jiang Xindi suddenly fell silent again.

She held both hands of the teacup and clenched them tightly, her finger bones turning white.

She lowered her head, and soon tears fell silently.


Lin Tian was blindfolded immediately.

He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while.

Why are you crying!

He just asked a few words of concern!

"You are not afraid that I will bully you?"

Lin Tian blinked and asked helplessly.

Jiang Xin took a deep breath and gently wiped his eyes.

Then she raised her head and said with a wry smile: "No! It made you laugh! I just suddenly remembered something..."

"As for coming here, Grandpa doesn't know! Besides, in Nanshan, few people dare to bully me! In addition, I am the highest level of profound cultivation, and few are my opponents!"

This is also true!

Lin Tian nodded slightly.

"Um... Tomorrow is Ziqi’s engagement reception. Maybe you have to leave too. I want to ask you for advice. Maybe there are not many opportunities! Why don't you give me pointers now?"

Jiang Xindi said to Lin Tian with a look of expectation.

"Naturally, there is no problem! You go now to hit a set of punches, and I will see your cultivation techniques and techniques!"

Lin Tian pointed to the bottom and said.

Jiang Xin Dimei's eyes were shining brightly, and she hurriedly got up and jumped down.

Under Lin Tian's attention.

She began to punch and practice.

In the Nanshan martial arts world, even in the land of Dongshan, Jiang Xindie is considered a martial arts genius!

Therefore, her improvement in cultivation is very amazing.

Now he was only at the age of twenty, and he was already at the peak of the profound level.

With her hard work and speed, it can take up to one year to set foot on an Earth-level warrior!

In the land-level realm, that is the martial arts master level!

If there is no surprise, I am afraid that at the age of 30, he may be able to reach the pinnacle of the earth level, and he is one step away from the master of martial arts!

of course.

Compared with the top geniuses, such as Xu Huang and Chen Chuyun and other talented martial arts geniuses, Jiang Xindie is still a little bit close!

Those two people are now a few years older than Jiang Xindi, but they are already the pinnacle of the prefecture level. At most a few years, they will have the opportunity to step into the realm of the master!

And Jiang Xin's practice and martial arts, naturally, there are many problems, there are many flaws and practice problems!

Lin Tian did not immediately point out and correct it.

But let her play only another martial skill.

It's amazing to be able to practice two martial arts!

However, I learned from Jiang Xindi that the martial arts was obtained by accident by his grandfather, and she was the only younger brother who could practice in the family!

Lin Tian finally nodded and said, "There are many problems! After you follow my changes, you will practice overnight and enter the Earth-level realm tomorrow morning, no problem!"


Jiang Xindi's eyes widened and her face was incredibly full.

Lin Tian looked as usual, and began to point out the problems and flaws in various aspects one by one.

Jiang Xindie's expression became more solemn, listening attentively, and every time she went to some place, her face suddenly realized.

She was aware of the many problems in previous cultivation, but she was unable to understand and change it.

Now, with Lin Tian's guidance, it is simply to see the moon in the clouds!


Jiang Xin sank into practice one after another.

For a while, she seemed to have forgotten Lin Tian next to her.

Can see this scene.

Lin Tian nodded appreciatively.

He turned around and lay down directly on the sofa in the semi-enclosed living room.

It looks a bit crude and crude here, but it is better than quiet and fresh air.

And in this cold weather, inside this cliff cave, it's actually warm.

Lin Tian squinted on the sofa soon.

I do not know how long it has been.


He heard the sound of splashing water below.

Before he opened his eyes, a weak body was already leaning against him.

The unique fragrance of the girl's body constantly penetrated into his nostrils.

Lin Tian had to open his eyes and found that Jiang Xindi was hugging his knees and leaning on him.

And this girl, wearing only a thin dress, can see everything clearly!

"Put your clothes on!"

Lin Tian frowned slightly and moved away at the same time.

"But, did you break through?"

Looking closely at this moment, I found that Jiang Xindi was already a warrior in the early stage of the Earth level.

This breakthrough was much faster than he expected.

It's just that Jiang Xindi was not as happy as he thought, instead, he looked back at him and said bitterly: "Do you think I am...very cheap?"

"No! It's just that you want to repay me, and you don't have to do that!"

Lin Tian shook his head and said solemnly.

"Not in return! It's for Ziqi! You are willing to help her, I am willing to do anything!"

Jiang Xindi looked at Lin Tian with a serious face and said: "I don't think my beauty belongs to Ziqi. If you speak, I will do what you want! As long as you can help her..."

"Five years ago, my parents went to sea and never came back! And Qiqi is my best girlfriend and friend, all my heartfelt voices are shared with her, she is like my family! I know my parents cannot I'm back, it should be a shipwreck, and Qiqi I don't want her to have a bad life..."

"Except for Grandpa, Qiqi is the person who knows me best!"

This time.

Lin Tian finally understood the reason for Jiang Xindi's tears before.

It turned out that the parents had an accident!

It can be seen that Nian Ziqi and her are the best and best friends!

Otherwise she would not make such an act of sacrificing herself!

"Sorry, your sadness was mentioned!"

Lin Tian said apologetically.

"It's okay! Grandpa told me that my parents may not be dead, maybe they are trapped somewhere..."

Jiang Xin smiled bitterly, as if comforting herself.

When Lin Tian saw this, he could only helplessly say: "Well, I will go to the reception tomorrow, and I will talk to Ziqi, if she doesn't want to, this will be the engagement!"

Hear the words.

Jiang Xin was extremely pleasantly surprised, calling out and rushing directly on Lin Tian, ​​embracing him.

With Wenxiang Nephrite under his nose, Lin Tian could only smile and shook his head.

Finally he hugged Jiang Xindi and said, "In front of the outside, this is not good!"

"That... I'm just so excited!"

Jiang Xin's face flushed, lowered her head.

"It's late, get some rest! I'll sleep on the sofa!"

Lin Tian pointed to the bedroom on the other side and said.

Jiang Xindi's eyes were full of complex colors, she looked at Lin Tian, ​​and her heart was violently moved, which meant that it was unspeakable.

In the middle of the night.

Near dawn, Lin Tian heard intermittent whispers vaguely.

"Dad...Mom...Grandpa said you weren't dead, and you were arrested by bad guys. I will work hard and save you..."




With continuous dreams, Lin Tian got up and walked to the bedroom, watching Jiang Xin curling up on the bed, his whole body was trembling constantly, his eyes flushed, and silent tears shed, but his graceful and intact figure looked extremely bleak.

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