The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3662: Fire-eater

"Be careful!"

Just when Lin Tian thought that the burning heart broke open and everything was over, Xiaoshuai Yan hurriedly reminded: "The remaining flame is the powerful soul of Huo Mei. We must hold our breath and hold our breath to withstand this remnant soul blow. !"

Heard this.

Lin Tian's heart was awe-inspiring, and he hurriedly faced the remaining flame on the already torn apart sarcophagus, his expression dignified.

He sat down with Yan Xiaoshuai on the spot, holding his breath, and all his consciousness converged.

Although, he is very confident about his spiritual consciousness!

What's more, there are still these Nine Rank Chaos Orbs, and ordinary soul attacks will not have much effect for him.

But Huo Mei just now was too weird.

Lin Tian hasn't seen it.

It is better to be cautious!


Suddenly, it passed by like a gust of wind.

The remaining flames turned into sparks, like raindrops scattered in the secret room.

For an instant.

Lin Tian only felt that dangerous intangible things poured into his body.

And this moment.

He only felt that his soul was attacked by something terrible, instantly stinging, and a little dizzy. If it hadn't been prepared, if it hadn't been for the existence of the Rank Nine Chaos Orb, he might have been talking at this moment!


Successfully resisted the last remaining blow of Huo Mei!

Had it not been for Yan Xiaoshuai's reminder, he would definitely be injured!

It's no joke to know that the soul is hurt.

Lin Tian couldn't help but secretly rejoice.

He stood up and looked at Xiaoshuai Yan next to him.

This guy is a little uncomfortable at this time!

His complexion was a little pale, his figure was swaying when he was sitting cross-legged, and there was pain and struggle between his eyebrows.

Obviously, this is fighting with the remaining flames of Huo Mei!

Lin Tian watched from the sidelines, and finally he stepped forward, pressing his palm on top of Yan Xiaoshuai's head.


There was a slight noise.

Threads of black rock emerged from Yan Xiaoshuai's head.

Yan Xiaoshuai's pale face eased slightly, and his body relaxed.

He opened his eyes and Lin Tian also put down his hands.

Xiaoshuai Yan quickly stood up and bowed to Lin Tian: "Thank you brother Lin Tian for helping! This kindness, Xiaoshuai Yan remembered!"

He has a solemn look, obviously Lin Tian's help, he really remembers it!

Because it was too dangerous just now.

If Lin Tian didn't make a move, it would be difficult for him to say whether he could survive the soul battle just now!

After all, his spiritual knowledge is somewhat too weak!

The reason why I dared to deal with Huo Mei is that it is the Huo Clan who has a unique secret method to deal with it.

But this is somewhat reluctant to deal with!

So Yan Xiaoshuai also has some lingering fears!

"A lot of things here are weird!"

Lin Tian was also a little scared, nodded and said, "But we also help each other, there is no great kindness!"

Now he also understands why it is called Fen Xinjian.

This fiery soul attack was terrifying.

If he is not careless, he will suffer!

Fortunately, there is no danger.

The words just fell.

There was a loud bang, and the door of the secret room opened!

"Now you continue to lead the way! It should still be Burning Heart Valley down, right?"

Lin Tian pointed to the passage over there and said.

"Yes! Burning Heart Valley! There are many treasures there!"

Yan Xiaoshuai's eyes lit up, and he was very excited: "But you have to be careful! There should be a lot of monsters similar to Huomei! But don't worry, Huomei can't be as powerful as this!"

"Burning Heart Valley, maybe the spiritual fire is located!"

Lin Tian looked at the passage with expectation in his expression.

But at the same time. ,

He is also a little worried.

Can Leng Yin and others pass through these secret rooms?

If you can't get through, forget it.

If you try hard... I'm afraid it will be very dangerous!

Lin Tian frowned and said to Xiaoshuai Yan: "I had a few friends who came in before, if they also encounter this situation..."

"Do not worry!@"

Yan Xiaoshuai waved his hand and said with a smile: "There is a wonderful thing about this Fire Cloud Ghost Realm, that is, the danger is relative! That is, every time you enter, the arrangement of the secret room and the degree of danger is random!"

"And the degree of danger here will only appear in one passage! Just like ours! It means that the degree of danger in other secret rooms and passages is several times less than here!"

Is that so?

This Fire Cloud Ghost Realm is really interesting!

Lin Tianxin was very surprised, and at the same time relieved.

if it is like this.

There shouldn't be much danger to Leng Yin and others!

after that.

Lin Tian followed Yan Xiaoshuai into the passage.

I do not know how long it has been.

After walking through the channel.

The front is suddenly cheerful.

And almost all that caught your eye was a large expanse of fire.

There is a mountain in the front, and there is nothing in the distance in the distance.

It seems to be an endless place, and it seems to be a void?

But Lin Tian just glanced at it and felt the deadly danger.

Don't go to those places!

And in the mountains ahead, there are bursts of flames lingering.

There are on the ground and above in mid-air.

But fortunately, the flames are all in clusters, very scattered and not dangerous.

Behind the mountains is a valley.

There was a blaze blazing into the sky.

Vaguely, there was the roar of Dao Dao Beast.

"The Burning Heart Valley is ahead!"

Yan Xiaoshuai's eyes glowed with excitement, and he hurriedly said to Lin Tian.

He was already repeatedly looking at the animal skin drawings in his hand to determine where he was ahead.

"Burning Heart Valley, let's go!"

Yan Xiaoshuai greeted Lin Tian and hurriedly said.

The two walked up and down the mountain.

Burning Heart Gu looked very close from a distance, but when he moved forward, he found that it was still very far away. ,

On the mountain ridge, Lin Tian also found a lot of passage exits around.

Those should be the exits of other secret rooms!

When other people came out there, they could easily see the location of Burning Heart Valley.

But above the mountains, there was no one, and it was obvious that no one else could get out of the secret room between the ghost realm!

Walked through a mountain range again.

A large flaming bush suddenly appeared in front of him.

That is the fire cloud bush!

It seems very common.

But at this time, in the bushes of the fire cloud, can you see red figures, huge as a cow!

"It's the Fire-Swallowing Beast! Hahahaha... I found the Fire-Swallowing Grass!"

Yan Xiaoshuai was very excited and laughed, turning his head to look at Lin Tian, ​​with a serious expression: "Brother, can you help me again this time?"

Lin Tian's spiritual consciousness was already sweeping towards the fire cloud bush not far away.

There was a flaming red figure, shaped like a bison, with fangs on its mouth, accompanied by a rush of flames.

Fire-swallowing beast?

Lin Tian thought, turning around to Xiaoshuai Yan and said, "You won't let me kill this fire-swallowing beast with you? This thing looks at least a Tier 4 or Tier 5 monster, comparable to the early days of Jin Dan! Are you sure again? I'm afraid I might not be able to protect you after a while!"

"Haha...I don't need you, brother! You only need you to help me withstand the attacks of other fire-swallowing beasts!"

Yan Xiaoshuai patted his heart with confidence.

With Lin Tian's help, it would be more secure, and he started gearing up.

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