The Strongest Student in the City

Chapter 3947: Heavenly Heart Devil

The Dragon Clan's voice transmission secret slips condensed out of thin air are shocking enough in themselves.

The Wuma Tieyu and the others who were watching were already horrified.

Lin Tian's eyes shrank suddenly, and his heart trembled.

in the past.

Condensing a sound transmission jade slip out of thin air is naturally no problem.

But to know.

The so-called Rubik's Cube secret room in front of me may have existed for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, or even longer!

Condensing the jade slip with the power of cultivation, it exists here for so long and does not dissipate, but it is not that simple!

The cultivation base and the attainments on the way of the formation method required for this are unimaginable!

And the old voice came from the sound transmission secret slip.

It is even more oppressive.

this moment.

Wuma Tieyu and the others all felt the pounding of a giant hammer in their hearts.

Even Lin Tian felt a heartbeat.

The person who made the voice in this secret slip is powerful, and Lin Tian felt that his previous life was only so powerful!

And listen to the words in the secret.

Everyone knows it.

The so-called secret room here is called Fenglong Rubik's Cube!

The name of the wind dragon means that this must be the way to the real wind temple.

It's just that the road has become a so-called secret room Rubik's Cube!

Not only that, but there are actually eighty-one rooms in this so-called Rubik's Cube secret room!

Have you passed through these eighty-one secret rooms to reach the Wind Palace?


In that room just now.

Everyone tried their best, but they couldn't find the real dice.

Good luck.

above the origin.

Successfully rolled two points.

Then everyone appeared here!

Behind, there are nearly eighty secret rooms.

No wonder the secret note reminds that it is not easy to break through the eighty-one secret rooms!

However, this also reminded the person who left the secret text transmission.

If you break through all the secret rooms.

Will get the inheritance and treasures he left behind.

Those who are not from the Dragon Clan cannot obtain the so-called inheritance memory.

But you can get treasures!

A treasure that can cause countless ethnic groups to set off a **** storm, what kind of existence is that?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but get excited.

What's more, there is the so-called law of wind.

Even if there is no real law, there may be a seal of the law!

This is the most exciting!

Even if you want to break through these 81 secret rooms, it is extremely difficult.

But it's all here now.

If you don't break in, you have to break in!

"Elder Fenglong, this is definitely the voice of Elder Fenglong! It's the sound transmission secret letter he left behind to save money..."

Mo Xiaomo was the most excited, exclaiming again and again.

She looked up at the secret note in the middle of the room, her eyes flashed with excitement and admiration, and her eyes were red.

This is the ancestor of the dragon clan. As a descendant of the dragon clan, she was abandoned and longed to return to the clan and to see her fellow clan.


She was both excited and sad to hear the voice of the elder with her own ears.

"This is the second secret room!"

The old voice in the secret note sounded again.

Quietly rippling in the ears of everyone.

"If you want to break through the secret room, you have to find dice. There are only nine boxes, and only one is a real dice! But here is not to find out the real and fake dice, but to punish and reward, and pass the level!"

"In the nine boxes, in addition to a real dice, there may also be punishments and rewards! The rewards are top-quality spirit crystals!"

The best spirit crystal!

Hearing this, everyone's heart was in a great formation, and they all showed a look of astonishment.

To know.

Lingjing is an existence that is countless times more precious than Lingshi.

Ordinary low-grade spirit crystals are much more precious than top-grade spirit stones.

Not to mention the legendary top-quality spirit crystal!

Lin Tian's heart was also shocked, his eyes were shining brightly.

The best spirit crystal!

This is definitely a good thing for him right now!

Breaking through the realm will become easier, and there will be more support for the spiritual energy of cultivation!


This secret room has to be cleared, and there are rewards and punishments!

There is only one box for the dice!

The remaining eight boxes, I am afraid that there should not be many top-quality spiritual crystals!

There is a box with punishment, I am afraid that it will occupy the majority!


The old voice continued to come.

"If the opened box is not a dice or a top-quality spirit crystal, then it is a punishment!"

"The way of punishment is the invasion of demons from outside the sky! No matter how many people enter here, they will be randomly attacked. Those who can't bear it will go into flames and be wiped out!"

"Good luck waiting for you!"


The old voice fell.

The sound transmission secret note in mid-air also slowly dissipated at this time, like a puff of smoke, dissipating completely.

But at this time, the room in the secret room fell into silence.

One by one just felt cold all over.

Even Lin Tian's heart sank to the bottom.

He heard the old voice clearly.

Punishment is an alien demon!

That is very scary stuff!

Once it enters the body and enters the soul, it will be extremely dangerous!

If one is not good, it will really be in ashes!

The outer demon is a kind of existence that is difficult to describe.

Lin Tian has never seen the specific quantification.

only know.

Inner demons are invisible and invisible things.

An attack by a demon from outside the sky is the deepest blow to the soul.

Of course.

The outer demons are also strong and weak!

Powerful, even Master Duanmuyue has to be cautious!

Weak, that is, it has a little influence on the weak baby!

In the folk saying of the mortals at the bottom, it means that the yin is too heavy!

And the inner demon in this secret room in front of me, I'm afraid... not easy!

"Ahhh... is this old man going to let us die here?"

Mo Xiaomo recovered from his original excitement and screamed on the spot.

In her memory, there is a description of the outer demon.

She knew very well how terrible that thing was.

What's more, she is from the Black Dragon Clan, and she is not a strong point in the soul.

Let her experience the attack of the outer demon, isn't that courting death!

"Who knows?"

Lin Tian spread his hands, shook his head and said, "Now we can only pray that our luck will turn out better!"

"Then we don't do anything? In the face of the outer demons, we can only wait to die..."

Mondo said very frustratedly.

Others looked solemn and nervous.

"Naturally, it's not like doing nothing! The inner demons outside the sky are similar to us being obsessed with the devil! It's just that what we usually say is an uncontrollable accident, or we are distracted, and the original inner demons are organically controlled. Take advantage of it! But the inner demon in front of us is obviously taking the initiative to attack! Its attack is naturally our mind! We need our powerful consciousness to defend..."

Lin Tian shook his head and said solemnly.

Lin Tian was also a little afraid of the demons outside the sky.

But not too frightened, he has too many means to resist!

The other people in front of you may not be so good at dealing with the outer demons!

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