The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3944: blow up fireworks

After the teleportation array really starts.

Everyone, including Lin Tian, ​​thought that everyone should be sent to the Palace of Winds.

But look in front of you.

Everyone was teleported to a space that was almost the same as the circular platform where the teleportation array was located before.

Just the space in front of you.

It is not the secret room space formed by the glass bridge cover and the main hall.

It seems that here, the teleportation circle is specially transmitted.

Seeing that it was not the Wind Palace, Mo Xiaomo was obviously a little frustrated.

"The black stone platform is exactly the same as the one in the teleportation array!"

Lin Tian narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "As for these red sandalwood boxes, what's in them?"

"Haha... Let's open it up and see if we don't know!"

Mondo said with a smile.

He stepped forward directly.

Others are vigilant and dare not move.

Lin Tian did not stop him.

He also wanted to see what was in the wooden box.

If you want to know the answer, after all, you have to open these wooden boxes.

"It won't be dice, will it?"

Mo Xiaomo glanced at the black stone platform not far away and said.

The others were stunned and reacted one after another.

The black stone platform in front of him is exactly the same as the three previous ones, except that the dice are missing.

There really isn't a dice in the box, is it?

Lin Tian couldn't help but look at Xian Mo Xiaomo in surprise and thought to himself.

Although he also thought about it.

at this time.

Mundo opened one of the boxes.

When they saw a white dice lying inside, everyone was stunned.

"Oh, it's really dice!"

Mundo couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's really dice!"

Mo Xiaomo was just guessing, but when he saw the dice inside, he exclaimed with excitement.

"Look at the other boxes!"

Lin Tian pointed to the other boxes and said to Mundo.

Mundo also thought about taking out the dice in the box.

But when he heard Lin Tian's words, he didn't dare to do anything, and instead continued to open the remaining boxes.

And sure enough.

The rest of the boxes are filled with white dice. ,

Everyone was stunned.

Nine boxes, nine dice!

"Now are we going to roll the dice again?"

Mundo scratched his head, looked at Lin Tian and said.

Others also cast their eyes.

"It looks like this!"

Lin Tian frowned slightly and nodded.

Now the question is.

Which dice to choose?

Or just pick one?

He was full of doubts.

Mo Xiaomo walked to the front of the nine boxes, turned around and said to Lin Tian, ​​"There is a fluctuation on the nine dice here, it should be a ban!"

"It's a ban!"

Lin Tian stepped forward, and he also sensed the restriction on the dice in the box.

Very clear.

This fluctuation is somewhat powerful, and it also gives a little sense of crisis.

"Since there are restrictions, can't you just choose?"

Mo Xiaomo asked again.

Mundo knew at this point that these dice were not easy.

He quickly backed away from the side.

Thinking that he almost picked up the dice in it just now, he couldn't help shivering.

If the restriction here is very strong, it may directly kill him!

"But... nine dice, which one to choose?"

Mundo scratched his head and asked.

Lin Tian gave a wry smile, shook his head and said, "I don't know either! But we have to make a choice... Let's all look at these dice, what's the difference! We have to find out!"

"But before that, it's best not to touch it lightly! If we see any clues, let's look at the negotiation and see which one to choose..."

from these dice.

Lin Tian could feel some sense of crisis.

It can be seen that these dice are not simple.

If something goes wrong, it could be dangerous.

Right now, safety comes first.

Wuma Tieyu and the others stepped forward and began to check the dice.

No one knows what kind of mystery there will be in these dice.

But maybe if you work together, someone will find something different.

Lin Tian's consciousness was constantly shrouded in repeated exploration, trying to see which of these dice was correct.

current situation.

Nobody knew what it was like.

In the end all dice can be used, or only one is right.

The dice lying in the box, facing up, have one point, two points, and six points, all different.

Some even stand upright at the corners, without any point going up.

After checking for a long time, Lin Tian couldn't see any difference.

"It seems that they are all the same, except for the point above..."

Mo Xiaomo said very puzzled.

Wuma Tieyu said solemnly at this time: "Nine dice, two one point, three six point, two standing corners, one three point, one five point! Only, there is no four point two point!"

This is the conclusion of Wuma Tieyu, and others have also noticed.

But these upward points do not seem to have any strict rules!

Although here, nine is the pole, normally, the ninth is directly selected.

But the secret room here is square.

Nine boxes, three in a row, form three rows, which are the same no matter which direction they come from, it is impossible to tell which one started first!

"Can't everyone see it?"

Lin Tian looked a little unsightly, looked at the crowd, and asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"What now? Or choose one at random?"

Mo Xiaomo asked in frustration.

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "If there is no way, I can only choose one!"

"Then I choose the stand angle!"

Mo Xiaomo shook his silver teeth.

Then she directly reached out and grabbed the dice.

This scared everyone and pushed them to the corner of the secret room.

No one knew if there was any danger.

Lin Tian couldn't help but step back.


After Mo Xiaomo grabbed the dice, nothing happened.

"It seems to be fine!"

The little girl's eyes lit up in surprise.

She was actually very anxious and uneasy.

But in front of her, she took the risk herself, and someone needed to choose the dice anyway.

"I'm going to roll the dice!"

Mo Xiaomo trotted to the black stone platform and threw the dice in his hand.

dang dang...

The dice made a crisp sound on the black stone table. ,

After the black stone table fell with the dice, a black light flickered up.

Points appear below the stone platform.


After the dice stop.

Lin Tian and the others were stunned.

Because the dice are still standing angles, and there are no points.

The light on the black stone also fell silent again, and no points appeared.


At this moment, a violent sound came from the remaining eight boxes.

The red sandalwood boxes trembled.

The dice inside were like exploding popcorn, rattling.

bang bang...

The next moment, all the dice and wooden boxes exploded. Colorful clouds and auras swept the entire secret room. The wooden boxes and dice exploded into the air, shattered like fireworks, and disappeared.

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