The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3879: Divine fruit overwhelming

"Then what's going on now?"

Lin Tian blinked, also a little blindfolded.

He didn't know much about this so-called fire spirit.

Even if it was Mo Xiaomo, he probably had no memory of this aspect, so his face was at a loss.

If according to Wuma Tieyu's words, this fire spirit is true, and the spirit fire can't swallow all its power.

Then it won't turn into powder like this easily.

What's the situation now?

Lin Tian was puzzled.

"Father, what to do, what to do..."

Wuma Yanran was anxious, pulling Wuma Tieyu at a loss.

This fire spirit is finally getting it.

Why is it so extinct!

The sacred mountain of the Titan Star Territory relies on the fire spirit.

But now, to fall short?

Wuma Yanran was a little unacceptable.

If the sacred mountain is gone, the entire Titan Star Territory may exist in name only!

They may be homeless afterwards!

"Young Patriarch..."

Seventh elders and other elders did not know what to do.

"calm down!"

Wuma Tieyu took a deep breath at this time to calm himself down. He looked at the empty palm, and then his eyes fell on the red powder on the ground.

At this time something was found wrong.

Because the red powder falling on the ground was slowly disappearing at this time.

They are infiltrating towards the ground bit by bit.

"It's made by automation? It's not good!"

Wuma Tieyu's eyes widened, and he quickly reacted.

But it was still a step slower.

A fiery red light swept away from the ground, and then flew towards the cave. In the blink of an eye, the red light disappeared in the cave.

Lin Tian was also overwhelmed by this scene.

That fire spirit was so deceitful that he could escape in this way.

But at this moment, Mo Xiaomo suddenly puzzled: "Do you think, what kind of treasure is the fire spirit of the Void Tree?"

"Furthermore, one of the treasures of heaven and earth! The Void Tree itself is rare, let alone the fire spirit within the Void Tree!"

Wuma Yanran replied simply.

Mo Xiaomo nodded gently and said, "That's obvious. This thing is so spiritual, so easy to catch? I was thinking, I suspect that the bead just now is just one of the clones of the fire spirit! If it's the main body, It shouldn't be so easy to escape, and it's even less likely to escape in this way!"

"I don't know the body of the fire spirit, and I have never seen it... But even if it is a powerful treasure, it will be a great loss to yourself if you escape in this way! What's more, you haven't been able to consume a single bit of it in thousands of years. Do you think it's weird?"


Wuma Tieyu and others were dumbfounded.

They naturally know the avatar.

With these great abilities, they have the opportunity to cultivate their own clones when they have cultivated to this level.

But it is very difficult.

So they didn't think about it.

Now that they heard Mo Xiaomo's reminder, they suddenly felt that it was very possible!

"Now what?"

After a long while, Wuma Tieyu came back to his senses, and said in a daze: "If this fire spirit still has a second clone, even a third and a fourth..."

Speaking to the end.

Wuma Tieyu's face turned pale.

If that is the case.

If they want to get the fire spirit, their hope is...very slim!

Especially when the fire spirit in front of me has escaped without knowing whether it was the main body or the clone, how to find it?

Seeing Wuma Tieyu not knowing how to look good, Lin Tian smiled and said: "You have dealt with this fire spirit for thousands of years, right? Now that it is finally defeated, isn't it a good thing? Whether it is the clone or the main body, at least now We can enter the channel! Now that we have entered the channel, the avatar and body of the fire spirit can be found inside, and even if there are other places, there will be clues left! Thousands of years have been here, not less than a little time in front of us. Right?"

Some words.

But Wuma Tieyu woke up a little bit.

The seventh elder said to Lin Tian with great excitement: "Little brother, then... Then you must continue to help us! As long as you can get the fire spirit, you are the benefactor of my Titan Star Territory. How to repay me, as long as I wait If you can do it, even if you use all the power of the Titans, it will help you!"

"Let's not talk about it! Let's enter the passage first. I still need to get the Void Fruit and Void Wood Heart!"

Lin Tian waved his hand, then pointed to where the cave was and said, "You have never been in the cave, and you don't know your physical condition. You can only know what's going on when you enter!"

"This seat leads the way!"

Without waiting for other words, Wuma Tieyu was already in the lead and walked first and stepped into the cave.

Relying on his strong strength, he is not afraid of many dangers.

No matter how powerful the fire spirit is, at best it can compete with him.

After all, if he has reached the Nirvana Realm and other existences, in one world, it can be said that he is a rare opponent!

In the entire world of Void Tree, the strongest of many races, who can handle him, may be the tree of a slap!

So it can be said that Wuma Tieyu is like an invincible existence!

"Father, can this cave be the area where the fruit of the void is connected?"

When everyone entered the cave passage, the surroundings were a little dark. Wuma Yanran looked around and couldn't help but said to Wuma Tieyu: "When we first entered this dome world, we found that it was divided into several areas! Fortunately, we were divided into several areas! We restrained everything and fixed it tightly together!"

"On the side of the Void Fruit, we have never been close to the area where the real Void Fruit is located except for the core of the Void Fruit that accidentally dropped from above!"

Hear the words.

Wuma Tieyu nodded and said, "After all, it is the dome world. Mutated Void Fruit is so easy to get! But fortunately, we met the little brother Lin Tian, ​​and the hope of getting Fire Spirit is even greater! As for Mutated Void Fruit, we No need, give it all to Brother Lin Tian and others!"

Lin Tian listened to the words of Wuma Tieyu, father and daughter, and now he knew that this dome world was divided into many regions.


Is the cave passage in front of you heading to another area?

There were fire spirits blocking here before, they couldn't make it through?

That thing, almost unbeatable, entangled with it, as powerful as Wuma Tieyu, it must be consumed to death!

There was Lin Tian Linghuo in front of him, which allowed the fire spirit to escape!

The cave passage is not long, Lin Tian and the others walked for about half an hour.

I saw the light flickering in the distance.

It is the exit of the channel!

Step out.

A floating island shaped like a washbasin appeared in front of it. It was not too big, but not too small. At least there were dozens of football fields.

There are lush vegetation, beautiful mountains and rivers, and you can see any traces of architecture.

But on the other side of the island, there was a huge tree root extending far away.

But at this time.

Lin Tian and others walked out of the tunnel, but looked up one after another, only to see a huge planet-like thing floating on top of their head, with an extremely oppressive feeling!

"Ah... it's... Void Fruit!"

Mo Xiaomo screamed in excitement first.

The divine fruit is overwhelming, and the void is full of endless vitality and aura.

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