All the big-headed Balrogs were killed by Lin Tian.

The magic pills that appeared floating were all smashed.

The nine doors of light in the secret room of the Rubik's Cube all disappeared at this time.

"It can really crush them all!"

Lin Tian was shocked and surprised.

Everyone else looked happy.

The magic pill was shattered.

The nine doors of light also disappeared.

Without the Gate of Light, the big-headed Balrog did not appear, which meant that there would be no more endless appearances of that thing.

if not.

Really kills.

All of them may be consumed to death here.


A crisp sound rang out in this secret room.

A white dice.

Rolling on the floor in the middle of the secret room.

At last.

It stopped.

It's just that the dice stopped in a standing angle.

"Dice! Dice appeared!"

Everyone exclaimed at this time.

Mo Xiaomo flew forward excitedly and picked up the dice.

"It's really a dice that needs to be rolled!"

She rolled over and flew onto Lin Tian's shoulders, smiling like a child who got a toy. She was overjoyed: "We have passed another secret room! There are seventy-three more rooms! We will be able to pass soon!"

Others are also confident.

With the beginning, you will definitely be able to break through it step by step.

"Go and roll the dice!"

Lin Tian smiled lightly and said to Mo Xiaomo.

Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief after being able to pass through Room 8.

It seems that there are still seventy-three secret rooms.

But just get lucky.

Every time you roll the dice, you can get a larger number, and you can quickly cross many secret rooms.

"Okay, I'll come, I'll come..."

Mo Xiaomo jumped to the black stone platform in the corner of the room.

She took a few breaths at the dice and rubbed her hands again, her expression full of solemnity, as if she was going to do a sacred ceremony.

Then she duly rolled the dice.

Dangdang sound.

Soon the dice stopped.

"Three o'clock!"

"Why is it only three o'clock?"

Mo Xiaomo's face became depressed.

She sighed with remorse: "I knew I wouldn't do so much mess, just throw it out!"

"It's okay! It all depends on luck!"

Lin Tian shook his head and said.


Everyone stepped into the activated teleportation array.

Room Eleven!

This time, no sound transmission secret card appeared.

The layout of the secret room was also different from the previous one.

At the opposite end of the room, there is a black stone platform, and the top is also empty.

But beside this black stone platform, there is a wooden box.

On the edge of the wooden box, there was a giant monster shaped like a tortoise with six sharp claws but at least a hundred times larger than a grinding disc.

at this time.

The grinding disc monster lay there, motionless.

The appearance of Lin Tian and others did not seem to have caused it the slightest reaction.

can be far.

Lin Tian could sense its monstrous aura, and he felt a shudder in his soul.

this thing.

not to be trifled!

Lin Tian's expression became extremely solemn.

Not only that.

There are also groups of roosters around this grinding wheel monster!

That's right, it's a rooster!

It looked like there were a dozen of them.

They were all more than double the size of the usual rooster!

The whole body of feathers exudes layers of faint flames.

At first glance.

I thought it was a normal rooster.

But actually.

These **** are monsters!

There was a strong aura all over him.

Although it only has the strength around the peak of the Nascent Soul period.

But in the first sense, Lin Tian felt a threat from them.

These **** are not easy to mess with!

And at this time.

Wuma Tieyu and others are a little confused.

Looking at the rooster monster and the millstone monster, squatting on the edge of the wooden box and surrounding it, it is obvious that the dice should be inside the wooden box.

But these monsters are too weird.

"The rooster, and that's the turtle?"

Mo Xiaomo said in surprise: "This time, there is no sound transmission secret note, and there is no hint! So, do you want to kill these monsters and get the dice?"

Wuma Tieyu looked solemn, shook his head and said, "These monsters, I'm afraid it's not easy to mess with!"

"Look at the breath of these roosters, it's not too strong! I'll kill them!"

Meng Da waved his hand and stepped forward directly.

Flames surged around him, and a flame spear appeared in his hand.

The spear swung, tore through the void directly, and slammed down the roosters.

But what surprised everyone was.

As Mundo's flaming spear slammed down, the group of roosters didn't seem to sense any threat, and were still walking on the spot.


The flames raged, and the violent force swept the roosters.


The roosters were finally awakened.

A burst of chicken and dog jumping.

They fluttered and flew in panic.

When the attack fell, the group of attacks became quiet again.

Walking on the spot.

Such a scene.

Everyone was stunned.

Lin Tian also opened his mouth slightly, stunned on the spot.

What the **** are these attacks?

There was no fear of Mundo's attack.

There was no trauma whatsoever.

In other words, Mundo's attack, these roosters are immune!

"What monsters are they?"

Mo Xiaomo's beautiful eyes widened and exclaimed.

Mondo was also frightened.

He looked at the flame spear in his hand, and then at the group of roosters opposite him, his face full of disbelief.

The power of his own attack, how terrifying, he is very clear.

Even if it is faced by a strong man in the robbery, he must go all out!

But this group of attacks is just a rush to escape?

And soon he was walking around again.

"How weird!"

The seventh elder said solemnly at this time: "Try this old man!"

The old man directly sacrificed his magic weapon, set off a monstrous force, and smashed it down against the group of attacks.

The result of the attack is still the same as that of Mundo just now.

This group of rooster monsters can't do any harm at all.

"Immune to our attacks?"

Mundo scratched his head: "But don't attack us? Is it just a decoration? I'll take a look! Maybe I can take the box directly!"

After speaking, he stepped towards the wooden box.

Everyone did not stop.

Lin Tian frowned, watching Mundo go, he also wanted to see if he could get the box directly.

To be honest.

Shouldn't be that simple.

Especially the grinding wheel monster feels too dangerous.

Mondo was also cautious at this time.

Walking to the front of the group of roosters, he paused a little.

But the group of roosters didn't seem to see Mundo's coming, and they were still walking back and forth in the courtyard.

"Go directly over there?"

Mundo muttered.

I ignored the group of attacks, and then wanted to bypass them and walk to the wooden box.


But just as I was about to avoid a cock, the **** suddenly flew up in place, and slapped Mundo with both claws, and with a muffled sound, Mundo volleyed out!

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