The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3815: Colorful Fenghua

Thunderworm is like a torrent at this time.

Directly submerge Lin Tian and Mengduo, etc.!

These thunder worms kept banging their attacks on the fire shield offered by Mondo, the horrible impacts and attacks, just like the thunder, roaring endlessly.

This made Lin Tian and others who were in the fire shield frightened.

Mainly because these thunderbugs are too many!

Moreover, Qiongyuan and Zuo Jingxiong beside them did not forget to attack outwards. Every time they attacked, they were terrible, but they fell on the thunder worms without any damage.

As Mundo said, the defense of these things is amazing!

"Don't bother! Even if you can hurt them, really kill one, it will be enough for a while!"

Mondo shook his head helplessly, and said to Qiongyuan and Zuo Jingxiong.

The two immediately gave up.

Their attacks could not break the defenses of these thunderworms, the defenses of these things were really terrifying.

If it weren't for Mundo's fire shield to prevent these thunderworms, it would be hard to say whether everyone could walk through this branch.

"So difficult!"

Mo Xiaomo looked at the Thunder Worm in front of him through the fire shield, his face full of curiosity.

A little bit.

She suddenly jumped off Lin Tian's shoulder and swept away.

"do not go!"

Mengduo's face changed suddenly, and he shouted anxiously.

But Mo Xiaomo had already flown outside, and soon turned into a black dragon more than ten meters long.

Then, with a huge dragon mouth, she swallowed a few thunder worms directly.

"The flames on these thunderworms are not ordinary flames..."

Mondo quickly reminded Mo Xiaomo.

Can be the next moment.

He hurriedly stopped talking.

Because after being swallowed by Mo Xiaomo, those thunderworms turned into crunchy jelly beans, and they were swallowed by Mo Xiaomo one by one.

Dozens of thunder worms were swallowed.

Hundreds of thunder worms also felt the danger, so frightened and hurriedly stopped their attacks, and then scattered as birds and beasts, and re-entered the cracks in the branches.

"I forgot, you are the ancient black dragon..."

Mundo couldn't help letting out a wry smile.

At this time, he also directly removed the fire shield.

The disappeared Thunderworm did not dare to appear again.

"Hehe... How can the thunder and fire on their bodies hold my Long Yan?"

Mo Xiaomo turned into a little girl again, and fell on Lin Tian's shoulders, and said with some regret: "It's a pity, I escaped too fast, otherwise I can make up more!"

Lin Tian glanced at this little girl speechlessly, thinking that his spirit fire should be able to cope with those thunder worms, right?

Just now I saw that Mondo had fire shield protection, so Lin Tian was too lazy to try it.

With Ray insect's encounter, the group seemed much more cautious.

Mundo moved slowly ahead.

Except for encountering another wave of Lei worms again, there is no other danger.

With Mo Xiaomo's move, those Thunderworms were directly frightened by the eating!

Two hours later.

Lin Tianwait followed Mondo and finally approached the crack at the entrance of the 9527 Tiankeng.

After Mondo's explanation.

Lin Tian also learned that the so-called Tiankeng was actually located below the Sea of ​​Demon Fire.

Entrance to Tiankeng.

Usually it is covered by the fire of the demon fire sea.

But there is a very strange formation in the tiankeng, and even the turbulent fire water can't flow back into it.

The entrance in front of you.

A lot of void cracks appeared when the branches of the void smashed open.

It can be seen that the empty branches are still passing by the entrance of the tiankeng.

Look far away.

The entrance to the long and narrow tiankeng is at least ten kilometers in diameter.

There is a gray area below and nothing can be seen.

On the edge of the entrance to the tiankeng, the fire water of the demon sea of ​​fire swept up and rose into the sky, causing countless flames in the surrounding void to fly everywhere.

It’s just amazing that none of these fire waves entered the sinkhole at all.

"This is not the original entrance of the tiankeng. It was smashed by the void tree, and because the bottom of the tiankeng was bigger, it was actually a crack that was smashed and collapsed! But this is not important. There are strange things under the tiankeng. Array blessing..."

Mondo pointed to the irregular crack entrance under the empty branches in the distance, and said to Lin Tian and others: "It is very likely that there will be a divine thunder from the sky ahead, we have to be careful!"

"But as long as you follow me well, nothing will happen!"


Mundo has taken out a strange crystal with colorful light from his body.

He muttered a word and played several magic tricks, and then the crystal on his back flew up and swept forward.

"Let's keep up!"

Mundo said quickly.

Lin Tian waited with doubts in his heart.

But still keep up.

Go some distance.

Lin Tian clearly felt the pressure of thunderstorms around him.

In the air.

You can still hear the thunderous sound of crackling.

Qiongyuan and Zuo Jingxiong, who were walking nearby, also heard it. ,

They all shrunk their necks, as if they were facing an enemy.

"God Thunder?"

Qiongyuan couldn't help muttering.

Mo Xiaomo blinked those big eyes and said in amazement: "It's not too powerful to listen to the momentum!"


But she only spoke.

There was a dull crackling sound in the air immediately.

A black lightning exploded directly in front.

The void appears twisted.

The fire waves not far away have evaporated.

Those water waves are obviously far away, but they evaporate directly!

The void branch was chopped so that a big hole appeared.

This scared Lin Tian's body and spirit fire immediately shrouded.

But the next moment.

The thunder was directly immersed in the colorful crystal in front of Mondo with the situation visible to the naked eye!

look carefully.

You can still see the thunder constantly swimming in it.

See this.

Lin Tian couldn't help showing a look of horror.

Just now, Lin Tian had to resist with all his strength the horror aura that the outer **** Lei contained but did not reveal.

But in the end, the thunders were all absorbed by this colorful crystal...or it was swallowed!

"What treasure are you?"

Lin Tian asked in shock.

Qiongyuan, Zuo Jingxiong and Mo Xiaomo were also very curious.

"Hey...this is what I got from Mondo on an expedition! At that time, I encountered the **** of heaven and almost died, and it saved me! I call it Colorful Fenghua!"

Mengduo's face was full of contentment, and said to Lin Tian and others: "In addition to this day's outer **** thunder, it can still be lower than the thunder robbery of Crossing Tribulation! Not only that, the thunder that it absorbs can also be used for cultivation! Miraculous, isn't it? "


More than magic, this is simply the treasure of heaven and earth!

Lin Tian's eyes widened, staring at the colorful crystal in horror, with countless shock and envy in his eyes.

Such a treasure.

It was the first time he heard about it!

Being able to absorb Thunder Tribulation is enough to drive countless monks crazy!

If it was another time, Lin Tian might have already moved his mind, thinking about how to grab this colorful beauty!

But looking at Mondor's silly appearance, he had no thoughts at all!

This big man is also a little innocent. Such treasures are also told to others. When he is in the realm of comprehension, he has long been targeted by countless strong people!

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